Best of Friends

Both of them were happy with this. Although they didn't show it in their faces, inwardly they were celebrating that they found someone that has similar strength. Jun Qing would have been also a good fighting partner but his fighting style rely more on strength and not speed.

They wanted to continue fighting yet the teacher in charge came between them and announced, "Five minutes have passed. Mu Yue won the fight. She also becomes the rank 1 for the month!"

Mu Yue then recovered from the damages and approached Li Jie, "That was a good fight."

"Same to you, I learned a lot from the battle." Li Jie replied.

The two of them talked about their experiences in combat. They also talked about their swordsmanship and decided to spar sometime in the future.

Xiao Yan saw this and was mad. 'No! Why is Mu Yue acting like this after their fight but nothing happened after we fought?'

She decided to intervene in their chat, "Mu Yue! Congratulations on winning, let's go eat something and celebrate!"

Mu Yue agreed and said to Li Jie, "I'll be leaving first."

"Sure." Li Jie said.

Mu Yue and Xiao Yan then went to the cafeteria to eat.

'Mu Yue might get too close to Li Jie. I can't let that happen!' Xiao Yan thought. She didn't even notice that she was getting too possessive on Mu Yue.

"Mu Yue, do you want to go to a city once in a while? We could visit the cities when there is going to be an auction. You might get the chance to buy an item you needed." Xiao Yan suggested. Truthfully, this was just an excuse so she could be alone with Mu Yue.

"Sure" This was a good way for Mu Yue to obtain the items that could nourish her constitution. The sooner she gets it, the better. What she aims were the items that improve her body and not those that only add up to her cultivation.

The Frozen Yin Spiritual Gem was such an item. Not only did it improve her body, but it also increases her cultivation level.

After the event, she received a total of 3495 points. She got 1195 points for the test of energy control and test of will power, 800 points for getting rank 1, and 1500 points like what she got from last month.

When they both finished taking a bath, they then talked inside their room. While chatting, Xiao Yan felt the impulse to kiss Mu Yue. Deciding that there's nothing wrong because they are both girls, she kissed Mu Yue on the cheek after they finished chatting.

Mu Yue was stunned but quickly recovered and felt warm. She touched her cheek where the kiss landed and felt happy. She then asked, "Why did you kiss me?"

"It's a little reward from me. Don't like it?" Xiao Yan answered.

Tears flow out of Mu Yue's eyes. She tried to wipe her tears with her hands yet they continued flowing out.

"A-ah Mu Yue! Why are you crying?!" Xiao Yan panicked. She didn't expect Mu Yue to cry from being kissed.

"Ah, this… I'm just … too happy." Mu Yue calmed down and continued, "I felt lucky to have you as a friend Xiao Yan! Although we started as strangers you kept on being good to me. I don't even know how to repay you."

It has been a while since Mu Yue received a kiss. The old lady used to kiss her on her forehead. This was a show of love that she hadn't felt for a long time. After the old lady died, no one took care of her and they even despised her.

She was longing for love, hoping that a loving family will adopt her. Yet that hope was shattered when she was abandoned in the forest. She then felt happy when she met her Master Tian Ming who acted like a mother figure. But it only lasted for a month, they had to separate again.

It was then she decided to be strong so she could be with her master. As for revenge, that would be secondary.

"It's only natural that I am good to you Mu Yue. You are my friend and friends are good at each other." Xiao Yan then declared, "From this day forward, we are now the best of friends!"

This was the beginning of their journey that made them respected by the other cultivators. Their relationship was even envied by the others.