
As the early morning sun light started to rise over the stone towers of the city a pulse of energy shook the town, immediately followed by another.This time a man opened his eyes and smiled, while touching a small shining jewel hanging from his gold necklace.

He got up and silently sat on the side of the bed so that the other person in the bed would not wake up. He stood up quietly walking to the wardrobe and put on a thick bed robe while smiling and walked to the door opening it quietly.

Two heavily armed guards quickly stood to attention and saluted as he closed the door behind him, smiled at the guards with a finger to his mouth signaling for them to be quiet, then walked up the stone staircase with the guards following him a few steps behind.

He ran his fingers along the polished stone walls as he continued up the steps. "Today is finally here", he said smiling.

He combed his fingers through his bed hair, turned and smiled at the guards who looked at each other in confusion and pushed open the wooden doors gently that led to a large balcony.

As the doors opened the view of the entire stone crafted city could be seen, including the horizon lit up by the sun as it started to rise above it.

The man put his hands behind his back and walked out onto the balcony humming to himself happily, while the guards stood by the sides of the wooden doors.

When he reached the small stone wall that marked the end of the balcony, he leaned against it as an early morning breeze ruffled his hair as he looked over the city. Another pulse of energy flew through the city, he smiled again and grabbed the small jewel with one of his hands clenching the shining jewel tightly.

He turned and looked in the direction that the pulse of energy came from.

"It's true, they're ready." He turned causing the robe to reveal his nakedness.

He looked at the guards and spoke with a voice that commanded instant respect. "Call him, I have a message that needs to be sent to the others.��

One of the two guards quickly saluted and disappeared back down the tower, with his steps echoing off the walls.

He sighed loudly, "I should've told him to be quiet, we all know what she's like when she's woken too early." The other guard nodded and tried to keep a serious face in front of him.

He turned back and looked over the city and waited for the arrival of his messenger. He smiled as the jewel flashed briefly causing him to turn around and stared at the stone wall as it started to shimmer slightly and sighed in envy as a figure dressed in black stepped out from the wall and knelt on the ground in front of the smiling man in silence.

"That was quick, you and your entrances, always amuse me greatly." He walked up towards the kneeling man in black and patted them on the shoulder.

He stared into the kneeling man's eyes as they looked up."What message must I pass to them my master?"

He smiled when he heard the word master and looked at the kneeling man, "I am sure they also feel the pulses of energy throughout Athlos, though they may not know what they mean yet."

He turned and combed his long hair with his fingers again. "Pass the message that the pieces are ready to be found, tell them that it's time to find the ones who will open the gates."

The shadow nodded and sunk through the balcony floor into nothingness causing him to smile and chuckle quietly. He then turned again to face the city as the sun had now risen above the city which was starting to come to life with the sounds of merchants and transports reaching the balcony on which he was standing. He turned and looked at the guard standing silently at the door, with a slight grin.

"I think your friend has woken her up sooo, I think we should stay up here for a while longer and enjoy the view."

He winked at the guard while trying not to laugh too loudly as echoes of thrown objects could be heard from beyond the doors.

He turned and leaned against the small wall and smiled again, "They haven't been together for a long time, I wonder how they'll be when they meet again?"

After he had leaned against the wall for a short period of time he smiled at the guard. "We better go down and see the damage, and prepare to meet with the others." He walked back down the stairs while the guard followed a few steps behind him.

He stopped at the bottom of the stairs, looked at the mess on the floor and walls in the hallway, and sighed at the broken windowpane as he ran his fingers over the deep scratches in the stone. "She has gotten stronger." He muttered to himself as he stepped over the lifeless guard that was laying on the floor with deep bloody scratch marks in their armor matching the scratches on the walls.

He hummed to himself as he walked through a nearby archway to a long wooden table that was being set for the morning meal. Sitting down in a decorated wooden chair at the end of the table running his fingers over the arms while smiling and waiting for the morning meal to be finalized, and for the others to come and join him at the table. He looked up and smiled as his guests started to appear."Finally, ladies and gentlemen we soon won't be alone anymore, and will finally be complete."