Arrival and Escape

"Ahhh. I shouldn't drink that much anymore…" Drummen opened one of his eyes and smiled at the naked women sleeping on his arm. "Definitely a good night…" He looked up at the ceiling and looked confused.

"This isn't a room in a tavern. It's moving as well…" He cursed. "Where am I?" He sat up and looked around him. "Cliffhopper. Where are you?" He gently moved the naked woman off his body and stood up looking down at his naked body smiling. The room he was in rocked. He took a smell of the air and cursed loudly. "Did we get on a boat last night? Where are we?" He looked around him. "Cliffhopper where is your hairy ass?"

"Grrrrrrrrrr. My head's pounding. Stop yelling yeah I'm here."

Drummen turned in the direction of Cliffhopper's voice and his mouth fell open. "How did you get all them?" He nodded at Cliffhopper staring at the large pile of naked women around him.

"Last night was fantastic. The wine, the women and of course your brilliant idea…" He watched as Cliffhopper stood up and threw pants at him. "Come on show some decency in front of men. Women is another story… What do you mean by my brilliant plan?" He shook his head. "First, how did you get all those women? Answer that first."

He looked at Cliffhopper's toothy grin and shook his head sighing. "That is an ancient technique passed from senior to junior." He turned his back as Cliffhopper climbed out of the pile of naked women. "It's all about smell. You know how animals mark their territory?" Drummen nodded and turned around facing Cliffhopper. "Well it's the same idea. Make your body produce a smell, that attracts whoever you want."

Drummen nodded. "Is this something a human like myself can learn? I'd love to know this so then I don't have to spend coin on my company." He patted his pocket. "It feels a little low. I need to fill it up with coin…"

"Hahahahaha. Your funny. Real funny. Hahahaha."

Drummen cursed at Cliffhopper who wiped a tear from his eyes. "Drummen you want to learn the techniques of the earth, but for your own gain not for others…"

He smiled at Cliffhopper. "What has the people of Athlos done for me. See this coin pocket. Almost empty. That's right. They've done nothing for me, so why should I sacrifice my own enjoyment for them?"

He looked annoyed at Cliffhopper his deep voice filling the room they were in. "You sound exactly like me. It seems we're perfectly suited for each other. Sure, when we're sitting on top of the cliff far from the troubles of the world then I'll teach you."

Drummen smiled. "That's great news to my ears. Now, about this brilliant plan of mine?"

"Hahahaha… You must of drunk much more than I have, if you think that.

Well your brilliant plan was us going to the capital and eating the delicacies there." Drummen scratched his head in confusion.

"So, you're telling me that we've crossed the battery sea completely drunk?" He cursed under his breath and looked around. "I don't even remember saying something like that…"

"Does it matter anymore? We're here so we might as well enjoy our time. Plus, the both of us haven't been here before so… Let's go explore."

He felt Cliffhopper's heavy arm on the back of his shoulders as they climbed up the stairs and stood on deck. Drummen took in a deep breath and smiled. "That's the smell of freedom. I love it. Now we need to find some talent. I feel hungry."

Drummen looked up and smiled at the seabirds flying around the vessel and the port they were sailing into. Drummen could feel his heart pounding with joy and excitement.

"I'm going to enjoy each and every moment here in the city. It's a beautiful city, and so the talent here will also be of high quality." He pointed. "See that building up there with the shinning walls. That's where the Supreme hangs out. I��m sure he has all the most talented around him."

Drummen spat into the sea in jealousy and cursed. "I'll find more then he'll have ever experienced… But I should be glad that he sent the monster woman away, or I wouldn't of being able to be free."

"Still talking about her?" He turned and looked at Cliffhopper staring at the city with a smile. "This is where you'll forget everything about her, and then you'll be truly free. Just remember to take your time as you taste the food here, and also to share."

"Hahahahha." They both laughed loudly on the deck of the vessel as it was being tied to the dock.

Drummen smiled and stepped onto the gangplank walking down and jumped off the final step. "My steps feel lite. This is a good start isn't it Cliffhopper?"

He turned and looked at Cliffhopper in confusion. "Cliffhopper… Are you okay? You were smiling and looking forward to being here in the city and now, you seem afraid of the place."

"Hey sailor. Where can we go for a good meal and some company?" He looked at the tanned shirtless sailor. "That way up the main road, just before the market square. There's plenty of places."

"Thanks… Hey Cliffhopper? Let's go… I can hear my stomach grumble. It sounds like you… Hahaha."

He touched Cliffhopper on the shoulder. "What's going on?"

"… Nothing… yet. But something isn't right about this place." He watched Cliffhopper shrug their shoulders and look at him. "Keep an eye out."

He looked at Cliffhopper and shook his head. "Okay, I'll keep an eye out. Let's go eat and find a place to find the talent." He pushed Cliffhopper into the main road and started walking towards the market square.

Drummen kept an eye on Cliffhopper as they made there way through the crowds and transports. "Hey Cliffhopper, it seems you're becoming more nervous the more we get closer to the market square."

Drummen punched Cliffhopper in the arm. "Stop ignoring me. I'm trying to understand what's going on, but you're not being helpful at all." He cursed.

He watched Cliffhopper stop and look around him and was starting to get angry when Cliffhopper's arm grabbed him and pulled him into a nearby alley whispering. "This place is very dangerous. We need to leave now."

Drummen cursed and looked at him. "What are you talking about? You've been acting weird ever since we walked off the vessel."

He pushed Cliffhopper away and straightened his clothes. "If you don't tell me what's going on then I'm going to go to an open tavern and enjoy a meal."

He watched as Cliffhopper placed his hand on his shoulder and cursed. "Sorry Drummen. We can't stop to eat. We need to leave… People are looking for us."

Drummen cursed. "What… What do you mean? How do you know this?" He cursed and spat on the ground.

"Listen. Do you remember when I told you about smell and using it to attract people to you?"

Drummen nodded. "Yes, but what has that got to do with this?"

"That is just one technique of it, but there are many different types of techniques that can be used with scent." Drummen leaned against the wall with his head down listening. "This time it's like they marked their territory. This whole place is covered in their scent… Which means whoever left their scent here will be looking for us but there is more…'

Drummen looked up at Cliffhopper. "What is it?" He cursed as Cliffhopper shook their head.

"Whoever has done this has also done something unforgivable. They have also laid another scent that takes a human's mind and turns them into a slave under their direct control… Whoever it is does not have a care for humans at all."

Drummen cursed and covered his nose.


"Drummen, your safe when you're around me. So you don't need to worry about that, however we do need to leave, because they'll be looking for us."

Drummen looked at Cliffhopper in confusion. "Why would this person be after us?"

"Smell. Our smell is very different. Even your smell has changed after learning the earthen styles. This is something that whoever has done this, will want to remove at all costs, and we're a tasty target."

Drummen sighed and cursed, his head lowered staring at his feet. "Ahh, that just sucks. So we can't even enjoy the food here, and must leave before they start hunting us?" Drummen looked up at Cliffhopper in confusion. "Why is my scent changing just because I know some staff forms?"

"No time to explain." He watched Cliffhopper sniff the air. "They're nearby. We'll wait until they pass then we'll escape this place, also the one who made these marks is coming to this direction."

Drummen cursed. "Let's go. I'll ask for the closest exit."

He walked out of the alley and walked up to the closest merchant. "Hello sir. My friend and I just arrived this morning, and we're wanting to travel to the next city. Could you tell me the way out of the city?"

"What's in it for me?" Drummen sighed and handed the merchant two gold coins. He frowned at the merchant's smile.

"Keep going north through the square and you'll see the merchant's gate. You're not too far away from it."

Drummen cursed and they started making their way through the crowds of people in the market square. "We need to run, the drones are almost upon us."

Drummen looked at Cliffhopper. "Drones?"

"The ones who've become slaves to the smell. We call them drones. Walking and talking for their master… Whoever that is."

"Hahahaha. What a stupid name to call them. Are they bees or something?" He looked down at his hands. "Would touching people and covering our smell on people slow them down a little? That is… if they're looking for us by our smell.���

"That's a good idea Drummen let's try. Hopefully it will work." Drummen smiled as he started to touch the people around him as they ran towards the market gate. "I can see the gate… We're almost there."

He felt Cliffhopper's hand on his shoulder pushing him into a nearby alley. "Again… What's up with you?"

"Quiet… Look. Some drones are about to pass us."

Drummen cursed and sat in the shadows watching as a group of merchants walked past slowly with their noses in the air. "They look strange. It's like they're using their noses to move around and not their eyes…"

"Thhherearrrounnddherrre. Wee cannnsmellll them. Senndd for queeennn. Sheeecannnhaveeethemmmm."

Drummen's mouth dropped open and cursed under his breath. "There's no way I'm staying around for the queen to arrive." He turned to Cliffhopper. "We need to get out of here before they arrive…"

He looked up and smiled. "Let's run along the roofs. We should get to the gate faster than running in the crowd."

He smiled at Cliffhopper's nod and they climbed the wall onto the roof and started running towards the gate.

"Thereeeeetheyyyyareeee. Theeeroofffsss. Theyyy smell yummyyyy. Pleassee hurry myyyy queen!"

He cursed as he heard the drones call out.

"Run! We're almost there."

They ran and jump off the last roof rolling and standing up running through the city gate and out into the surrounding forests hiding amongst the trees.

"Hahahaha." Drummen smiled while panting heavily.

"What's so funny? Our lives were almost forfeit." Drummen turned to Cliffhopper. "Just memories running from angry fathers."

"Quiet. They're at the gate now. Let's see what happens… If I'm right they won't be able to leave their masters territory."

Drummen looked at the gate and cursed quietly watching as a transport arrived. "That's a very expensive transport. Someone has gone out of their way to make that as gold as possible."

He watched as the drones made their way to the transport. "Their master is in the transport." He looked at Cliffhopper in surprise. "I've never seen you pale. It's like you've seen a ghost."

"Drummen if that master went for us, we would be dead in an instant… They are old and very strong. We wouldn't even have a chance to run from them. We're very lucky here today…"

Drummen cursed and looked down at his hands. "All we wanted to do was drink and have the company of others. Just minding our own business and causing no harm to to others… Why do people always try and stop me from doing what I want." He hit the tree with his fist in anger.

"I really want a drink now, but I don't want to get wet in Eternia. Where else can we go?"

"I know a place Drummen, but it's a bit far from here. However, it's a place where the Supreme has no influence, and people avoid the place like it has a disease."

Drummen looked up and smiled. "Where is this heavenly place?"

"Cough... Eastern island chains…"

He heard Cliffhopper cough. "What did you say? You mumbled the place."

"Eastern island chains."

Drummen let go of the tree in surprise and fell onto the ground with a curse.