The Little Slime's Ability

From bouncing like a green frog to slithering like a snake. His liquified body gave him the ability to flexibly control his movement.

He can even stick to trees or melt underground, only to be forced to go back up for a couple of minutes. A great defensive mechanism, in case he gets cornered by enemies. He can go underground and slither on the ground; or go up to avoid ground-dwellers.

After minutes of searching, the little slime has experimented with a lot of things, eating living creatures that looked like ordinary squirrels. Although it had no seeming ability, he discovered that he can only mimic animals on a minimum degree.

Meaning, when the little slime transformed into a squirrel, he took the shape of the squirrel but his green pigment does not disappear and a dripping texture is formed on his skin. Like a melting jelly squirrel.

However, when he ate a lot of the squirrel, it began to take shape more cleanly and after about 10 meals, he successfully turned into that squirrel.

"I do not know about their abilities yet since the squirrel does not have any unique set of skills." The slime thought but he shrugged it off for the time being; deciding that over-thinking will not solve anything.

"Oh yeah, why do I not feel grossed out when I eat those things. I should've doubted about doing it, but I feel fine." The slime began to question a lot of things, and thinking that he may have become more slime and less human.

"Oh well." The slime muttered as he took off from the branch he was standing on and transformed into a squirrel. Although it has no unique ability, running with this kind of body is really fast. So searching for more meals is easier.

After jumping from tree to tree; his squirrel ears twitched as he heard footsteps from afar. A lot of footsteps, actually. Could it be humans? The slime is about to find out.

The slime traveled really quick with his little squirrel feet as it led him back to the crater that he once created—or he accidentally created. On the corner of his eyes, he saw a group of bipedal creatures.

They were not humans, as they have scaled-skin and tails like an alligator. However, they were also wearing articles of clothing, and holding torches and spears. Lizard eyes and crocodile-like snouts.

"Most definitely, those must be — Lizardmen!" The slime accidentally shouted when he realized his loud voice and covered his mouth with his small squirrel hands. Although he pondered that he was caught; but he realized he had no vocal cords. Meaning, the lizardmen just heard a cute little squirrel squeaking by the branch. Ya dunce.

Seriously now, the little slime thought that the meteorite would gain attraction; and his thoughts were right. A meteorite that big must be like magic to them, with little to no knowledge of outer space.

"So to their view, it looked like a magic spell." The slime muttered.

"⌝├┬⌟ ⌜┤┴" — The slime realized that they were talking, but it seems like their language is still unrecognizable to him. If he could eat them one by one — "No no, they could easily break my core." the little slime muttered as he swayed his face from side to side.

" ⏌⎡⏉⎾⎸┄⎤ " — The slime tilted his head sideways as he squinted his eyes. "I just don't understand." he muttered until he saw a lizardman sliding deep in the crater. It seemed like they were taking the meteorite for themselves.

The little slime backed away since the meteorite is no use of him now. He realized that he should avoid intelligent creatures for now—like those lizardmen. It will only bring death to him if he engages him.

Although it's weird, any fantasy game should have a slime; but here it doesn't. Also, there are normal creatures like squirrels— are there even more creatures from Earth?

A couple of hours has passed and the slime has eaten multiple creatures; and with his combination of transformations, he has been able to dodge and attack.

[Eaten: Tree Squirrel, Viperous Snake, Ballistic Eagle, and Blue-Skinned Wolves.]

[Ability: Acid Spit, Ballistic Dive, Intimidation.]

The little slime brightened in green as he was filled with excitement. Transforming into an eagle is a faster way of travel. Although the three new species that he has eaten were still incomplete; it was still a great way to start.

He realized that when he ate the second Viperous Snake; the moment that he attacked a Blue-Skinned Wolf, the [Acid Spit] became more intense. So the ability also entails the quantity of how much the slime has eaten.

The little slime was still hanging by a branch, looking for more species that he must've missed but it was only small creatures that would easily be killed.

So he transformed into a Tree Squirrel and climbed upward the tree trunk until he reached the very top of the tree as he jumped at the very last tip of the branch and transformed into a Ballistic Eagle.

The Eagle Transformation was imperfect; as the body was green and translucent. Although there were little feathers that poked out, he looked more like a slime that formed into a bird than an actual bird itself.

Mimicry has its ups-and-downs.

The little slime has its ups-and-downs too; as he was not flapping like a normal bird but like a little kid having a stroke. He was panicking as though his transformation doesn't know how to fly; flapping his wings like he was on steroids.

"I didn't know you have to practice for this!" The slime muttered as he was unable to control his flight until the panic finally got into him, causing him to face plant on a tree. Which is hilarious.

"Awww..." The little slime felt a pain on his face as he consciously turned back into a green-little slime, "I need to get used to this." He thought as he stretched a little bit of his body and rubbed it in the painful spot.

"⏌⎡⎾⎸⏌⎡⏉⎸┄⎤⏉! " Footsteps and shouts were suddenly heard as someone behind the little slime was coming. He panicked and turned into a Tree Squirrel, hiding beside a tree as he saw tons of Lizardmen marching through.

"What's happening?" He muttered as he climbed to the trees and followed the lizardmen.

After jumping through the trees, he suddenly transformed into slime again and landed his face into a tree.

"⏌⏉⎾⎤?" One of the lizardmen that the little slime was following stopped after hearing the sound of an idiot hitting his head on a tree.

The little slime panicked once again, slithering his body on top of the tree. Hiding by the leaves as he catches his breath, he rubbed his painful spot once more and shouted, "Hey Guide, what was that?!"

[I said you do not need food, water, or shelter; but I never said you don't get tired.]

"Why didn't you say that in the first place!"

[You did not ask.]

"You— I don't even feel tired!" The little slime revolted as an exclamation mark formed on his head.

[Cons of being a slime: You will become tired but you do not feel it.]

"What kind of body is that!—"

"⏌⎡⏉⎾⎸⏉⎸┄⎤⏌⏉⎾!" — The little slime stopped by the voice of battle cries. The slime's attention was caught when swords clashing and sounds screaming of death entered in his ears. Even though he has no ears, but you get the point.

"W-what's going on down there?"— The little slime poked his head out of the leaves as explosions started to appear.

"Isn't that where the crater is located?"