Meeting Him

Estelle shut her eyes as she recounted the last memory she had. She was supposed to be with Heine, then she abruptly fainted without any provocation. She didn't believe that Heine was the perpetrator because of his reaction to her fall, but who could it be?

Astarte kept observing his elder sister, frowning when Estelle didn't answer his calls.

"Rae? Rae!" He kept calling again and again until Estelle finally snapped out of her trance.

[I should play along for now.] She decided. It would be weird if she didn't react at all, it would be out of place.

"Astarte.. What was I doing?" Estelle's voice was shaky as she addressed the younger male.

"Hm? What's wrong with you, older sister? Why do you seem so down? Are you tired? You don't usually call me Astarte either.." Astarte tugged on her loose robes, his face showing concern. "Rae, I think you really should go back to the Absolute,"