Damsel in Distress

In this very moment, Estelle took her chance to enact what she had imagined inside her head.

By a sharp swing of her leg, she would aim at his shin and fracture the bone.

She was confident that she had enough strength. Hopefully. Unless the man had something to protect him from, she would be fine.

Estelle had long concocted her plan.

Estelle kept crying and sobbing, making even Adrian at a loss on what to do. Her appearance was top notch even as a child and would draw pity from many if she was seen basked in sadness.

She was an expert at playing this damned role.

"Hey, I apologize. It's just that you.. uh, you're here at the wrong time. I'm sorry. You're not the one at fault here," Adrian's messy attempt at consoling Estelle made the little girl jump with joy inside her heart.

This proved that the man was letting his guard down.

That he cared for her.

So be it.