Choices and Cost

Drummen cursed as he sat under a small group of trees hiding from the sun. "Why in all hells did she drop us off here?"

He watched Cliffhopper sit next to him and cursed as his sweat dripped all over him.

"Can't you drip your sweat on something else apart from me?" He cursed as he looked through his bag.

"Is there any water left?"

"Hahahaha. All you've been doing here is complain. Just like I told you before there is no water around. Just endless piles of sand and a few trees… What did they give you in that bag of yours?"

Drummen opened his bag onto the sandy ground. "Clothes, a little food, an earth battery that's nearly empty and a water battery."

He smiled as he picked up the water battery. "This will do, now we just need something to put the water into."


He covered his head as Cliffhopper punched him.

"What was that for you big brute?"

"You and your cursed water battery… We've been stuck here without water, and you had a blasted water battery in your bag."

Drummen shook his head and cursed. "I just didn't see it when I first looked in the bag…" He stood up and picked up the water battery.

"Now we need a place to put the water."

He turned and saw something shiny on top of a sand dune and smiled. "Over there is something… I'm sure that we can use that to store water."

He started to walk in the direction of the shiny object on the dune. He turned and saw Cliffhopper sitting under the tree not moving.

"Aren't you coming?"

"No… You can handle it. I'll wait here until you bring back the water."

Drummen started to curse loudly as he walked in the sun and started climbing the dune. "Stupid bear… Scared of the blasted sun and the heat. He's scared he'll burn, and the girls won't like him."

He stopped walking and wiped the sweat off his brow.

He looked up and saw the object shining. He shook his head and kept walking up the dune. He got to the top of the dune and started pushing the sand away with his hands.

"Ruins… Hey lazy! I need the earth battery. Come bring your lazy muscles with you… Have a look at what I found."

He sat on the dune and waited for Cliffhopper to approach. He watched as Cliffhopper slowly started to climb the dune and cursed as he started to sink in the sand.

"Hey… What's happening to you? I walked up here fine. Why are you sinking? Have you put on weight you fat bear?"

"If I was up there, I'd be punching you so hard you wouldn't walk for a week."

"Throw me the earth battery. I'll get you out…"

"Okay… Hurry up. I feel like the sand is swallowing me whole…"

Drummen stood and started to slowly walk down to the dune towards Cliffhopper. "I'm ready… Hurry and throw it."

"Here… catch…"

He cursed as Cliffhopper threw the battery to him.

"Got it. Okay hold on and don't move. I'll remove the sand."

"You and your blasted don't move… Hurry up and turn it on…"

He turned the battery on and placed it on the sand. "Move the sand away from here…"

He watched as the battery turned green and the dune started to sink revealing more of the stone. "Drummen what the hell have you found? There better be some old wine or something I can drink along with your water battery you conveniently forgot about."

"No idea, I thought they were ruins, but it looks like a shrine to something…"

He looked at Cliffhopper. "At least you're not stuck in the sand anymore."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah… Hey can you read this?"

He walked over to Cliffhopper and helped him move towards the stone shrine and they stared at the pictures and the inscriptions on the rocks.

"Hey look there is a bowl… Finally, we can have a drink."

Drummen walked to the bowl that was on top of a small platform and turned on the water battery filling it with water.

"Hey, uhhh I wouldn't use that if I were you?"

Drummen looked at Cliffhopper and looked at the picture of a group of large creatures. He pointed to the picture.

"What are they Cliffhopper?"

"That's the reason why you shouldn't drink from that bowl…"

Drummen shook his head and sighed. "You just want to drink first… Just watch I'll be fine." He picked up the bowl from the platform and raised it to the picture and drank the water inside.

"See… It's finnneeee..." He looked at his hand as his vision started to blur. "Ohhhgreattt." He cursed and fell to the ground unconscious.

He opened his eyes and sat up. "Hey Cliffhopp…" He looked around at the camp site in confusion. "Where am I?"

He stood up and walked out of the tent. "Wow… Now that's a view. Is this a dream?"

"Hey… You finally woke up. Here you must be thirsty."

He turned and his mouth dropped as he stared at the full chested, dark curly haired woman holding a mug.

"Uhhh. Thanks… Umm have you seen my friend?"

"Here sit…" He followed her to a small sofa and sat down as he felt her arms around his shoulders and chest.

"When I found you, you were on your own. I didn't see any others with you."

He nodded and looked at her. "Where are we?"

"We're at the highest point in the Firelands. From here we can see all the lands below. It's beautiful isn't it?"

Drummen nodded and touched her arm with a smile on his face. "This is like a dream come true."

"Hahahaha. Is it now? You stay here and rest from being out in the sun. I'll get some fruit and meat for you. There's plenty here to eat and drink."

He watched her stand up and put her hand on the tent. "You're safe here, it's the perfect place to watch the world pass by."

Drummen smiled and sat back on the sofa looking at the tent ceiling and closed his eyes taking a deep breath as a cool breeze blew through the tent.

He scratched his head and smiled. "How did I get here? Was it the water from that bowl I drank?"

He shook his head. "Doesn't matter, I'm here now I should enjoy it as much as I can."

He smiled as the woman came back in the tent carrying a plate of meat and fruit. She placed it on the ground in front of him. He leaned forward, grabbed a dried fruit before sitting back and chewing on it happily.

"Ohh, your shoulders look tight… Take your shirt off so I can massage your shoulders and back."

He smiled and took off his shirt. "It seems you just want to see me without a shirt on."

"Wow. You're covered in bruises and bite marks... What happened to you? Or should I ask, who did this to you?"

Drummen cursed. "Just being forced to do things I don't want to do…"

He sighed loudly as he felt her fingers on his back. "What more can I ask for?"

He sat up and pushed her back. "You know. All I wanted in my life is to drink and enjoy my life, but I get pushed into things I don't want to do, and everything I do, it still ends up me having to do things I don't want to do."

He looked at her face and frowned. "I'm sorry…"

"Don't be sorry. It seems you're full of stress… Here lay down. I'll get rid of all that stress from you, and you'll never have to worry about being pushed into things you don't want to do."

He looked at her. "You must be strong, to be out here on your own." He cursed. "Many people have told me I'm not strong, and that I need to be stronger." He sighed and scratched his head.

"What's wrong with not wanting to be in a battle in the first place? Do you want to know where I want to be? I want to be the furthest away from that battle. Where I can sit and watch the world pass by." He cursed. "Rules, responsibilities and duties can go and hang themselves."

"It sounds like you don't want to do those things. So, if you had a choice what would you choose?"

He felt her fingers wrapping around his shoulders and took a deep breath smelling her perfume.

"What do you mean a choice? Ever since I've been stuck at that stupid dome, I've had no chance to make any choices…"

He turned and watched her stand and sit on his lap. His mouth fell open and his eyes opened wide as she started to untie her top slowly. "I'll let you make a choice right now Drummen… You can stay here with me always and help me untie these clothes. This place the world ignores and you can see it pass you by, with no worries."

He looked at her confused and wrapped his hands around her waist.

"Or… You can return and fight for the people you don't know and no understanding why you're fighting."

He looked outside the tent and watched as the sun started to set and the evening stars started to reveal themselves around the two moons.

"To see a sunset like that every day, and enjoy every moment with you… With no responsibilities or worries, that really sounds like a perfect dream."

"Don't forget that every need or desire you have will be seen and looked after by me and me alone… So, what is your choice?"

He looked around and sighed. "I know this is my dream place to be, but also I know that people are stupid and if I'm not there they'll make things worse…"

He cursed and slowly stood up picking up the woman with him. He smiled as her legs wrapped around his waist. "Does that mean you wish to go back?"

He shook his head and sighed. "Yes, me and my blasted self. I need to go back…"

"Even if it's for people you don't know?"

He nodded slowly and frowned as the woman started to tie up her top again. "I've got to keep an eye on those stupid people, and make sure they don't hurt themselves."

He sighed and cursed as the woman let go of his waist and stood in front of him with a smile. "I'm surprised, I thought you'd stay here… But also, that's a good thing. Drummen… You've passed your test."

Drummen looked around confused. "What test?"

He watched as the woman waved her hand and the scenery change to absolute darkness. He raised his hand in front of his face and cursed.

"Where am I now?"

"Relax you're still safe… You just need to know that the choice you've made is one of blood, duty and responsibility… The things you hate and despise… Are you sure you still want to walk this path? This is your final chance."

Drummen nodded. "Yes… I'm sure. Even though I hate it, I must stay in this world, so it doesn't go to complete shit. Also, who else will be able to drink all the wine and taste everything there is to taste." He scratched his head and sighed. "I never knew I would ever say those words, but I did…"

He heard movement to the left. "What do you think? I think he's finally ready."

He looked in the direction of the voice and smiled. "I recognize that voice. You're the woman in the desert with the perfect chest."

"What made you come to this decision young one?"

He turned in the direction of the deeper voice and smiled. "You see, there're people who are just plain stupid and if I'm not around they'll try and kill each other over nothing… I don't want others to have to live through the bad choices and give them a chance."

"Anything else?"

He nodded. "People have told me I'm weak, but I'm going to be strong to look after those who are truly week, and if there is bloodshed. I'll be there making sure they're safe."

"I agree. He's ready…"

He turned in another direction to another voice. "How many people are in here? Why can't I see you all?"

��You're not ready to see us, nor do you have the worth to stand in our presence. You've just started to walk the path, but that doesn't mean you deserve our strength just yet."

"Prove yourself to us, and you'll be granted our strength, until then… This is your gift and curse for the decision you've made."

Drummen felt a blow to his stomach and he flew backwards in the dark.


He looked at his feet and could feel blood.

"What did you do? AHHHHHHHH!" He squirmed and tried to move his legs to fight the pain.

As his eyes closed, he cursed. "Ahhhh! Why does this have to be so painful…"

"So, you don't forget…"

His head rolled to the side as he fell unconscious.