Smuggling and Pirates

"That was a fun way to travel, next time tell me what you're going to do before you do it." Drummen called out to Cliffhopper who was smiling.

"Yeah flying is the only way to travel, pity about being a bear and not a bird."

Drummen looked at him in surprise. "You can be a bird. We were birds just a while ago. What're you talking about?"

"That was only a skin change technique. We weren't really birds and just wore the skin of them so we could get to the closest city port easier, and leave the capital faster."

Drummen looked around in the busy port and heard Cliffhopper sigh.

"We're here, but how do we go where we need to go?"

Drummen smiled and looked at Cliffhopper.

"Well... all we need to do is find the right person, who has the right contacts."

He put an arm around the shoulder of Cliffhopper and smiled.

"How do you think that place gets its supplies?"

He smiled as Cliffhopper shrugged and whispered into Cliffhopper's ear.

"Smugglers," which made Cliffhopper's eye open wide with a smile. "How else do those in that place get their hands on batterys and cargo all these years?"

He watched as Cliffhopper started to smile and nod. "So all we have to do is find the right person who can help us out and introduce us to a captain who would be willing to provide passage to that place for a nice fee."

He stepped back from Cliffhopper and smiled in a mischievous way. "Do you want to know what else is amazing about this amazing plan of ours?"

He saw the smile on Cliffhopper face and knew he was going to like this part of the plan.

"We'll need to do lots of drinking in a few taverns around here to find the information that we seek."

"Hahahaha… This is a plan I approve of and fully agree with." Drummen smiled and felt Cliffhopper's arm on his back.

"Let's begin here… The women look nice…"

"Yes… I agree…" Eyeing the tavern staff with little clothing and the female sailors eyeing him in return.

They quickly sat down and started drinking and eating the moment food and drink landed on their table. Drummen looking around, found what he was looking for smiled and beckoned her over with a smile and a wave of coin. The red-haired tavern servant wrapped her hands around his shoulders and sat on his lap, with her hands then going around his waist. He looked at Cliffhopper and smiled.

"I have this thing for red heads, they just seem to be like fire, if you know what I mean?"

"Cough… Cough… I would usually agree with this, but aren't we here for other things as well?"

Drummen smiled at Cliffhopper. "Yes, just watch and see… You'll understand my ways soon enough…"

He looked at the red headed beauty in the eyes and smiled at her, a gold coin flashed between his fingers that she watched with a smile on her face. His heart raced when he heard her laugher as she went to grab the gold.

"What do you want handsome traveler?"

"Well boss..."

"How did you know I'm boss here?"

Drummen smiled, "can't a handsome man like me with coin to spare not know who is the one that has the balls in here, and tells everyone what to do?"

He watched as she started to play with his shirt smiling. "Ahh, you like those type of women, do you? Well we do have a few things we can do for you handsome..."

He gently grabbed her hands and held them against his shirt and felt a pinch on his ear as she bit it gently.

He looked at her with a smirk on his face. "Wait, please wait, even though I would enjoy that a lot. I need to ask something first, and then I'm all yours."

He saw her pout and smiled.

"Well…What is it, don't make a boss like me keep waiting, or you'll walk out of here with more bruises than you'll be able to count."

He followed her eyes as they both looked down at his waist. He smiled as he felt her hand brush against his crotch. "It seems someone wants to come out and play, so please hurry or the both of us will get bored."

"Hahahaha… This is brilliant… I see what you mean brother. Good eyes… Even after that other woman left you, it seems they left an impression on you and how to do things."

He looked at Cliffhopper and cursed at him. "Hey… just wait a moment… I'm busy negotiating here with this very attractive red head."

He looked at her and touched her cheek with his hand. "My friend and I are rather bored of simple life in this part of the world and wish to do trade with those… With less restrictions and more freedom in their lives." He smiled and pulled out another coin and waved it in front of her.

"Ahh… Is that all you want… That's easy you follow me and we'll go see my sister." He stood up with Cliffhopper as he raised his hand to stop him.

"Muscles… Wait here… My sister will only be interested in this one here. But I'm sure you wouldn't find my sister interesting anyway."

Drummen nodded at Cliffhopper who sat back down. "Go have fun…" Drummen smiled. "I'll be back in a bit… maybe a bit more than a bit…"

He followed the red-haired beauty upstairs and into a private room. He watched as she opened it pushing him inside and heard the click of the door locking.


He nodded and sat watching as she walked behind a table and looked at him.

"You want me to take your cute little ass and muscles downstairs for how much?"

"Hahahaha… I knew it. Even your accent has changed. Your good at hiding yourself boss or should I say captain… But so am I."

He looked at her seriously. "So, how much do you want for safe passage?"

"Hahahaha… Interesting." He smiled as she poured a drink and returned the gaze as she drank.

He sat smiling as she walked over to him.


Drummen turned his head to see her heel stabbing into the chair he was sitting on. He cursed under his breath and smiled as he looked at her calf and thigh.

He looked at her with a mischievous smile. "I see… I'm happy to oblige." He started to slowly kiss her calf as his hands wrapped around her thigh.


He smiled as he rubbed his cheek and frowned as she dropped her leg and sat on the table. "Safe passage in those waters is never safe. But if the both of you want to be on the Nebi, then you'll also have to fight if we fight."

He smiled at her. "That's not a problem for me…"

"I haven't finished yet… Not only will you be fighting if we're attacked, but you'll be keeping me company especially when it gets cold at night."

"Hahaha… As long as there is a drink to drink and fun to have. I'm your man… Where do we sign up?"

"Oh… I like that… Yes. You're mine. Don't forget that, I'll also be making sure that no one will ever touch you except for me…"

He gulped. "That sounds interesting… Umm, what do I call you? Also, you didn't say a price…"

"You've paid the price… Also, you can call me anything you want as long as it ends in captain."

He felt his heartbeat wildly as she sat on his lap and started to kiss her passionately. He picked her up and carried her to the table as she started to cry and moan out in pleasure.


Drummen opened his eyes and smiled.

"Nice… That was great… Looking forward to more."

He turned and saw he was alone, and a note held by a dagger on the chair.

"Mine… In three days, head to the docks look for the Cruser. It'll take you to Nebi. I'll be back soon Xoxo."

Drummen smiled and dressed walking out of the room and leaned against the railing looking down at the people in the tavern. He saw Cliffhopper talking to someone. "He seems annoyed… I wonder who it is…"

He walked down the stairs and stood near them talking.

"Capital… pheromones… strong… anyone who is around her pheromones… becomes… playthings or… army… strong… markings… city."

Drummen walked up to Cliffhopper and looked at the woman with long brown hair and large eyes. "Is everything okay Cliffhopper?"

"All is well brother… This bird was just leaving. She's just trying to ruin our fun that's all."

Drummen looked at the woman, thinking for a moment and then shook his head.

"Yes… Just as your hairy brother here said… I'm leaving. I'll need to talk to some people about the capital."

Drummen watched her stand and leave the tavern. He sat down and took a long drink. "Don't let others tell us to do something… We do what we want, when we want."

He smiled at Cliffhopper. "It's good we're heading east… The capital is a scary place… I'm glad we're not going to be here anymore. Hey, cheer up. We've got a ride."

"Hahahaha… That's great. When do we leave? The sooner the better."

He handed the note to Cliffhopper who read it and smiled.

"Three days it is. It seems someone has taken a fancy to you indeed."

Drummen felt his face start to burn. "Yeah… She's good. She seems very protective of her property."

"Hahahaha. I hope you haven't got us caught up in something bad?"

Drummen shook his head. "Nope. You know me, I don't like doing things that make us suffer. So, will you be okay waiting three days?"

"Not a problem at all. Watch this…"

He had a drink as Cliffhopper smiled and scratch his head. Drummen's mouth fell open as four beautiful women walked towards him and wrapped their bodies around the smug Cliffhopper.

"You've really got to teach me how to do that." Drummen shook his head and looked at him slightly jealous.

"Mine… Where are you? I'm back… I've got a few things for us to play with… Mine! Move that cute ass of yours up here monk boy. You need to show me your staff stances!"

Drummen smiled and stood up quickly heading towards the red-haired woman. He turned and winked at Cliffhopper. "I'll see you in three days. Enjoy your company… I'll be enjoying mine."

He smiled at her and followed her up the stairs into the room. "I'm going to enjoy these days…" He closed the door behind them smiling.


He heard the door open. "See you on Nebi mine… Don't be late or I'll be sad, and you don't want me sad, do you?"

He shook his head and looked around him getting dressed and cursed. "It's been three days already… Time passes too quickly." He walked out of the room and sat at a table ordering a large plate of food.

He looked around as he was chewing. "Where's Cliffhopper…

Three days are up. We need to head to the Cruser."


He turned to the noise and saw Cliffhopper half-dressed with the four women wrapped around his legs. "Please… don't go… stay with us... please! We'll do anything for you..."

He chuckled under his breath as Cliffhopper slowly made his way to the table and eating the food on the plate. He watched as Cliffhopper looked at the women who were dragging behind him. His mouth fell open as they just stood up and walked away ignoring them. "You really got to teach me that…" He chewed on a bit of dried meat as Cliffhopper started eating with a smile on his face.

"I see you've had a great time as well. Don't worry Cliffhopper, where we're going the women are better and have a little bite to them."

"Hahahaha… Yes, that's great to hear, oh nice bruises by the way." Drummen cursed at Cliffhopper who ignored him and looked around. "They were great here, but there are many more places to go and see. Let's hurry and head towards the port after eating."

Drummen walked out of the tavern with Cliffhopper making their way through the crowds towards the port. Drummen smiled.

"Freedom is coming my friend. No more worrying about the world, and we can just drink our time away."

"Here's the port… Now we need to find the Cruser."

Drummen stood looking around and cursed. "I can't see it around here. Can you see it?"

He turned to Cliffhopper who shook his head. "It would be easier to know what type of ship we're looking for."

Drummen shrugged his shoulders. "She didn't say, except for look for the Cruser…"

"Ahh, you bee lookinggg for theeeCrussserrr?"

Drummen turned and looked at an old sailor sitting on some crates drinking. "Yes, we're… Do you know where it is?"

"Ssssheetollddmeee, there beeetwooo off youuu. Folllowwmeee."

They watched as the drunk sailor nimbly stood up and walked to the edge of a port and pointed to a tiny boat. Drummen cursed. "Is this going to hold our weight? It looks like it's going to fall apart and sink at any moment."

"Jusstttgetttt inn. Bottthh of youuu are luckyyyy. Full female crewww. I'mmm a littlee jealous."

Drummen looked at Cliffhopper and winked. "That is great news."

They climbed onto the Cruser and turned to the drunk sailor still standing on the dock. "Welcome to the Nebi… Have a fun trip. You may never want to leave, well I wouldn't want to."

Drummen looked at Cliffhopper in confusion and looked at the drunk sailor. "I thought you were drunk?"

"I can be drrrrunnnnkkk and sober whenever I want. See you both around." Drummen looked at the water around them starting to bubble and the vessel started to sink. Drummen cursed. "What's going on?"

"Mine… Stop panicking idiots and calm down… Welcome to the Nebi…"

He looked around him. "Where is your voice coming from captain?" There was water around them, but they were both dry. "Hey brother. Look Nebi is an underwater ship… That's how they can get around."

"Muscles, has a brain... Good. There is a sound battery, so I can hear you and you can hear me."

They sat as the Cruser made its way towards Nebi. Drummen smiled. "Clever… my captain. Are you already onboard?"

"Yes… You made me wait and even made me panic thinking you wouldn't show up.. We'll have to do something about that…"

"Hahahahaha. Brother, I like her."

He watched as a hatch opened on the Nebi swallowing the Cruser in darkness.

"Welcome to the Nebi…"