A Twisted End

The slime that turned into an elephant-sized monster wreaked havoc that day.

"Croc, where are you!" The Baron shouted as the raggedy old lizardman appeared beside him, "Did you do the job?" He asked

The Lizardmen village went quiet as a huge explosion occurred, "Yes, Sire." The old man replied with a fake smile as his inner thoughts didn't accept the Baron as his leader.

"I'm merely using you for—oh my Kronos, what is that?" The Lizardman smirked as he talked with himself when a shadow enveloped them, causing the old man to be surprised about the flying monster that still has humans being dissolved in its body.

The zombie-slime creatures engulfed the knights as they jumped back to the main body then dropping again, leaving the humans behind. Not only were the humans in danger, so was the remaining wildlife—no one was safe.

"We have to get out of here." Croc said as he suddenly felt a push.

"No, I'm getting out of here." The Baron said as he pushed Croc towards a swarm of zombie-slimes, "Thanks for your service. You're useless to me now." He continued as he suddenly disappeared.

"That pig... a magic item?" Croc said as he gained back momentum and used the tree trunk as a landing spot for him to jump back on the branch. He looked at the sky for him to notice the slime was looking directly at him.

"He spotted me?!" He muttered in surprise as he felt someone touch him by the foot. It was when he realized the zombie-slimes has formed a building block like ants as he was pulled away.

"Don't fuck with me!" He shouted as he suddenly exploded. The slimes that caught him fell to the ground and only reformed, "Tskk." He clicked his tongue as he was found on the other branch.

"If I can't fight them, I'll just kill the source." He muttered as the branch suddenly exploded and launched to the air.

He was like flying as the explosion repeatedly appeared from his feet, causing him to remain airborne. He looked for a weakness as a glowing core stood out, "Too obvious for a boss like you." He said as he stopped and opened both of his palms.

[Explosion Magic: Hydro Massive Receiver!]

Massive magic formed in his hands as it turned red and launched into the slime. It was the size of a golf ball but when it hit the slime, a huge explosion occurred.

The slime screeched as Croc was forced to cover his ear. It was when the zombie-slime jumped back to the source as they jumped back towards Croc, "Damn it." He muttered as he flew and dodged all of them.

"Not only am I at a disadvantage on the land, so was on the air?" He detested as he felt his legs being pulled again, "What?" The hermit knew he dodged all of them, but what's this?

The slimes that Croc dodged turned into miniature versions of the Ballistic Eagle.

He was about to use another spell when another slime attached to its hands, disabling him from focusing the magic.

He got pulled towards the source as he braced himself for the worst—"Are you safe?" The old man opened his eyes as he saw him being carried by the Chief.

"You're alive?" Croc asked as the Chief just looked at him with blood all over him, "Why save me, I killed our kin!" He continued.

"You're still my kin... and after this, you will be punished for your sin." The Chief said as they safely landed on the ground.

[Lizard Water Magic: Four-Speared Hydra!]

"That's when YOU went and attacked them..." The Baron said as the little slime was still getting a hard time remembering as he kneeled.

"I was only watching from a distance, so maybe they're alive?" The Baron continued as he thought, "No way, that attack devastated the entire forest." The Baron said as he started to laugh.

"No..." Tanuki muttered as he looked at the Baron with menacing eyes, "This was your fault, to begin with..." He said as he suddenly stood up and held the Baron's neck.

"I... didn't kill them." The little slime said as a hole appeared on the Baron's chest and the little slime expanding as he ate him whole.

The little slime subconsciously turned back into a normal slime as he fell down.

Not only was the "King of Anger" risky. It only activates for a minute, so he had to time it if there was no more option left. It also takes a large chunk of his stamina, he could've died as it leeches too much stamina.

Luckily, the Baron gave enough energy for him to continue beating his heart.

[Due to eating a special species "Oculimen" — Your skill "Appraisal" has turned to "Greater Appraisal"]

[Due to earning the skill "Greater Appraisal Lv.1", you have earned the skill "Appraisal Magic Lv.1"]

[You have leveled up — you are now ready for evolution.]

Tanuki laid down on the ground with his face eating dirt as he smiled, "I avenged you... old man." He smiled as he lost consciousness.


"Tanuki... are you.. okay?"

"Who's that?" Tanuki muttered over his faint consciousness as he heard a familiar voice.

"Someone... help... him."

"Shut up will ya? I'm having a great nap here." He mumbled as he felt being carried away by the warm touch of someone's hands."

"Finally, are you okay, benefactor?" The familiar voice of Chief rang on Tanuki's ears. His eyes were blurry but it was enough for him to see Chief's face.

It was when he saw a shadow from behind as it pierced Chief's chest, "C-croc, why would you do this?" Chief said as the sword almost hit the slime.

"C-chief..." The slime muttered as he saw the Chief falling down the ground.

Croc kneeled on the little slime as he opened his palm, "Unlucky, I don't have any mana anymore." He muttered as he held the sword with both of his hands, "Bye..."

It was when his left-hand suddenly went flying as he looked at the distance he can't see, "You fcking lizard." He shouted in pain as he went to the attacker.

There was a sound of struggle when it suddenly went quiet, "Shit, I can't kill you with this." Croc's voice was heard as he hurried and took something from his pocket, "This is the only way to keep him quiet." He muttered as he took out a bottle.

"Drink up... and you won't remember a thing." He muttered as he was forced to drink something, only for him to faint once more.