
She couldn't have mistaken the chain.

It was just like the previous times she came in contact with the energy.

She couldn't have mistaken it, because it was something she spent years living with.

The most detested thing she came across.

The chains contained Arayle's power. No, at this point, Estelle was unsure whether she could call it Arayle's power anymore.

So many mysteries, so many users that manipulated this magic of Destruction.

What was the Destruction Magic? Where did it come from, and why was she so affected by it? Why were people outside of Arayle able to use it?

As far as she knew, Estelle was the only one who utilized Creation Magic. She had never came across another user, unlike the scenarios with Arayle that could be managed.

Estelle felt frustrated. Powerless. Even though she had just came back from immediate danger. Even though she thought that she was finally free.