Something Cliche

The capital was too large for them to finish exploring with just a few hours. They primarily went to the places that were near the tournament site.

"Mu Yue, let's try the food in that restaurant." Xiao Yan pointed to a restaurant that had a good decoration of its front. She also observed the customers of the restaurant and inferred that it should have decent food and services that made these people attracted to it.

"Sure." Mu Yue replied.

Xiao Yan grabbed her hand and both of them went inside the restaurant. She then asked for a table for two and they were led to it.

They finished selecting what they wanted to eat and were currently waiting for it to be served. They were just talking to each other when a group of boys approached them.

"May I ask for the name of the two beauties?" A rather good-looking man asked.

"No." He was straight up rejected by both Mu Yue and Xiao Yan. Mu Yue was even having a Deja Vu.

The man frowned when he was rejected but quickly replaced it with a smile. "I should have introduced myself first. I'm the second child of the General Xue's residence, Xue Pan You. Now, can I know your names?"

"We don't care! Please go away from us. We already told you that we don't like to give our names." Xiao Yan was starting to get angry but still used a rather polite way to reply. She doesn't care if she offends the other party but she hoped that they will scram away. They are wasting her precious time with Mu Yue.

Pan You did not expect to be blatantly rejected even after letting them know of his background. He just chases the other girls if he inferred that the other party has a lesser background.

Mu Yue and Xiao Yan were currently wearing their school uniform. This made him think that even if the two were beautiful, they were still just students and he can easily subdue them.

"Do you think that you could offend me in here? I advise that you two just give your names or I will use force." Pan You's four lackeys surrounded Mu Yue and Xiao Yan.

Mu Yue retrieved her sword from the storage ring. The two of them were prepared to act if the other party decided to fight them.

"We are just here to enjoy the food. We don't like to give our names so scram now!" Xiao Yan shouted. She just wanted to have a simple date with Mu Yue and there were already some cliche happening.

The people of the restaurant ignored the commotion while the servants were afraid of Pan You. No one stood up to help Mu Yue and Xiao Yan.

"You bitch! I already gave you some chances yet you ignored them. Don't blame me for using violence!" Pan You and his lackeys were at the early steps of Foundation Establishment. They were confident of fighting Mu Yue and Xiao Yan.

Mu Yue then slammed her sword that was still sheathed to Pan You's face. Caught off guard due to how fast Mu Yue attacked, he was knocked back.

"Beat them up!" He yelled to his lackeys.

Mu Yue and Xiao Yan ran past them and went out of the restaurant. They have a chance of defeating a Foundation Establishment Cultivator of the early steps, but they were outnumbered.

While running away, Xiao Yan activated the talisman and spoke, "Father-in-law! Someone wanted to beat up Mu Yue and me! We are outnumbered and also have lower cultivation so we had no choice but to run away from them."

"They wanted what! I'll be there in less than a minute, make sure to stay safe until I arrive!" The principal shouted before the talisman deactivated.

"Follow them!" roared the group of boys.

Xiao Yan decided for them to ask help from the guards. However, the guards were useless as just a word of Pan You and he was able to make the guards help on chasing them down.

"What a crappy kingdom this is!" Xiao Yan shouted while she had Mu Yue and her to stop running away. They couldn't outrun the guard that was chasing them.

"Give up running and do what I will ask of you two! You made me waste my energy and I'll make sure that you will pay for it." Pan You shouted.

"Hoh, you will make them pay???"