Angelic Lady

Unknowing of what was happening in Heine's side, Estelle, who rushed into the monster sites, saw the Knights fighting the monster assailants.

They looked like they were at their limits. Tired, and out of stamina. They could faint at any second now, but because they carried the weight of their responsibility to protect the city, they stayed upright.

On the other hand, the monsters didn't seem tired at all. The number of casualties on the monsters' side was much higher, but they weren't deterred in the slightest.

The monsters continued to fight, fighting to their death for an unknown purpose.

It was just invested in them, the natural instinct to cause chaos and destruction.

The sole perpetrator would be Elias, but who knows what he did that incurred these massive evolutions.

A quick decision was then made.

She would help them, but not too much. She didn't want to instill her role as their omnipotent helper. If that was the case, then everything would be much more troublesome.