The Stone

Back in the city, Estelle came back to meet Heine and Yulia, who were standing side by side while looking at the still raging storm.

"Estelle," Heine noticed her arrival and called out her name, in which she replied with a nod.

The two were left on the scene with a sudden note, so they were quite perplexed at Estelle's line of actions.

"What did you get at the manor?" Yulia asked in curiosity, not noticing anything different with Estelle.

"Well, a ring," Estelle raised her hand to make them get a good look at the jewelry. "A ring that I can't take off, at that,"

Estelle demonstrated herself trying to pull out the silver circlet, which ultimately failed. Estelle sensed no involvement of magic in the lock, but she was certain that a considerable amount of mana was drawn from her mana bank by this specific object.