
"It's been ages and they haven't done anything to this guy yet…" Mouse cursed as he stood outside the door waiting for Borgis to arrive and open the door for the both of them to enter.

He cursed and bowed as he heard the door to the attendants' private quarters open and familiar steps move along the hall and stood in front of the door. "Good servant… It seems you didn't open or even try and open the door. Good…Good. Follow me servant with the morning meal."

He watched as Borgis opened the door and sat at his desk as Mouse placed the morning meal in front of him, then sat at a smaller desk near the door.

"Servant… are there any new requests for me to look through and approve?"

Mouse stood up and shook his head. "There haven't been any requests so far that meet your requirements. I'll keep looking for you."

"Good servant… If you find one that fits my requirements perfectly… I'll reward you with a little bonus…"

Mouse smiled and sat down, cursing under his breath as he looked.

"Why aren't they moving? I gave all the information that they asked… Doesn't matter. I'll do it myself. He can go and spend all his time on his queen. Blasted idiots the lot of them."

"Servant the rubbish. Please take it away for me… It's an eyesore."

Mouse stood up and picked up the rubbish before bowing and leaving Borgis working at his desk. He closed the door behind him and walked into Agune standing there.

"What are you lot doing?" Mouse pointed to the room. "He's right there… He's creeping me out with his strange requests for blood and other strange requests… He's always talking about perfection and when he looks at me, it's like he's thinking of eating me or something…"

Mouse cursed putting the rubbish on the cart and started pushing it towards the servants' quarters.

"Relax Mouse… The queen has said she will deal with him personally. When the queen moves things happen. You never know when she will strike but she will."

He watched as Agune walked down another hallway. "Leave him to us. Just keep an eye on him. That's all you do. Nothing else…"

Mouse cursed under his breath. "Stupid queen does whatever she wants. "She's probably at the bar drinking and doing nothing about it."

He placed the rubbish in the servants' quarters and returned to Borgis's office. He stopped and blinked his eyes for a moment and stared at a wall before sitting at his desk.

"Did that wall next to him just move?" He shook his head. "A blasted wall can't move. I'm just seeing things because of these stupid requests."

"Is there a problem servant?"

Mouse stood up and bowed at Borgis. "No, my lord… I'm just seeing things from all these requests."

"Please hurry through those requests. The Supreme is looking to us to create something perfect for him, and your input is vital."

Mouse bowed. "As my lord asks, I shall obey…" He sat down confused focusing on the requests.

"Ssservant. How long have you been serving me for?"

Mouse looked up saw Borgis looking out the window behind his desk and stood up. "I've been serving my Lord for at least four months now."

"Four months… Time has passed quickly hasn't it ssservant?"

Mouse nodded. "Yes, my lord time has indeed been passing quickly."

He stood in silence and felt his heartbeat beat rapidly as Borgis turned and stared at him. Mouse lowered his eyes and heard Borgis's steps move towards him.

"Where do you live ssservant?"

Mouse kept his head down. He could feel the sweat bead off his forehead and hands. "I live in the servants' quarters. I can be here at any time that you summon me, my lord."

"You know… the Supreme has asked me to build something special for him… and to be honest it's rather tricky… But with you here now. I know that it can be done."

Mouse could feel the hairs on the back of his neck raise up. He clenched his fists keeping his head down. He cursed under his breath as he saw Borgis's shoes in front of him.

"Would you like to help me complete what the Supreme has asked of me to do?"

He shuddered as he felt Borgis's hand on his shoulder. "I'll follow my lord and obey…"

"That's good ssservant… That'ss very good. Come follow me."

He looked up and followed Borgis to a wall in silence. "Ssservant. The Supreme gave me a special place where I can do the work he asked of me."

He watched as Borgis touched the wall and it moved like a pool of water. "This here is the work of researchers from the Ancient Tower and batterys. Very impressive isn't it. Please follow me ssservant."

He watched Borgis walk through the wall with an open mouth and cursed under his breath. "This is not good. Where is Agune when you need him?" He walked into the wall and found himself standing on a large stone step.

"It took the others some time to walk through the wall, but you I didn't have to wait or push you through it. Good ssservant. Come we must go down."

"Where are we going? I've never seen something like this before…"

"This has been here since the capital was built long ago… Quickly come follow me ssservant. No more time for questions."

Mouse nodded and followed Borgis down the steps.

"Drip… Drip…"

"Don't mind the water… As we go further down the water still finds its way down here. But it also provides the perfect conditions…"

Mouse touched his chest felling his heartbeat. "Must calm down… Maybe the truth about what happened is down here…"

He closed his eyes for a moment taking a deep breath.


"Hohoho… Don't worry ssservant… That's just the wind. It plays tricks on people's minds down here. My previous ssservants would always try and run, but you seem quite brave ssservant…"

Mouse stood at the bottom of the stairs and looked up. "This is a long way down my lord… What must I do?"

He watched as Borgis opened a wooden door and walked in… "Come ssservant. Nothing will bite you in here... maybe sting, but no biting I can promise that ssservant."

Mouse nodded and walked through the doorway and stared at the room with wide eyes. "My lord… What is all this equipment? I've never seen things like this before…"

"This is my lab ssservant. Here I work on the task that the Supreme has given me. I really need your help you see, and you said you'd help, so here you are…"


Mouse turned his head towards a darkened hallway.

"My lord… That doesn't sound like the wind from here. It sounds like a person screaming out…"

He took a deep breath and a step back towards the door. He watched as Borgis walked around the lab and turned to the darkened hallway. "Since you're going to help me ssservant. Then there is no harm telling you."

Mouse heard Borgis sigh. "Down that hallway you could say are my failed attempts at completing the Supremes' request. They're good at what they do, but in my eyes, they aren't perfect yet… They have been missing something, and now I've got the final piece… You…"

Mouse took another step backwards he could hear his heartbeat in his ears. "I know nothing about any of this equipment my lord… How could a little servant like me be able to help you?"

"Hohohoho… Ssservant you're indeed a funny one. Intelligence wise nothing you can do or say can help me, but what I need is inside you… I need your blood…"

He watched as Borgis pointed to a strange table. "Ssservant lay on the table… Know that your sacrifice will be for the kingdom of the eternal Supreme…"

Mouse shook his head in confusion. ���What do you mean when you say my sacrifice? My death is how I'll help you? I think not…"

He cursed at Borgis and watched him shake his head and sigh. "Ssservant… that's a pity. You see you did say yes to helping me and the cause of the Supreme… Now because a little sacrifice is needed you don't want to be a part of it…"

"That's blasted right…"

"You see here's the problem ssservant… I'm going to take your blood regardless. You see it's rather precious, and I rather want it…"

Mouse shook his head and took another step closer to the door. He stared at Borgis's smile. "You see ssservant… I always get what I want. I was rather bored you were happy to come down here… But now I get some enjoyment of a little chase and hunt. My creations will be happy too."

"Clang! Clang!"

Mouse turned and looked down the darkened hallway. "Hmmm, it seems my creations are wanting to play with you ssservant. Shall we hunt together my children?"

Mouse cursed and ran to the door and started to run up the stairs.

"Hohohoho. After him my children. I want him alive. I care not for his voice or legs… Take them if you must."

"Stupid stairs… stupid crazy lords and whatever is after me… I didn't find out anything about where Garrn or Sai are…" He cursed and kept running.

He stopped halfway up the stairs. "What's that sound? It sounds like a bee." He took a deep breath and kept running with Borgis's laughter running through his mind.

"Must get out… Find Agune… get help…" He panted.

"Buuzzzz Thud… Thud... Thud."

Mouse felt something heavy hit him in the middle of his back. He cursed and fell to his knees. Tears forming in his eyes. "Must… get… out of here…" He touched the object that hit him and flinched back in pain. "Later… must… escape first…"

He got up on his feet and ran. "Painful…" He cursed and wiped the sweat off his brow with his sleeve. He walked through the wall and through Borgis's office closing the door behind him. "That… should keep them… away for a while…"

He walked to the window. "My throat… so dry… so much pain…" He looked down at the garden. "I must make it to the garden…"

He leaned against the keep wall as he made it to the servants' quarters and falling on his knees in front of Agune standing at the entrance.

"Mouse what's happened? Your back… There's blood everywhere."

"Borgis… try kill… want… blood… must hide…coming."

Mouse stood up taking deep breaths and stood up on his feet with Agune helping him up. Mouse pushed him away. "I'll go… garden… Borgis… dangerous…"

Mouse leaned against the buildings as he walked towards the gardens before falling on his knees on the soft dirt. He smiled. "Almost… there… help…must fight…"

He crawled along the ground making his way to the waterfall where he felt all his energy faded away. He rolled to his side watching the trees fade in and out of view as tears fell from his eyes.

"There… he is… pick him up gently… back"

Mouse opened one of his eyes and looked around him. "Blurry… can't see… tired."

"Mouse… safe… relax…"

Mouse nodded and closed his eyes.