A Hidden Past

Estelle was curious about Liviera too, and what the long history between her and the famous Void Witch was.

"Now that you have learned about my identity due to Frey Agatha's stupidity, how should we tolerate this situation? Estelle Clareste from Alynthi?" Liviera stated Estelle's identity with confidence.

Listening to her own status being mentioned, Estelle flinched internally out of reflex, but soon found it logical for Liviera to be able to get that information due to her special status. As a member of a family with a high nobility rank, in addition to standing out for their eccentric qualities that separated them from the other families, Estelle was definitely not an insignificant person.

"Livi, she's not in the wrong," Aleksei butted in, addressing the woman with the nickname 'Livi', which showed that the pair was also quite close.