A Surprise

At night before midnight, Mu Yue sneakily got out of the room. She needs to recover her spiritual energy by absorbing the energy from the moonlight.

Fortunately, Xiao Yan's hug was not too tight. She easily removed her arms without waking her up.

"Sorry Xiao Yan for not telling you about my condition. I'll tell you about it in the morning." Mu Yue mumbled softly before leaving the room.

Unknown to her, Xiao Yan smiled when she heard it. Although she was not in alert mode, losing Mu Yue on her embrace would definitely wake her up. When Mu Yue left the room, she chuckled and looked at the door amusedly.

Mu Yue was currently at her usual spot. She sat and begun to cultivate. The reason why her body did not contain spiritual energy was because she cannot absorb anything that has Yang.

This would mean that her cultivation will become slower. At least when absorbing the energy of her surroundings. She first have to filter the energy before absorbing and refining it.

But this does not mean that she will be slower by half. Absorbing only the Yin made the pathways have more space. So she can absorb more Yin energy rather than only half.

For the improvements, she can absorb the Yin of the moonlight twice as fast. Cultivating under the moon will improver her level by a lot of times than absorbing the yin from the surroundings. This was because the moonlight only have Yin energy which was also more nourishing than the filtered Yin from her surroundings.

The only downside is that her body was currently empty. She can only use the Yin from the moonlight to fill it up. This would take her all the remaining nights that she can absorb the moonlight for this month. This was just for the foundation so she can still use the Yin of her surroundings to improve her cultivation level.

She was cultivating the whole night. Her body now contains spiritual energy. Everyone should be able to tell that she was not a cripple.

She also ran straight to her room as soon as she can no longer absorb the Yin from the moonlight. She have to make sure that she was back before Xiao Yan wakes up. She still wanted to surprise her.

'Thankfully, it is still dark so Xiao Yan should still be asleep. I just have to return to bed without waking her up.'

As she entered the room, she sighed when Xiao Yan was still asleep. She noticed that her position was not the same when she left. She thought that it was just Xiao Yan moving while sleeping.

Carefully lying down beside Xiao Yan. Making sure that she does not disturb her sleep. She even slowly put Xiao Yan's arm back to her body so it seems that Xiao Yan was still hugging her.

The moment that Xiao Yan's arm touched Mu Yue's body…



Mu Yue was startled. She moved away from Xiao Yan. This caused her to fall of the bed.


"Awwww…" Mu Yue hits her head at the floor. She was currently rubbing her head.

"Hahaha! Was it fun to be shocked, Mu Yue?" Xiao Yan asked.

"Noo… it hurts…"

"It hurts huh… Then why did you do it to me?! I was shocked when I noticed that you were not crippled. Are you playing with my feelings? Did you have your fun yet?" Xiao Yan of course knew that all of this was lies. She never was shocked, also she did not care if Mu Yue had her fun. Xiao Yan always do the same.

"I'm sorry…" Mu Yue muttered pitifully.

"So what should the punishment for a certain little girl deceiving her lover?"

"I'll cook you some food?"

"Hmm… Do that and also, sleep on the floor Hmph!" Xiao Yan harrumphed. There was no sofa so Mu Yue had to sleep on the floor.

Mu Yue knew her wrongdoings. She took her pillow and lay down on the floor.

Not much time has past before Xiao Yan carried Mu Yue back to the bed.

Mu Yue looked at her confusingly.

"Hmph! I need my body pillow." Xiao Yan said.

Mu Yue thought for a while and teased, "Maybe you can't bear to be away from me?"

"Do you want me to think of another punishment as replacement?" Xiao Yan threatened.

This successfully made Mu Yue freeze on Xiao Yan's embrace.

"I-I was wrong…"

"Good girl."