Troubling Thoughts

Estelle rushed back to the hectic area the moment she recovered from her moment of shock.

There, she was able to find the silhouette of a fae that fought desperately against the ongoing storm.

His expression looked troubled, and his arms trembled as he continued using magic to suppress the storm.

"Heine!" Estelle shouted out the fae's name, successfully catching his attention during the intense defense.

"Estelle... You're back? How.. was it?" Heine wiped a trail of sweat that formed on his forehead as he diverted his gaze back to the storm.

He was trying hard to contain it, but there seemed to be something that kept fanning it up, not letting it die.

In order to find out what this external catalyst is, Yulia was sent to investigate.

And such, the disaster was now being fought back by Heine.

"Like your data said, it really was Elias," Estelle manipulated her mana to support Heine and recharge his mana bank back to full.

She casted multiple spells.