Dressing Up

The next morning, Estelle was woken up by a loud sound.

It came from the door. She struggled to open her eyes, but she vaguely saw two familiar figures standing by the door.

It was the twin attendants.

"Good morning," Neil came in with a large smile plastered on his face, going straight to the windows and opening the curtains in one wide movement.

Estelle was still huddled up in her bed, but Niki came to the clutch and successfully dragged her out of the bed.

Still half awake, Estelle grumbled in frustration. The feeling of being woken up in the morning was always unpleasant.

However, Estelle's attention was brought to Neil's face. The man had a long lasting grin from the moment he stepped in until now, when he stood in front of her.

Immediately, Estelle knew that the second challenge would be issued to her.