The King of Anger

"Meteorite Dive!"

The little slime pierced Dark's chest as the other slime came back to him.

Dark eyes became all white and mouth open as he kneeled and fell on the floor.

The Baron shrieked as the slime looked at him, "I'm not gonna die here!" The Baron felt his end as he manned up one last time.

[Lightning Magic: Dragon's Trail!]

The little slime just looked at him and turned into his human form. The guy with the white hair and tight-skinned black clothing.

He opened his palm as he chanted one back.

[Lightning Magic: Lightning Chain.]

The spell from the little slime clashed with the Baron's magic, "T-that's my son's magic!" He shouted as fear started to succumb to him, "No, that was stronger." He continued.

"Familiar, right?" He smirked as he looked at his hands. He realized that it's more comfortable using Human Magic, the same as how it is more comfortable using the ability of the specific creature.

"You little shit!"

The slime's eyes widened as he looked back behind to see Dark standing up. He saw as the huge hole from his chest started to spirally heal as the bandage that was covering his mouth started to fall off.

"W-what is that?" The little slime caught off his guard as he saw Dark's lower face.

It was eyes.

Five eyes were shaped like a smile. A big eye in the middle, two medium ones on its side, and two small ones on the end of it. It was grotesque as it individually moves in different directions.

"Someone actually made me use my eyes. The life force that I had to invest for the last ten years, by someone like you." Dark personality started to change as his eyes were covered with his red nerves.

"You gotta pay for this, ya know!" He shouted as the five eyes looked at Tanuki at the same time.

The little slime stood in, ready to fight when his arms started to become stone, "Petrification?" The little slime panicked as he opened both of his palm on the ground.

[Ground Magic: Dirt Wall!]

A wall of dirt covered him from Dark's sight. He looked at his stone arms as he ripped it apart, "If I weren't a slime, I've been in deep trouble right now." he muttered as his hands grew back.

"It's not like Medusa from Earth. You don't even need to look it in the eyes for it to be turned to stone." He muttered as he smiled, "If I weren't a slime, huh?" he continued.

"Come out, you bastard! HAHAHAHAHA!" Dark began to turn psychotic as his eyes turned left and right as he teleported behind the dirt wall only to find no slimes.

"Where are you, damn it!" He continued as he heard a voice from down below.

The little slime appeared from underground as he hit Dark on the chic, "I'm here, you bastard!" he said as he turned back into human form and kicked him mid-air.

"Thanks to the many humans I've killed, I've gained a lot of power, ya know!" The little slime said as he opened his palm once again.

[Lightning Magic: Lightning Chain!]

"Too bad..."

"What?" The little slime muttered as the lightning magic that he launched didn't appear. No, it did, but it disappeared.

"This is my domain and anywhere here, I can teleport anything and anyone from this certain area." He explained as he heard an explosion from the other side of the mansion.

"So, Magic doesn't work to me here!" Dark said as he started to multiply, "Now, where do you think is me." Dark continued.

Multiple Dark came out of every direction as they slowly walked close to Tanuki.

"This... it's an illusion" The little slime muttered as he felt a punch from the illusion.

"Close but wrong." The multiple Dark said.

"This is..." The little slime looked at every direction as he realized it, "Teleportation." He muttered as his expression began to turn trouble.

"Correct!" Dark said. It's teleportation magic at incredible speeds that it looked like he multiplied. If not for the magic pulses every millisecond, it won't be that obvious to detect.

The little slime closed his eyes as he stood still, "Are you giving up?" Dark said as he teleported in front of him, "Great decision!" He said as he pulled a punch and launched it to the little slime.

"It's my turn to stop playing around, then." The little slime said as he caught Dark's punch.


[The Title: "King of Anger" has been activated.]

Red patterns came out of Tanuki's forehead and a diamond shape formed at the center. The once round pupil turned that of a demon—sharp like a cat's.

The effects of the King of Anger are using pure anger within himself into inconsiderable strength but in exchange, he has to sacrifice 10 creatures that he has eaten.

"I can't choose what it takes, so I was really hesitant to use this." Tanuki said as Dark's eyes widened. All of it.

"You weren't serious, earlier?" Dark said as he felt multiple punches go through his body, "Impossible." he muttered as all his eyes turned white once more and blood came puking out from his mouth.

"It's all over." The little slime said as he melted back into a slime.

[You have leveled up!]

"My stamina is back!" The slime glowed green as he became active once again, "Now..." He muttered as he expanded and ate Dark before he gains consciousness again.

"That monster won, I need to get out of here—" The Baron said as he realized he was on Dark's spell and started to fall, "I'm gonna dieeee...."

"You are.." The little slime said as he caught the Baron, "You don't think I'm gonna let you die that easily, right?"

The Baron looked at the little slime as he regretted dying by the ground, "S-spare me..." His tone sounded like he was already dead, but he knows the little slime won't allow that.

"T-this was your fault anyway!" The Baron shouted back as he got off the little slime's clutches.

"What do you mean?" The little slime's expression was nothing but detest. Blaming others.

"You're talking like you don't remember." The Baron shouted as he made a big grin, "It was your fault that Chief died!"
