
It was a pleasant feeling, like something familiar to her was returned after a long period of separation.

Her power of Creation. The power she was bestowed with ever since she took over this body, along with the title [Creator].

It was just as mysterious as everything that happened around her.

In terms of awareness, she was as good as a child. She had so much more to uncover. And this power would be one of those interesting discoveries to her.

A game changer for her path. She could feel it.

As she played around with her newly upgraded magic, her eyes lit up with every discovery.

Estelle couldn't resist a huge smile blooming on her face as she looked at the wonder that sprouted inside of her with gleaming eyes.

Whenever she thought about her powers, the downside that is the lack of flexibility would always come up.

However, with this new upgrade, that downside was greatly reduced.