Fighting Fate

"I'm going to what?" Estelle asked, tilting her head as she questioned.

Astarte was hesitant as he stepped backwards, away from his older sister. Revealing an awkward smile, he spoke up. "Sister, I don't think I will go down to the mortal realm with you today. I just remembered that I have things to do here. Please take care and don't let yourself be harmed in any sort of way. Remember, sister. Their realm is separate from ours, and we can't interfere too much.. or else their fates are going to be ruined altogether. Surely, you do not want to be the cause of that, do you?"

[He is hiding something.]

The original Goddess' personality before it got matured by the course of things was naive, so naturally in a situation like this, the Goddess would actually accept Astarte's response as a natural one and let it slide. However, Estelle began to sense a strange discrepancy between this younger God and the actions that were told to her.