
"That said, are you going today?" Minerva asked, clarifying the matter.

"Yes," Estelle replied. "Figured it would be better to root them out as soon as possible. Are you coming along?"

"As much as I want to.. I have this peculiar sickness called being lazy," Minerva yawned, showing her tiredness.

She didn't fake her reaction, she truly was sleepy. Minerva rarely had a full night sleep, and she would even sleep during the day most of the time.

A restful sleep was something she was unfamiliar with.

"...You really should fix your life habits. What if it puts you in danger one day?"

"Who knows," Minerva said. "I'm content with my current lifestyle..." Her eyes started getting hazy now that sleep was mentioned.

"See? You're getting sleepy again," Estelle, who had stayed by the woman's side for years knew that Minerva had a habit of sleeping in parts.