Junior's Tournament (18)

After a while, Mu Yue defeated Mei Rong. She already knows how to deal with Mei Rong if she decided to use an arm to block. Besides, her sword reach farther than a punch so she can easily hit Mei Rong's other arm when her attack pass through the blocking arm.

She also observed Mei Rong and saw her as a nice pretty girl. Mei Rong did not became angry about losing, a huge difference if compared to Mu Yue's past opponents. Mei Rong was just that nice to everyone except to Fei Hong as she remembers what happened whenever she see him, which irks her.

The next fight was between the lightning Spell Cultivator and the rank 2 Weapon Cultivator. Mu Yue observed the fight to look for the weaknesses of the latter. She was sure the latter would win.

And he did won quite easily against the lightning Spell Cultivator. With this battle, Mu Yue managed to uncover one weakness against that winning guy. But she still needed to fight him again to confirm it in a real fight .

The last fight was between the top 1 Body Cultivator battling against a Sword Cultivator. The Body Cultivator only used a little amount of his energy to deal with the other party. He wanted to save energy so he kept on knocking back his opponent until that guy went out of bounds.

The defeated students had to finish their fight first before the winners. Mei Rong was ranked 8,the sword cultivator ranked 7,Fei Hong in 6th place while the lightning Spell cultivator ranked 5.

The four winners were then paired randomly. Xiao Yan was going to fight the top 1 Body Cultivator while Mu Yue matched against the rank 2 weapon cultivator.

She was rather nervous when thinking about what she will do when fighting that guy. To relieve her stress, she decided to watch Xiao Yan's battles but it only made her even more stressed, and only was relieved after knowing that Xiao Yan won.

'Her opponent was tough yet she won against that guy by a large margin. Xiao Yan's strong.' Mu Yue thought. Now, it's time for her battle.

If she wins this, both her and Xiao Yan will fight for the top 1.

She then looked at her opponent. This time, she was more prepared and will not use too much of her energy in the beginning. She also intends to test out the weakness she found.

8The referee announced the beginning of the fight. Mu Yue did not bother launching a 'Pulse Blade' as she attacks with her 'Rupture Slash' which was offset by her opponent's 'Heavy Slash. This made her frown as this was the same of what happened yesterday.

"Time to see if my assumptions are correct." Mu Yue mumbles as she jumped back, making a distance between him and her.

"You never learn!" The guy shouted as he dashed forward to attack Mu Yue.

Mu Yue knew that she will be at a disadvantage if she only defended so she also dashed forward to attack her opponent.

A couple exchanges of blow and Mu Yue now believes that her assumption was correct.

"You should have the same level like me, Middle level level 7th step Qi Condensation stage. You had an item or something that conceals your cultivation rank too." Mu Yue said.

The guy snickers and removed a ring from his finger, "So what! I'm still stronger than you."

"You only seem stronger since you can use more energy than the normal limit when attacking. However, this requires a short rest so you tend to just stand up, looking like you are giving the enemy to strike you while you defend but you are just using the moment to rest." Mu Yue explained.

Mu Yue saw a reaction from the guy. This meant there is truth on what she said. Confirming this enables her to use a plan, avoid her opponent when he was in this 'state'.

"Impressive! As expected of someone on the same cultivation as me. Ha, I'm a Violet Spirit root who chose the school who gave the best resources but still has the same cultivation with a girl and the other is even stronger than me."

"Now I just need to defeat you two so I will be proclaimed the best of this generation. Achieving this will show those nobles that a commoner managed to achieve what they couldn't. The expressions on their faces will be fantastic hahaha."