Sparring (2)

Flames burst from the ground near Xiao Yan. They slowly crept outward, until they appeared below Mu Yue.

Mu Yue observed them and quickly noticed that this flame manages to slowly burn her protective covering made of her own spiritual energy.

"How's that Mu Yue? I tried to copy you since you left, I no longer only rely on my spells, I can control fire to an extent now."

Mu Yue smiled. She then felt her body going colder. "It's good, but wouldn't it be a waste of spiritual energy? We are in a closed space so they are effective, but in the wild, your target just needs to move to another place. You would then need to create those on the new area."

"True, but with this, I can create fire spells anywhere on where the fire is." Xiao Yan replied.

Mu Yue jumped away from where she was standing which was quickly covered by a pillar of fire. She kept jumping around and pillars of fire kept appearing. Xiao Yan is now slowly getting used to predicting Mu Yue's movement and some pillars of fire managed to hit Mu Yue.

"Annoying" Mu Yue muttered. The flames were quickly extinguished and ice covered the ground.

The ice managed to cover Xiao Yan's feet. She quickly raised the temperature of the flames surrounding her.

"It was just a quick moment and yet I got inflicted by frostbite." Xiao Yan commented. She then slowly heals her feet by warming them up with her flames.

"Is that all." Mu Yue teased.

On placements of spells, using Mu Yue's ice as an example, one can only make them appear a short distance away from her body. If she wanted to create an ice spike a bit far from her, it would have to be connected to her by ice. Ice will appear on the ground and at the end, the spike will form. Although this seems more efficient to use, it is better if she can create ice instantly, making them have a surprise factor.

Xiao Yan dodged the ice spikes that kept appearing on wherever she stands. She also has to deal with the ice shards coming to her from Mu Yue. She wanted to cry... How can she, who specializes in using spells be inferior to a swordswoman.

A short burst of flame and the ice near her disappeared. She then has flames on both of her arms and swung them towards Mu Yue.

It was a wave of fire, the incoming ice shards were engulfed by the flames. Mu Yue run away from where the wave was going to but she quickly found out that it can follow her. She tried to block with a wall of ice.

The flames were blocked for a bit and then resumed by going to the sides. The ice was also then engulfed by the raging flames.

"Since blocking doesn't work nor evading, then creating a similar one should do."

Mu Yue then swung her hand. She used a lot of spiritual energy to create multiple spikes appearing in the direction towards the raging wave of flames. They were made from a water vapor as well as containing unstable energy inside each spike. When the ice spikes and the wave of flame met, it caused an explosion that knocked back Mu Yue.

"How's that, Mu Yue!"

"Pretty good!"

It was an amazing spell and was troublesome to counter. The flames continuously receive strength from Xiao Yan and were only disrupted because o the explosion.

"Time for the sword then!" Mu Yue unsheathed her sword. It was a new short sword given to her by her mom. It was lighter and more suitable for her to use.

Using a higher-tier sword-like Yin Xue might produce stronger attacks but they are not efficient on energy usage. Still, her current sword is tier 6, too high for her current cultivation level but she has a higher spiritual energy capacity which makes the sword suitable for the current her.

Mu Yue rushed forward on a straight line. She created floating Ice shields in front of her that blocked Xiao Yan's attacks. They might break apart after blocking, but she can easily replace them.

The difference between Ice and earth creations would be their durability and creation speed. Earth spells are generally slow and would take a while to be created but it provides higher durability.

Seeing her attacks ineffective, Xiao Yan tried to attack Mu Yue with a wave of flame.

Mu Yue jumped, and as the flames follow, she puts the ice shields below her, blocking the flames from reaching her and making them a platform for another jump.

Without muttering any word, Mu Yue's sword glowed as she falls toward Xiao Yan.