The truth behind the Djinn

Since the last time Ozren and Baraqiel got very close and became very good friends. Baraqiel and Ozren, arrived in a desert country, (for you other humans, that resembles the Middle East) There were several people, with clothes preparing for the desert, although Baraqiel and Ozren do not feel the heat, not to aroused suspicion, because knowing the inhabitants of this region, they would kill Ozren (at least would try), and idolize Baraqiel. Ozren and Baraqiel, had decided to come there, because Djinn is originally from this place named Musegat, They went to see the king of this country the great Saajid el-Yousuf, They discussed. -At Sir el-Yousuf, we came to warn you, that Djinn the traitor is back, and that he is coming to take revenge on you. said Ozren and Baraqiel -You are right, this person is a traitor, if not the greatest traitor that Musegat had, but you are absolutely heifer on one point. said the sovereign -Ah yes, what is this point? , said Ozren - You said man, instead of being anything but a man, it's even the breed he hates the most, he dreams of destroying it if you didn't know it? -Finally, how that, it is a man who received the blessing of a fairy, this blessing gave him the power to bring out the souls of people not ill-intentioned, but this power went to his head and it became so ? said Baraqiel. - This is indeed his power, but it was not a fairy who gave him, this power belonged to him from the start. , says the sovereign -Since when humans have basic powers? , said Ozren - He is not a human, in reality he is a Djinn from where his name he did not go looking far, the sovereign God of the heavens offered 72 jinn to Solomon 1 the former ruler of this country, the jinn are kind of demons who can do exceptional things, but after the death of Solomon, they were all imprisoned in oil lamps, some were very good with the people who released them while others like Djinn hated their liberator , because he was obliged to release them my father great grandson of Solomon, found Djinn, finally his lamp and released him, he was very nice to Djinn, at the beginning djinn was repulsive with him, but after they became friends, he was even very nice, he played with me when I was little, but one day my father died in war , he was overwhelmed by this, the day after the death of my father Saalun el-Yousuf Djinn went to the country which had killed my father, it was a country at the level of the Atlantic Ocean, mad with rage, it made all flow this city, you must know it currently as being the Atlantis, from day to day he was more repulsive with me and the others, and one day he heard people saying bad things about my father on hearing them Djinn got very angry , one day when he went out, the whole village said bad things about my father the only being who was kind to Djinn, Djinn then swore to destroy this country during his whole life, except leaving my father's family members in life, I was not in its line of sight, but as a sovereign I could not let it go, we had a fierce fight at the end I managed to beat him, sealing him in hell, but ace without consequences. , said the sovereign, crying - What aftereffect did he leave you, because I heard that your strength exceeded that of Neptune, before he put this aftereffect on you? , said Ozren - Stop it prying, he must still suffer this story must be fairly recent, to always make him cry. , said Baraqiel - Don't worry, it's my pleasure to share this with you, the aftermath is this (says the sovereign, pointing his stump), he tore off my arm, and also something more expensive more than that (suddenly he started to cry hot), the aftermath that affected me the most was that he took the life of my son Saalon el-Yousuf and that of my wife too, and not this is not as early as that Baraqiel it's already been 12,345 years. , said the sovereign, looking at the horizon -How it is 12,345 years, how is it possible for a human to have lived so long ago, even I am not as old? said Ozren -Firstly I am not really human, because I live in the twilight Vinverth, and secondly, I come from a race where the villagers can live until 10,000 years and the king can live until 40,000 years. , said the sovereign - I understand better why this is the third damned in history, but now, what will you do? , said Ozren -It's been 12,345, I'm waiting for this moment, I think he's going to come and destroy the country, but I'll be there to stop him even if I give up my life. , said the sovereign - No, we won't let you down, believe us. said Baraqiel -I'm not afraid that this is neither your problem, nor in your ropes sorry. , said the sovereign - Can you make an audience, I have something to transmit in the village. said Ozren -Of course on Ozren. said the sovereign The whole village arrived, and all looking up, they saw Ozren appear, like a mirage. Ozren approached them and stood in the center of attention and place, and said "You are dead", all the locals shocked, start to cry, thinking that they were going to hell, seeing that 1 ´ place is identical to their village. But Ozren resumed and said "Finally you are not yet, but if you want to live and reach eternal rest, you will have to sign this paper", in this village hell is the greatest fear of the villagers, they jostled to sign. Ozren turned to Saajid el-Yousuf and said "Now that's my problem, so I'll take care of it", with these words the sovereign cried, and was very happy. So Baraqiel and Ozren went to meet Djinn the jinn leaving Saajid in the village, arrived in an Oasis, at least the mirage of an Oasis, They knew he was, because the jinns do malicious tricks, like this to deceive travelers. -We know you're there, Djinn. , said Ozren -Ah, I see that Saajid told you everything, since he was very little, he never knew how to hold his tongue, once he had told a secret of the kingdom to one of these friends, that they executed, half an hour later. , said Djinn -We're here to stop you, surrender and we won't hurt you. , said Baraqiel Djinn gave a blow to the ground symbolizing the beginning of the fight, the fight was fierce, even two they could not beat it, Baraqiel took the Koran, but that did not give him strength, because for him only the bible gives him powers, they tried to fight, but without success, he was too powerful for them, Baraqiel remembered having read a book, where it was marked there that the jinn hated water, he used the starvation spell to create water and doused Djinn, although Djinn lost 60% of his strength, he did not remain less powerful that they were, thanks to Djinn, he was going to kill them, but suddenly Saajid arrived, limping. - To you, Djinn forgotten, this is not your fault for all your sins. , said the sovereign, taking a breath - No, not NO00ON, said Djinn for fear He was trying to escape, but Saajid took his breath and continued. -May Lord God be merciful. Blessed be the sinners, heal by my iron hand. , says the sovereign Before Djinn even had time to say another no, he found himself trapped in a satanic star, one in a second, he was sucked by the abyss of hell, hands of red color blood caught Djinn and brought him back to the ground. Ozren and Baraqiel went to see Saajid to congratulate him on his incredible spell, but due to the large amount of energy required by this spell, he was down and looked very tired, and said "This is the moment I have waited a lifetime, now I'm going to find my family in heaven, I'm coming Saalon papa is there. », These were the last words of Saajid, according to legend this sentence was spread throughout Vinverth and became the most cult sentence in this world. Ozren and Baraqiel cried all night, and left the city after Saajid's burial. No one knows what happened to this country with a vacant throne, but legend has it that they changed dynasties.