Revealing Secrets

Mu Yue saw Wang Shi going out of the house and thought that he finished saying the message to Xiao Yan. However, some time has passed and she didn't see Xiao Yan. She first went to where the two spoke and found Xiao Yan on the floor.

She quickly rushed to her and pulled her up, "Are you alright?"

"Ah... Mu Yue... I'm sorry..."

Mu Yue was confused about why Xiao Yan was apologizing. "Sorry for what? Let's head towards our room first since it is near nighttime."

Xiao Yan was silent along the way. When they reached the room, she sat at the bed and stared at Mu Yue.

"Mu Yue, um, do you remember the first time we met?"

"That again? The time where you 'honey trapped' me? Are you going to tell a joke about it again?" Mu Yue giggled.

"I was lying to you about that part..."

Mu Yue paused and frowned. "What part?"

"The 'honey trap' part... I mean it isn't wrong but not exactly right. I have a unique eye ability and when I made eye contact with you at the time, I activated it. It makes you trust me... only that."

"Oh... Now that I think about it, I bought some expensive clothes at the time and yet I care about the money I will spend on an inn and so I decided to share rooms with you. That was indeed strange... so what?"

"So what?"

"What's the problem? Why are you apologizing?"

Xiao Yan was startled. She then sighed, "I tricked you. I did that to you. Shouldn't you be angry?"

"Should I be? Hmm... perhaps I should be but maybe I am still under your ability and so I can't be angry?"

"I never used it again ever since that time. And the effect does not even last for an hour. Although it might've led you to not be suspicious of me."

"Oh. So you are apologizing for that?"

"Yes! I am sorry for what I did at that time. Also, I am sorry for treating you badly when we are together! I swear I will never do it again. I will do an oath to pro-"

Mu Yue put her finger to Xiao Yan's lips and said, "Stop, I forgive you. It isn't that bad. Besides, I think I also benefited at the time. As for the others, I don't really mind."

"Then... I... don't know what to do anymore. Sorry, I'm not used to apologizing... I don't know what to do next."

"You apologized again... Well let's just forget it happened. Also, I am sorry for what my guardian may have said or done to you. Now that we are even, let us go back to normal, okay? I miss your company..."

"Thank you, I will make sure to remember it."

'But I said you should forget about it!' Mu Yue said on her mind but did not say it out loud fearing it might ever end. She however was curious of one thing, "Would you still go with me when I go back? You would meet my mom who sent the message."

Xiao Yan breathe deeply and relaxed. She then answered, "I will go. If your mom found a fault in me, then I will fix it."

Mu Yue smiled and reached to hug Xiao Yan. She can finally hug her again. She hugged her tightly to make you up for the days she slept away from her.

Xiao Yan felt some pain from the hug but she only needed to support her body with spiritual energy to endure. She was happy. She hugged back and was ready to fall asleep.

"Thank you, Mu Yue. For being with me again."

"Mhm, thank you... for the food." *Bites*


Mu Yue was finally able to drink her blood again. Xiao Yan's blood that she received when she left was accidentally used by her after that trial. Since then, she was really mad at herself for not checking which container she was drinking from.

She only drank a bit, about a cup. When she was learning from her mom, she found out that only children that newly awakened would go crazy on blood. Their race can survive without blood for years but they will not receive the additional strength that comes from it.

Also, there was another matter that her mom stressed to her which made her delighted. A blood race member does not just bite anyone. They are civilized people and biting random people are dogs. They drink blood from a container, and not directly. The only special case would be when they found their love.