
Mu Yue woke up from her sleep. She can no longer continue her sleep and since she cannot get out of Xiao Yan's hug since that will wake her up, she decided to check her consciousness.

Entering, she immediately saw the jade shining more than the last time. It was shining red as she approaches it.

She then held it in her hand and multiple memories immediately entered her mind.

Currently, she was looking at the face of a beautiful woman with the same white hair as her. The difference was that Mu Yue's eyes were blue while the woman's eyes were red.

"My child, you would have to be separated to me. I have too many enemies and if they knew I had a daughter, they will surely hunt you down. I will remove your current memories and you will only remember them when you have a foundation of strength"

"It is best that you grow clueless, but if you become strong enough, we will be able to sense each other. That is the time we can be reunited."

"Remember, always make sure to control yourself. That power makes others jealous and might hunt you down for experiments. We held great power, but it does not mean we are invincible. Farewell, and may luck be by your side."

The memory then stopped and Mu Yue went back to the present. She then looked at the jade when suddenly, a red aura entered her body.


Xiao Yan was startled and tried to wake up Mu Yue. Yet Mu Yue just continued crying in pain, blood coming out of her eyes.

"Mu Yue wake up!"

Currently, Mu Yue was awakening her bloodline. It was what she inherited from her mother. As usual, she will feel intense pain as her new blood was being made anew again.

She then opens her eyes and saw Xiao Yan.

"Mu Yue you're awake. Thank goodn- ugh" Xiao Yan groaned when Mu Yue suddenly bites her shoulder, causing blood to flow out.

Xiao Yan's blood then touches Mu Yue's tongue which calmed her down. She remembered what she did and cried, "I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"No problem. Drink if you want to, I have plenty." Xiao Yan said as she puts Mu Yue's mouth back on the opening of the wound.

"Sorry about this..." Mu Yue then continues drinking her blood. It was tasty for her. She then licked it after she was done.

Xiao Yan mused, "My lover seems to have a lot more secrets than I have thought. Care to share it with me?"

"I don't know... Am I still human? Don't cultivators need to retain their humanity? I am already breaking the rules..." Mu Yue mumbled. She doesn't know what she is. The memory she received never mentioned anything, only saying that her bloodline contains great power.

Xiao Yan hugged and comforted her. "You are human to me. Whatever happens, I will be by your side. Besides, this is light compared to what the other evil cultivators do."

"Light? how?"

"You only drink blood and did not kill me."

"Of course I won't kill you!"

"I know, but the victims of the evil cultivators will not be this fortunate. They will be killed then the evil cultivators can either drink their blood or eat their hearts. Sacrificial offerings to rituals also happen. Children and even babies are not spared."

"I won't become like that..."

"Mhm, I believe you. Also, make sure you only drink my blood alright?"


Xiao Yan grinned, "I will be jealous if you had a taste of others hehe."

"But is it fine for you? Actually, I think I do not need blood for survival. It seems to just give me a boost to my strength." Mu Yue said. It was also because drinking blood was tasty.

"Then... how is my taste?"

"W-what? Umm.. sweet."

Xiao Yan then pounces toward Mu Yue and bit her shoulder. She then frowned, "Well, I can't make it bleed."

"Don't do it!" Mu Yue yelled as she pushes Xiao Yan away.

"I just wanted to have a taste, Mu Yue. I wonder how you taste like..."

"My blood changed. I don't know if you will be fine after drinking it."


Xiao Yan then thought for a bit and suggested, "Then you should call me honey."

"Why would I do that? I-It's embarrassing..." Mu Yue replied.

"I am as sweet as honey."

"I won't do it!"

"Alright, up to you darling."