
"You are.. not wrong, but there is a reason for it," Neil replied to Estelle's answer, his face a bit strained as he spoke.

"A reason? Tell me more," Estelle was curious. Elves were indeed depicted as a hostile species, but Neil was on a different level. Considering his loyalty towards Shirley, it shouldn't be that he hated the Royals. He was diligent and faithful towards his job, and executed his duties with the utmost strength.

"I just hate outsiders, no matter where they came from, what their purpose is, or whatever their desires are. Whether they want good or bad to Alfheim. I suppose that when I first met you, your powers were the perfect proof for you status as the Princess, but the fact that you have been an outsider for all these years and suddenly came back here just doesn't sit right with me," Neil tried to reason, but that was not the thing Estelle was trying to search for.