The Girl Who Cared

The throbbing pain in my head was unbelievable when I woke up. I had to lean back to the bed's headboard to ease the migraine. I don't remember anything from last night except following Forest in a party. I remember taking a drink from her friend and that's about it. I don't remember coming home or sleeping but I felt so tired. My whole body was in sore.

"Good morning, dear."

I turned to the door and saw my mom looking. "Good morning mom." I replied rubbing my eyes to wake them up. "What time is it?" I asked her. I could check my phone but I figured it would only hurt my head more if I looked at my phone screen.

"It's still early. Come have breakfast with me before you get ready for school."

I nodded and followed mom downstairs. My vision was still flimsy and blurry but I assume this is from the headache I'm feeling. I feel like I could faint anytime soon but I tried not to show any discomfort so my mom wouldn't worry.

When I reached the dining area, I was surprised when the meals on the table were too… too great. Mom always served eggs or bacon or hotdogs but never a full breakfast course with rice, soup and all these. She even prepared a cup of tea, it seems.

"Come sit." I sat across mom confused and she must have noticed and said, "Forest just left. She said she needs to get home so I just let her. I gave her breakfast so don't worry."

Forest? "W-Why was she here, mom?"

Mom looked at me surprised. "You don't remember?" No? "I let her sleep here after she dropped you off with your car." She slept here? "She also told me to give you a good breakfast and have you drink ginger tea." S-She did? "And that you should take an Advil as well."

I wasn't even sure if I was sane enough to believe everything I was hearing. "W-What happened mom? I didn't do anything," The thought scared me. "—stupid right?"

"You were really wasted, sweetie. I left Forest in your room to make her something for dinner so I don't know if you did anything weird."

Oh god.

"She looked fine when I called her though." She always looked emotionless. I doubt it'd bother her if I did something horrible. She's a professional when it comes to hiding her expressions.

On my way out of the house, mom handed me a necklace I wasn't familiar with. I stared at the necklace for a brief moment before diverting my eyes back to my mom. "What's—"

"I think Forest left that in the room. You should give that back to her."

I blinked in shock. I've been with Forest for so many times now but I never saw her wear this necklace before. "Okay mom. I'll go ahead."

"Take care, sweetie!"

Forest was nowhere to be seen at school. She didn't even attend Chemistry class and she never missed a class unless she's absent. I was debating whether or not I should follow her at a party again considering what happened to me last night but I needed to give this back – I needed to see her.

"Hey kid!"

I turned and saw a couple coming out of the room looking at my direction. I was hesitant to greet back so I was glad when the guy that was wrapping his arms around the girl spoke again.

"Are you coming to the party tonight again?" The man asked with a vicious smile. "You were pretty dope last night after one drink. I didn't think a student would get so fucking crazy with one shot."


"Forest is coming." The girl he was with cuts me off. She wore a suspicious smirk as she glanced at me from below up to my head. I felt uncomfortable by the way she stared at me.

I gulped.

The two of them looked at each other with a smile. They both must have knew by now that I would go wherever Forest goes. "Your choice." They both turned around. "1594 Adams Drive!"

I looked down at the necklace and gripped them tight. I shouldn't be going to another party but I can't not go now that her friends are telling me where to find her. I should just go, give her the necklace back, thank her, then leave. That's it.

When I got to the address the guy told me, I was surprised to see how smaller it was compared to the ones I've attended. It's not a 10-person small party but it wasn't a 1000-person party either – it was small but not small but not big either if that makes sense.

I stepped inside and the people were partying and dancing all over the place as usual. The house smelled like every other party I know of – reeking alcohol, sweat, snacks. It was a horrible mix of smell.

I was roaming around the place looking for Forest trying not to engage myself with anyone I crossed paths with but I couldn't find her and I was starting to get worried.

"Kid! You came!"

I see the same couple I met a while ago. "Where is she?" I asked.

The guy laughed before giving a pat on my shoulder. "She's upstairs with the gang."


"We can show you where she is if you want."

"No thanks. I'll go find her myself." I made my way upstairs and checked every room there is. I stopped when I opened a room where Forest's friend stood alone. He slowly turned to me and immediately grinned when he met my eyes.

"Kid! I'm starting to think you're one of us. I see you at parties all the time now." I was about to leave and shut the door but he stopped me by saying, "What do you like so much about Forest?" He suddenly asked.

I glanced back to him. "I don't see why this has something to do with you."

Hunter nodded like he had already expected my answer. "Of course, of course. You were just like Connor." Connor? He walked closer to me. "But would you still like her if you found out the things she's done in the past?"

I frowned. "W-What do you mean?"

"Before I was sent to rehab, your Forest killed someone." He throws his cigar on the floor without stepping on it. "She was fucking lucky to get away with it for the lack of evidence."

"I'm a murderer. I killed her."

"But I saw her."

Saw her what?

"I saw her burn the cabin."

My brows furrowed in shock.

"She burned the cabin while Camila was there. She's a killer." He paused and his smirk grew bigger when his attention diverted to my back. "Oh hey there, Lakey. I was just telling your friend things he needed to know." Hunter pulled me by the shoulder and wrapped his arms around it.

Forest stood there, glaring at Hunter. Her friend was standing behind her who didn't look as entertained as they normally would. She squinted her eyes at Hunter before she ran away.

"You really are a dipshit aren't you? What the fuck were you thinking?" Her friend that stayed told Hunter while I remained frozen in my position.

"What's wrong about telling people what's true and not? I'm just giving this kid a warning. He should at least know everything before he commits himself to her, don't you think?"

I shove the guy away from me and ran out of the room trying to trace back Forest but I couldn't see her anywhere anymore. I ran my fingers over my hair in frustration. I should have went after her the moment she ran.

���Have you seen Forest?" I asked everyone in desperation. "Forest. Have you seen her?"

"She went that way."

I followed the line he was pointing and it was the backyard. I ran out and started looking for her. It was dark so it was harder to tell who's who but I saw a shadow that was sitting by the tree, tipping over a bottle.

I slowly walked closer to the figure and confirmed that it was her. If she really did that… My heart raced as I got closer and closer to her. If she really did what he said she did…

"What are you doing here?" She asked. It always amazed how precise her senses were. "Go home. Your mom will be worried if you came home late again."

She's always so selfless. "I was worried you might do something to yourself." I sat next to her on the cold ground. "Ms. Felicity told me once that you often isolated yourself when you get dark and you start hurting yourself so you can stop feeling pain."

I see her nod. "You already know everything about me. Are you satisfied?" Am I? "Do you like what you found out?" Do I? "Why are you still here?"

"I told you." I immediately replied to her. "I told you we'd both find out." She looked at me. "If I stay by your side after learning about your past." I flashed a thin smile. "I don't like you less after finding out about the girl you killed, Forest." I paused. "Even if you killed your foster father, your teacher, your friend… I'd still like you."

She did not reply but I knew she was paying attention to me.

"I don't know what happened to that girl and the fire that your friend was talking about but I do know, that you have your own sense of justice. I know you do things you think are right and I mostly trust your judgments. So whatever happened that night, I'm sure you had your reasons for doing it."

She looked away.

"I wouldn't just not like you after your friend tells me all those things. I trust you more than what other people say about you – more than what you say you are."

"Well you shouldn't."

My brows creased in dismay. "Maybe I shouldn't." I said under my breath, feeling how heavy it felt to say those words out loud. "But I wouldn't."

She glanced back to me and met my eyes.

Even in this dark, her eyes still looked the most beautiful pair I ever saw. I smiled at the thought. I would brush my fingers over her face if I had the courage but I now realize how much of a coward I truly am. "You asked me before if I liked you enough to stay in your messed up life." I leaned my head closer to her. I wanted to make sure she pays attention to only me. "And I do. I like you enough to stay in your messed up life."