The Teachers' Interference

Although its heart was pierced, it still has enough time to swing its claws towards Wang Yong. Due to the disparity of strength, the claw pierced through Wang Yong's protective suit of spiritual energy and hits his chest. He was knocked back, leaving the spear embedded in the bear.

"Liu Yang, check his condition, and take care of him. The rest of us will take down the bear as fast as possible." Xiao Yan yelled.

The bear was still moving for a minute after losing its heart. The group quickly gathered around Wang Yong to check his condition.

"Is it life-threatening?" Fei Hong asked.

Liu Yang just finished bandaging Wang Yong's wound. "Fortunately, it's just some light wounds. The spiritual energy that covers him was able to block most of the damage."

"However, he currently cannot fight unless the wounds heal first. It might open up due to stress and it also hinders his movement due to the pain."

They retrieved his spear and stored the bear's carcass. They then came back to the safe spot near the pond.

"We should rest for the day. Only two tier 6 beasts remaining and we still have ten days. We will continue to hunt when Wang Yong's wound heals enough for him to properly move. However, we might have to not let him join the fights." Xiao Yan said.

The group then sets up their tents. They were planning to take it easy while waiting for Wang Yong's wounds to heal.

Meanwhile, the teachers have been observing them. They were then talking about the performance of the group.

"One of them got wounded. They handled that pretty well."

"Xiao Yan is a good leader, as expected of the principal's relative."

"The others also did well although they still have room for improvement."

While they are talking, a teacher from the side approached them and gave a suggestion.

"Since they will have to stop their hunt… Why not bring the hunt to them?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Let us lure some beasts towards their camp. Do it at night and we will see how they react!"

"Good Idea"

"Let's lure some wolves since they are known for their teamwork."

Back at the camp, the first group assigned for the night lookout just switched with the second group.

Mu Yue looked up to the moon. She then sang the lullaby she always sings when she was at the orphanage. It has been some time since she last sang this as she was always busy cultivating.

Xiao Yan and Liu Yang were listening to the sides. They made sure to not disturb Mu Yue. For Xiao Yan, the song makes Mu Yue more enchanting. She made sure to savor the view.

After Mu Yue finishes singing the lullaby, she noticed Xiao Yan and Liu Yang at the sides.

"Oh, you two were listening? Did I sing well?" Mu Yue asked. When she starts singing the lullaby, she always has her concentration on the song which was why she didn't notice the two.

"Your voice sounds lovely Mu Yue. It was my first time seeing you sing." Xiao Yan said. She was looking at Mu Yue lovingly which was noticed by Liu Yang.

"What's the name of the lullaby, Mu Yue?" Liu Yang asked.

Mu Yue just stared blankly for a while before replying, "I don't know the name. I just noticed now when you ask. I've been singing it yet I don't even know where I got it from."

Xiao Yan has been staring at Mu Yue for a while now. She slowly walks behind Mu Yue who was currently sitting. Just as she was about to hug her from behind-


Mu Yue quickly stands up. Because of this, her head hits Xiao Yan's face. She reflexively touched her head and when she realized what happened she quickly asked Xiao Yan, "Are you alright? I'm sorry…"

"I-its fine Mu Yue… We should first look at where the sound came from." Xiao Yan said while inwardly cursing, 'Damn it! The mood was so good. Those wolves just have to come at this time. I'll surely roast them so they could feel what it's like to be in hell!'

The three looked at the direction. With their enhanced eyesight, they saw the wolves rushing towards their camp.

"The wolves are going in our direction! Wake up the others, we will need to fight them. Liu Yang, activate the array." Xiao Yan commanded. She and Mu Yue went toward the boy's tent while a translucent shield covered their camp.