
"Not enough killing intent Mouse. Again… How many more times do I need to tell you?" He watched as sweat beaded off Agune's face and onto the grassy ground.

Mouse cursed and looked at Agune, turning his body sideways. "You're improving fast, I'll give you that." Mouse jumped backwards and hid amongst the brush and bushes. He smiled. "A mouse doesn't need killing intent. If there was, then the mouse would be dead on the ground."

"Nice feint Mouse. Now what are you going to do leaving me here on my own? At least I can say, you're using the environment well."

Mouse smiled slowly climbing a tree trying to keep his shadow small. "I just need to sit and wait for the time to attack. Just like a mouse, nice and patient…"

"At least you're still good at hiding. I'm still waiting to feel your bite."

Mouse sat there watching Agune walk around in the clearing cursing and calling out to him. Mouse smiled. "Keep your cool. Just be a mouse."

"Thud… Thud… Thud"

He watched as Agune threw daggers against the trunk of the tree.

"Hurry up… It's getting late. You good for nothing mouse. Go and hide I'm going to get something to eat!" He smiled as Agune cursed and picked up his daggers.

"Now's the time… I'll wait until he's picking up the last one, then I'll strike."

Mouse climbed a tree branch and sat waiting on top of where the final dagger was laying. He smiled as Agune bent down to pick up the dagger. "Now…" He dropped down from the branch aiming for Agune's skull.

He cursed as he watched Agune raised his dagger in defense. "Change of plans…" Mouse used his foot to land on Agune's wooden dagger and used it to jump backwards while throwing the dagger at Agune's chest at the same time.


Mouse rolled backwards and crouched ready to strike again. He watched as Agune spat looking at him. "Nice attack. You sucked me in with your first attack and used that to make your real strike. Clever Mouse. I'm impressed."

Mouse stood up and relaxed smiling. "I'll be better than you and kick your ass properly soon. I still haven't forgotten about the tavern…"

"Good use that revenge to find your friends."

Mouse pulled out an apple and started chewing on it. "So, can I go back to the keep?"

"The keep is open to you. Now you have some worth to my queen. From tomorrow onward you'll be assigned to the Supreme personal attendants. Identify the person you saw and report to me."

Mouse nodded. "About blasted time. I've been looking forward to this moment."

He looked at Agune. "Mouse remember… Inform me, and don't do anything stupid…"

He watched Agune pick up the remaining weapons and walked out of the clearing through the hidden entrance. Mouse smiled and sat on the grass. "Finally, … I'm getting somewhere. I'll rest for a moment then go to the keep."

He opened his eyes as he felt the morning sun touch his body. "It's time." He jumped up with a determined glint in his eyes. "Bathe and then to the keep."

He whistled as he bathed. "Today is a good start. My brothers. I'll find you soon." His face turned dark. "Or get your revenge. No matter the result, I'll find out the truth."

He got dressed and pulled an apple from a nearby tree. "Thanks tree. Let's get some revenge the only way a mouse can…" He left the garden and made his way to the keep.

He whistled as he changed into the servant's uniform and stood in front of Agune with a flat smile.

"Reporting for duty."

"Sniff. About time. You're almost late. Today you're to head to the attendants' hall. Soldiers will be walking around making sure you don't have sticky fingers and full pockets."

Mouse nodded and walked into the keep.

"Oh, by the way Mouse. If the attendants are pleased, one of them will take you as a personal servant." Mouse stopped and looked at Agune with a flicker of a smile. "Not sure why someone would choose you, but still need to tell you that…"

Mouse looked at him with revenge in his eyes. "Hurry to the attendants hall. Don't be late for their morning meal."

He nodded at Agune and walked towards the attendants' hall. "I'm going to find you and get the information that I need…" He clenched his fists and cursed as he walked past guards eyeing him.

He joined the other servants already in the hall standing and waiting in silence. He looked around the hall.

"So many paintings and statues. All about showing off the Supreme."

His face darkened as he stared at one statue. "The Creator crowing the first Supreme… What a joke." He sighed and looked up at the roof whistling softly. "All those fire batterys and gold chandeliers would give the people outside the city a good life. Tired of the wealthy thinking they are better than others."


He turned his head and saw Agune standing next to him. "Remember the deal made with my queen. Identify and report. Don't be stupid…"

Mouse rolled his eyes. "Yes, I remember."


He turned his head as the door to his side opened and groups of attendants started arriving. He bowed as they walked past checking their faces. Mouse cursed under his breath. "None of these… Where is he?" He stopped bowing as the last attendant walked past and followed them in the dining hall. He stood with the other servants waiting to be called by the attendants. He turned to Agune and shook his head sadly.

"Not all the attendants are here. It looks like there are three not attending the morning meal."

He looked at the nearby cart. "Perhaps I should deliver their morning meal to their offices?"

"That's exactly what I was going to order you to do. Go deliver their morning meals to their offices. Hurry before the food gets cold."

Mouse nodded and walked to the cart pushing it out of the dining hall and into the hall. He walked to the first office knocking on the door calling out. "Morning meal is here for you."

"Enter." He opened the door and looked at a short overweight person pointing to a nearby table. "Leave it there…"

Mouse nodded leaving their meal and closed the door behind him cursing. "Not him… Two more to go."

He went to the next office knocking on the door. "Morning meal is here." He could hear moaning on the inside.

"Enter… ahhh… leave it on my… ahhh… desk…"

He opened the door and saw a female attendant lying on a sofa, while an unknown person was kissing and fondling their breasts. "Ahhh… hurry up… unless you want to join in servant...Ahhh."

Mouse bowed at the attendant. "I'm sorry I am delivering, but if you need more hands I can join in later..." He stopped looking at them and placed the meal on the desk leaving and cursing again. "Only one left. This better be the person… I need to find answers."

He pushed the cart to the third attendant's door and stood staring at the door. "This one is different…" He felt his hopes raising and knocked.

"Morning meal here for you."

He stood and waited, his heart beating fast.


He knocked again. "Morning meal…"

The door slowly swung open and a quiet voice called out to him.

"You need to be patient servant… Leave it on the desk next to the door."

Mouse nodded and glanced at the attendant working behind the desk and felt his heart jump into his throat."It's him… Finally, I've found you."

He turned to leave the office. "Servant stop… Why the rush? Take the rubbish out with you. It's getting a little messy in here."

Mouse turned and bowed at the attendant, picking up the rubbish and leaving the office fighting back his anger. "I just want to throw a dagger in his face… But then I wouldn't get any answers. What should I do?"

He started breathing heavily and leaned against the stone wall staring at the statue. "I need to calm down… Agune will know I've identified him… But also, he'll be able to help me work with him more. It seems I've need to his services for this." He scratched his head. "I better get back to them before he starts thinking…"

He pushed the cart back to the dining hall and sighed as Agune walked up to him.

"Did you find him?"

Mouse cursed and nodded. "Yeah, I found him. It's the one with the strange door that opens by itself. He didn't recognize me or even bother with me at all. But his face, that's easy to remember."

He heard Agune curse. "That one is attendant Borgis… His personal servants quit or fall ill and leave the keep quickly. He's looking for another personal servant. Maybe there is a way for us there?"

Mouse looked at Agune. "Let me do it. I would like to be close to the person who took everything from me…" Revenge flashed across Mouse's face.

"Sorry Mouse. Your job is done. You've done all you had to do. I'll let the queen know. She won't be happy, but at least we know who created the information blackout."

Mouse cursed and hit the cart with his hands. "So, I'm done? You're just sending me on my way? That's just shit."

He looked at Agune angrily. "Thanks for nothing…" He turned to leave the dining hall. "Mouse. This evening attendant Borgis will be selecting a new personal servant. If you're at the door or not is your choice."

Mouse looked at him and nodded. "Don't worry about me. I've always been able to look after myself. I'll be there, and I'll be chosen. You can tell the queen to mind her own business."

Mouse left the dining room and spent the rest of the day walking around the keep pretending to be busy and cleaning. "It seems that something is really happening outside. That's not my problem…" He clenched his fists while pretending to clean a shelf.

"I'll do what it takes to be chosen by him. I just hope it's something that I can do." He shook his head. "I feel so nervous, but I must be chosen."

He looked out the window and sighed. "Late afternoon already. Time passes slow when you're waiting for something." He looked at himself. "I better go and line up with the others." He left the room he was in and made his way to the hall and saw others standing outside the strange door in silence. He walked up to them and nodded at them in silence before standing next to them.

He stood there watching the shadows around the door become long and sighed. "He's taking his time… At least now I can see why I think this door is strange. There are things inside it. The shadows are revealing it's secrets." He smiled. "This guy tried to hide something in the door. I guess it is to prevent people from opening it without him around."

He yawned. "Is this part of the test? Just waiting here, is boring…" He looked at the others standing with him.

He looked out the large windows and cursed. "He's been making me wait this long. The moon is out, and the stars are shining." He yawned and smiled as he saw one of the servants had fallen asleep in a nearby chair.


"Finally…" He muttered as he watched Borgis stand in front of them.

"Ahh, that's today… Well I've been busy, so I expect my servant to keep to me aware of the time of day. I have many things to do so I'll make this short. I have a question to ask and a test for you before I make my choice."

Mouse could feel his heart beating in his throat and his hands covered in sweat. He cursed under his breath. "Stupid body. Feeling fear just standing in front of this piece of shit."

"First question. My door can you identify anything special about it? A simple yes or no is suffice."

Mouse nodded. He glanced at the others standing next to him shaking their heads. "Great I passed the first test."

He watched as Borgis pulled out some clear stones from his pocket. "This is the test. I want a drop of your blood. Line up. Quickly now. No questions are needed."

Mouse looked at the clear stones in confusion.

"What are they? Why would he need a drop of my blood? I wonder what will happen when he has a drop of my blood?"

He stood in the line and could hear Borgis muttering and complaining as the other servants gave a drop of blood. Mouse's eyes became small in confusion as short bursts of light would come from the stone. He tried to move to see what was happening, but couldn't see anything. He cursed silently, as he stood in front of Borgis. He felt Borgis' gaze upon him as he was looked up and down.

"You are small and weak to be a servant, probably useless, however you may have use somewhere depending on your blood. Finger…"

He felt the dagger tip pierce his fingertip and watched as a single drop fell onto a clear stone. He watched as the clear stone started glowing and an image of a green leaf.

He held his breath as Borgis took a step closer to him. "Servant, can you read and write?" Mouse nodded.

"Good… Good… Little servant you're my personal servant. I have some special work that is suited to you perfectly. Be standing here at the morning bell. Don't be late."

He bowed at Borgis, and watched their feet walk away from him. He felt tears in his eyes. "He is a very strange person. That smile he gave when he tested my blood." Mouse shuddered and stared at the back of Borgis. "He is a very dangerous person… What have I got myself into now?" He looked down at his shaking hands and place them in his pockets.