
"Speak. I don't think that you are just casually taking a vacation, am I right? Someone of your caliber.. I don't think you would just succumb to your position being taken away, or did I think wrong?" Frey pointed her questions at the fae, who just shrugged and shook his head and let out a sigh.

"You see... Whether you believe it or not, I really didn't mean to purposely come here. I'm here because of a separate reason.. in Alfheim. I'm here to retrieve something. If I really did have big plans, why would I linger around here instead of working on my plans? I would've just left Estelle unconscious, and if I wanted to harm her, it would be even more easier. With her vulnerable state.. she would've been long gone in a flash," Heine reasoned with the woman, who in turn squinted her eyes and glared at him.

Frey gritted her teeth and was starting to become physically hostile.