Cultivators were what?

"Is that so? Good, at least you can try again after some time." Zhi Li sighed in relief.

"What I meant was I successfully advanced. I am now a Foundation Establishment Cultivator." Mu Yue explained.

The principal then checked her condition by sending his spiritual energy to Mu Yue.

"Then why is there only a small amount of spiritual energy on your body? Don't tell me you advanced but you would be weaker than the others…"

"As I said earlier, it is the outcome of the advancement. Specifically, this happened because of my cultivation method. I have an Extreme Yin Constitution, and the method removed all Yang in my body. My body was 'remade' to only have Yin. I can also slowly recover to what is normal after some time."

The principal understood what Mu Yue said but he was still confused. He then mentioned, "As far as I know, although it is called Extreme Yin Constitution, it does not necessarily mean that one cannot use Yang Energy. They cannot temper their body with it, but they could use that to convert it to other type of energy. It's the first time I heard of your case."

Mu Yue was surprised by the information. She thought that other Extreme Yin Constitution bearers experience the same.

She then thought about the pain she experienced.

"Then does that mean that the others do not experience much pain? Like their body was being dissolved and made a new?"

The Zhi Li saw Mu Yue grimaced about her experience. He then laughed, "Cultivators are tied with pain. In fact, there are people who want more pain as it means they will become stronger than the others. At least it was only pain for you as most of the time, something goes wrong and a part of their body become crippled or injured. We are called masochists for a reason hahaha."

"Masochist?" Mu Yue asked innocently.

Xiao Yan heard it and grabbed Mu Yue. The two then went to a corner.

"Forget about that word. Never ever utter that. Remembering them was the worst experience for me. Please do not become like them…" Xiao Yan pleaded.

"Uh… sure?" Mu Yue replied. She does not know what it means but to make Xiao Yan become afraid by the word would mean it was bad.

As for Xiao Yan, there was one time they caught some cultivators who attacked them. She was still her past self by then and have enjoyed torturing others. It was unfortunate that she met a masochist which terribly scarred her.

"Ah! AH! Give me more. I like the pain! This is heaven!"

Xiao Yan was disgusted as she quickly shouted to her subordinates, "Take this man away from me!!! Drop him to the top of the volcano and make sure not a single flesh remains! Quickly!"

She no longer have the mood to continue.

Back to the present, Mu Yue saw Xiao Yan trembling. She then asked, "Are you alright?"

Xiao Yan snapped out of her thoughts and cried as she hugs Mu Yue, "Ah let me be like this for a while…. I need you to to comfort me huhuhu."

Mu Yue was startled and gave a confused look to the principal.

"*cough* Let's just say that she might have remembered a certain event. Her grandfather always mentioned it to me. Indeed, I would have been like that if it was me."

"Then can you tell that to me later? I would like to know a weakness of her hehehe." Mu Yue asked, clearly planning something else.

Xiao Yan tightened her hug as she yelled, "Don't you guys dare do that!"

"X-xiao Yan… too t-tight"

The principal witnessed this as he shrugged. "I wouldn't tell her even if you did not tell me. She must grow innocent, and that would be one of the worst things she could be."

"This so called masochist makes Xiao Yan tremble… Can't I use that against her?"

"Mu Yue, don't you dare!!!" Xiao Yan yelled whike tightening her hug again.

"P-please stoppp… I can't breathe…"

The principal thought about it.

"I could not tell you that but I have other ideas that can help you against Xiao Yan. Just make sure that we talk about it with only the two of us. It should surprise her, right?"

"I agree… *cough**cough* Can you let me go now Xiao Yan?"