Her Return

A ray of light brighter than the Eterna itself illuminated Estelle's body, making her shine from inside out.

Her magic was ready, and Estelle felt her soul count stagger. It was beginning to rise. Estelle's heartbeat jumped. This was it.

The moment she had been waiting for. The time she had spent, it was all worth it. The sense of euphoria and completion Estelle felt during this last few moments in Eterna exhilarated her.

"Goodbye," Estelle said, imparting the being with a final smile. Her eyes were somewhat clouded as her soul finally filled up to the brink.

She took one last deep breath in the Eterna. Before she disappeared from the realm.

"Goodbye.." The Ruler, who was left behind in Eterna, belatedly mumbled.

Estelle was now back in the Surface, and the Ruler was once again alone. The pure white realm was somehow more suffocating than it ever was. Perhaps it was because a living being had stepped inside since forever.