Mountain of Storms

Star leaned against the cave wall listening to the whistling language of the mountain tribesmen. She smiled and turned to Slouen. "Do you know the language?"

Her smile faded as she saw him shake his head. "It sounds beautiful and amazing, but it's actually special in the sense that it can travel through the mountain ranges quite far, however I don't know the language as each tribe whistle in a different way."

Star's eyes opened wide. "They can communicate while being on different mountains or in different valleys?"

"Yes, that's right…" Star nodded. "Then I must learn this language…"

"Hahahaha. Girl you're funny. Every tribe has their own language, there is no mountain universal language here. It's part of the reasons why they have so many blood wars here."

She ignored Slouen and stared at the fire and watched it with determination in her eyes. "I'll learn them all…"

"There's the stubbornness that I like about you girl… Go for it, if anyone can do it, that would be you."

Star smiled, stood up and walked over to the mountain tribesmen. "May I ask you both a question?"

"Girl ask…"

"I've been watching you both climb. How do you climb without ropes? Aren't you afraid of falling? Especially in that weather?" She pointed to the cave entrance. "All that heavy rain and wind. Wouldn't you lose your grip on the mountain?"

"Face fear… We're warriors… Rope removes fear… We strong… no rope."

"Girl has eyes… concentrate… be strong… live or die… mountain decides. Girl sleep. Move quickly morning"

Star nodded and leaned against the wall and stared at the paintings on the wall closing her eyes falling into a deep sleep.

"Girl wake… food… eat."

Star opened her eyes and sat up with a start. She brushed her hair with her hand and looked at the bird like mask of the warrior in front of her.

"Thank you…" She took the dried meat and started to eat in silence.

She looked up and saw the other warrior walk back into the cave. "Move now… fast… war fighting near next pass… hurry."

She looked at Slouen who silently packed his bag and stood ready to go. "Hurry girl… When these guys say there is trouble, we must listen."

Star nodded at Slouen and quietly packed. They left the cave in silence. Star followed behind and stared at the cloud covered mountain in the distance. "That's where I have to reach."

"Girl… mountain sacred… need permission before climb… Top… most sacred."

Star looked at the warrior. "What's up on the top?"

"You no warrior yet. No say… or death…"

She looked at the warrior with an annoyed face. "My eyes show my blood is from there. My family is from there…"

"Until proven… you no climb there… city speak to elders. Blood gets in city… Not climb sacred mountain."

She shook her head and sighed in silence and followed the warriors and Slouen climbing towards the next pass. She stood on a ridge and looked around here. "It's beautiful…"

"Girl… back quickly… war next ridge… warriors can see… shoot you…"

Star stepped back and crouched near the warriors.

"Hahahaha… Like baby bird… no ready fly…"

She stood up and listened to the wind. She turned and looked at the warriors who had also become silent and tense.

"We need move… hide… warriors coming… quick or die…"

Slouen stepped up. "That's fine… Where do we hide?"

Star heard them talking to each other with their language and stubbornness filled her eyes. "I'll learn… I'll also be climbing that mountain." She spoke under her breath.

She looked up at the mountain they were on and noticed a small ridge above them. She pointed up. "How about there? If they are on the pass, they won't be able to see us."

"Girl uses eyes well… Good place… Now hurry… They're coming…"

"Who's coming?" She turned and looked at Slouen.

"Enemy coming… They find… we die... Follow closely… we move fast."

Star felt her heart rate increase and nodded following them up the mountain face. She turned and saw Slouen following close behind.

"Don't worry girl, I've got your back."

Star looked down at the pass they were standing on. "We're moving very fast. We're about halfway now…" She panted.

"Hide… Quiet… Enemy come."

Star's face turned pale and she pushed herself against the mountain wrapping herself around a rock and tried to keep her panting quiet.

"I can't see…" Star whispered.

"Quiet… No speak… Use ears�� hear."

She cursed under her breath and shook her head. "Can't hear anything…"

"Quick move… fast… must reach spot… hide."

Star nodded and climbed as fast as she could pushing herself.

She sighed as she reached the point leaning against the outcrop panting heavily and cursed. She pushed herself into a small crevice following the warriors. "There is no place to rest in here. This isn't fun at all. How long will we have to stay here?"

"We leave when clear… Watch we make place… Can rest."

Star nodded while panting and watched as they pulled out spikes and hammers and started to hammer them into the stone.

She was surprised as they pulled thick rope out of their packs and started tying it onto the hooks forming a flat basket that they could sit on.

"Is small… but safe… can rest…"

She nodded and sat on the rope basket looking at her hands covered in small cuts and bruises.

"Mountain make hands strong baby bird…"

She ignored the warrior and wrapped her hands around her bow falling asleep against Slouen's shoulder.

She woke and watched the sunrise with a smile. She looked down and remembered where she was and held onto the rope basket with a pale face.

"View distract… battle moving close… Sit and be quiet. Eat…"

She took the dried meat from the warrior and chewed on it silently.

"Why are they fighting?"

"Unite people… big battle coming… better we together no die."

Star looked at the warriors confused. "Big battle?"

"Ruler talk you… prepare… Mountain be ready. Better sleep. Is quiet…"

She looked at them with an annoyed face and felt a tap on her shoulder. "Do what they say, they're keeping us safe girl, no talking back."

She sighed and nodded and closed her eyes falling asleep as the rain fell onto her face.

"Wake up girl…"

Star opened her eyes and looked at Slouen handing her dried meat and a bottle. "Drink and eat. You need to keep your strength up…"

She nodded taking the bottle and dried meat eating and drinking in silence. She turned and looked at the warriors looking down at the pass below them. She looked down and frowned. "How can you see the pass from here? I can't even see through the clouds…"

"Cloud water… eye water… same same… If same same can see…" She watched the warrior shrug their shoulders

She cursed under her breath and shook her head mimicking the warrior. "If same same can see…"

She stopped and looked at the cloud in silence. "Hahaha… Baby bird understands?"

"Cloud is water… Hmm. That strange apprentice said my nature is water… Maybe I can If I concentrate…"

She closed her eyes after taking a deep breath and opened them concentrating on the cloud. Her eyes opened wide and her mouth dropped open.

"I can see… Ahhh my head…" She closed her eyes taking deep breaths. She put her hands on her head massaging around her eyes.

"Hahaha… Baby bird see wrong thing… Next time ignore cloud."

She nodded. "You're right…" She sighed closing her eyes and falling asleep again

"Wake up… We move.

She nodded and climbed on the mountain as she watched the warriors pull the rope basket apart. She followed them down until they stood on the path again. She took a deep breath. "Finally, solid ground."

She turned and looked at the warriors drawing their large swords and she followed by grabbing her bow and setting her quiver ready.

A metallic smell filled her senses.

"Blood… careful."

She nodded and quickened her pace. She turned her head and looked around. She dry retched at the sight of the bodies around them. She shuddered.

"Don't think… Keep moving… Normal…"

She followed the warriors and Slouen and did not put her bow away until she saw the warriors sheath their giant weapons.

She looked up at the mountain, keeping the warriors in her field of view.

"City up there… Many people see…"

Star smiled… "The mountain rock city… Exciting…" She paused and looked around. "I can't see anyone watching us… Are you sure?"

"Yes… baby bird can't see… They watch us… go... die... mountain choose."

She sighed and followed the warriors this time she paused and watched as one of the warriors came up the rear. "Go baby bird… rules…"

She nodded and kept walking and climbing towards the path. Once she stood on the path, she was surprised by the large amount of people standing in front of them.

She heard the warriors talking to the group in their language.

"Baby bird… show eyes…"

Star walked forward and looked at the group in front of her.

She watched as an elder stepped out of the group and stared at her. "She see painting..."

"Mountain walker. You've trespassed holy land… Queen decide whether you live or fall off the mountain. Come follow."

Star looked at Slouen worried. "I���m sure the queen will let you live. You've already decided to stay in the city. Let's hope she can see that…"

She looked around and saw the group of people surround them and sigh. "Not even a chance for us to get away, even if we wanted to try…"

She smiled at the group around her and walked with them along the path as it would around the mountain. Her mouth fell open as she looked up.

"Slouen look… It's the city I saw on the walls. It's beautiful."

"Not what I expected at all."

"Hahaha… Flat people think we live in caves… Not true…"

Star felt her face heat up and turn red. "Sorry… I had no idea…"

"You both smell…"

She heard the elder speak in the whistling language and a small group of people came forward taking Star by her arm. "Bath… See Queen. Is better."

She felt half being led and half dragged to a house dug into the mountain side. She looked in and could see all the steam from the baths. She smiled, removed her clothes and stepped into the bath.

"Here… towel use wash face…"

She nodded taking the small towel and wrapped it over her face and relaxed in the bath.

"This is very nice… I really like this bath… Much bigger than the one I'm used to."

"Queen's waiting come come…"

She looked at the tribes-person who walked into the bathing area and pulled on her arm gently to get her out of the bath.

"Clothes… wear…"

Star looked at the clothes and smiled. "They're beautiful… Thank you."

She dressed with the tribeswoman helping her. They then dragged Star out of the bathing house and stopped at a large stone door. "Queen inside… wait."

She nodded and turned to the door and smiled at Slouen who was wearing the tribes-people's clothes.

"The clothes suit you Slouen…"

"Girl I wouldn't be able to tell if you were from Eternia or not when you wear that… You look like are a tribes-person."


They stopped talking and stared at the large stone door opening. Another elder walked out from inside.

"The Queen will see you both now. Be on your best behavior. The Queen has some particular tastes…"

Star looked at Slouen and followed the elder into the stone palace. She looked around and saw a lounge on a small platform with someone laying on it.

"She's beautiful… I've never seen someone look as beautiful as her."

Star saw Slouen kneel and she followed kneeling to the Queen.

"Mountain walker… You've been told about the rules and they've been broken for you… I spoke to your guides and they informed me you were guiding the girl to us."

Star looked at Slouen and saw him nod. "That's correct my Queen."

"Hmm. If this is the case, then I give you two choices. To live in this city and die an old man never stepping outside of the city boundaries… or death. What say you?"

"My Queen, I've have decided that I wish to stay here in this beautiful city."

"Great. That was easy. Now the girl…"

Star took a step forward. "Yes, my Queen?"

"I've been told you saw the paintings of the sky dragon is that correct?"

Star nodded. "That's correct my Queen."

"Do you know your family or history here, and how you were taken from your people?"

Star shook her head sadly.

"That's fine child… Over the next few days we'll be having long talks about your family and your eyes… But first you look like you need something to eat and drink."

She bowed. "Thank you, my Queen."

"Clap… Clap…"

Star looked up and saw the Queen whistling and watched as a door opened to the side with a table covered in food.

"The both of you'll eat and drink with me… Welcome to our city in the mountains."