Learning from Battles

Some students recognized the two as they have seen the pair going around the school grounds. They all added the pair to their 'Must not offend' list.

The principal did this because he wanted the two to have a peaceful life in the school. Why not use influences to avoid trouble right?

He wanted them to concentrate on their cultivation. He only had three years remaining before he must leave this land. During those years, he will try his best to protect the two.

They sat back to their seats as the other teachers explain the rules and other stuff. The principal's job was basically to observe the students and look at the promising ones. Except for doing papers, this was the most carefree job in a school.

"Father, are the two tournaments the same or there are other differences?" asked Mu Yue.

"The tournament for Foundation Establishment students have more portions. It also includes more processes as well as additional competitions. For example, the combat portion of the tournament for Qi Condensation students was basically just to fight each other in the stage. While for the Foundation Establishment, there is going to be more process on how they will determine who could advance to the next round."

"There are also group competitions. This is where 5 students of the same school team up to defeat the other teams. They might also add new ones, who knows."

The principal explained the differences. Mu Yue then looked at the students that are fighting in the platforms.

"Is there someone who you wanted me to learn from, father? It would be best for me to observe them."

"I want you to look at that guy at the 5th platform. The one who holds a sword. He is not the best Sword Cultivator here but his skills are close to yours. He focuses on the speed of his strikes but still being able to control the sword well." Zhi Li said as he pointed at a direction.

"Xiao Yan, you should observe that girl on the 1st platform. You could learn some tricks from her." Zhi Li suggested.

Mu Yue observed the fights and noticed that the spiritual energy that covers the cultivators have differences to what she uses. This was called 'aura', a technique that Foundation Establishments and above can use.

This provides more benefits than the usual spiritual energy that covers Qi Condensation Cultivators. An increased defense as well as buffs that only the tempered bodies of Foundation Establishment can handle.

The 'Aura' is also one of the marks of being a true cultivator. Qi Condensation still counts as mortals.

"What you two should observe is how they fight and not their techniques. If you tried to comprehend their techniques, you will only get distracted." The principal reminded.

Mu Yue followed the advice of the principal. She found out that the guy always fights in close quarters and not letting the enemy rest. The guy also has movement techniques that enable him to jump away from the danger before going in again.

"Now you see the differences? Most sword cultivators fight like this but the difference is that this guy knows how to make his attacks cause more damage to his enemy. It was fine for him to not be successful in landing his attacks since every strike of his pressures the enemy to focus on defending. This, in turn, causes the enemy to attack less while he could continue attacking." The principal explained. He then added, "He also has movement techniques that suit his style. He can easily go back in close-quarter after jumping away or getting knocked back. Unlike you, who only relies on dashing and running fast."

Mu Yue listened and felt embarrassed. She thought she could get away from not having movement techniques as her speed is already fast. She now realized that others could be the same and will also have it.

Li Jie was the only one who could keep up with her but he was still slower. This made her build the mentality of being the strongest Sword Cultivator of her batch since she also had the teachings of her master.

"Father, can I look for movement techniques here? I could not go back as that will consume time for traveling." Mu Yue asked.

Zhi Li laughed and said, "Of course! I'm the principal and I could provide you any techniques as long as it's in the school. You don't even need to pay with points as it will be free."

Who cares what others thought of him abusing his position. As long as this could make his daughter happy, he could even blatantly ignore the rules!