Time For More Work

Estelle nodded as she calmed herself down.

Her first reaction was to utilize the method she had used in the Eterna. To use combination magic and increase her soul count.

However, she was hit hard by the cruel reality as her magic was actually still blocked inside the realm, and her element of nothingness wasn't as prominent as it was in the Eterna.

Eterna propelled the existence of nothingness because the realm itself was a landfill of congruent elements that bound together. Now that she was out of that realm, with her current level of manipulation, she wouldn't be able to extricate the nothingness out of herself.

She was at a loss. What other way would be there? Her soul was dying as they speak. She was worried to death.

-Don't do it that way. If you tried to increase it gradually like you did in the Eterna, you will just aggravate that child's actions even more. He will become defensive and increase his work.