The Test

Estelle pursed her lips, humming as she observed the room's interiors. It was her first time entering this particular room.

"Then? What does the papers have to do with it? Are they any preparations going to this matter?"  she stared at the scattered papers on the table.

"The papers are mostly about joint actions we are trying to form, or about the people who has been sent a request for forming a cooperation with. This concerns the nation's resources and benefits, so Shirley has to overlook them too," Aleksei explained. "As for the preparations... We are trying our hardest, but keeping it undercover is honestly a tough work to do,"

Estelle slowly nodded, taking in the information Aleksei gave her.

"Well, who am I to proudly proclaim it as 'we'? I am not exactly included in this dilemma," Aleksei chuckled.