
"Drip… Drip… Drip…"

He wrapped his cloak around him and cursed as he walked down the steps. "Why did I allow for this place to be built down here in the dark and cold… It's disgusting."

"Hahahahahaha… My Supreme I can hear your voice… Come in and see my marvelous progress. It's all for you and your grand plan."

The Supreme cursed and pushed open the door. "I better be impressed with what you've done here. You know how much I dislike this place…"

He walked to the table and looked around. "I see you've made some small changes to this place…"

"Yes, yes my Lord… The previous owner of this body was smart, but just wasn't smart enough to read through all my research… When I was watching him, it was as if he was just looking at the pictures like some youngling… learning what a battery is... Hehehe... I have to admit my notes are not exactly friendly to any random person."

The Supreme shook his head and sighed. "Please tell me why you've brought me here. I don't want to be stuck here as you delve into your madness with laughter. The only thing i get out of it is a headache... and I've had enough of them."

"Sorry, sorry my Lord. I asked you here, because I've finished what you asked me to do… Well it might not be an army yet, but the alphas are very strong and quite fertile. Hehehehe. I would say they're perfect for their role."

The Supreme looked up and smiled running a hand through his hair. "You know I really like my hair… It feels nice… Okay… Let me see your alphas."

He turned and walked behind Marcule and stopped in front of a cage. "They're in there my Lord… See for yourself… They'll be perfect for what you need."

The Supreme looked into the darkness as his eyes lit up. He smiled and nodded at the former Borgis. "They're perfect. What do you call your creation?"

"These are just called alphas… I took the best blood from the bodies that Borgis collected, and added a few other things in there… Their offspring I call them Troaiths…"

"You and your strange fascination with the old tongue… Fine… How large will their pack be once the alphas have finished their business?"

"My Lord… This is the best part… Millions… Hehehehe… A never ending army... Also the other news. The burrowers have almost finished… When the pack is released it'll be from there… Are you pleased my Lord? I feel that this is perfect, and I'm planning to make this new body of mine perfect too, all for you. Finally, the thing at the docks has been completed. It's angry and ready for you my Supreme."

The Supreme looked at him and sighed. "There really is a headache coming along… I'll need her touch to take it away…" He looked at the former Borgis. "You've done well. I'm impressed with your work as always… I feel Borgis' body does not suit you anymore…"

He watched as the former Borgis knelt on the ground shinning his yellow eyes. "You're right… Borgis is not a name suited to me… it is not perfect. My Lord, you can call me anything you want… You let me seek the perfection I need…"

The Supreme turned around and lifted his hand. "Fine Marcule it is… You and your strange obsession with perfection… Now I'm off… Keep doing whatever you're doing, and don't fail me… or I will take you back, and you can join the others who want a second chance..."

"You know me my Lord… I never fail. Everything I do is for perfection, and our goal of once again being perfect… Ahh my Lord I have a request… I need to ahhh send a pack or so out on a test with an alpha… Can you grant me this small request?"

The Supreme sighed and looked at him smiling. "Fine… Do your testing in the swamps… There's a lot of stuff out there where you can run your tests." He looked at Marcule in the eyes. "I better not hear reports about these creatures of yours… Any testing must be kept silent… That means no witnesses... If you have to kill, you kill."

"Thank you my Lord… I'll make sure that the packs are silent, and I'll also be on the look out for any witnesses. My Troaiths will take care of any troubles, don't worry about that… They're perfect, and they are very fast learners. Hahahahaha..."


The Supreme walked out of the room and up the stairs cursing. "That bastard… He may be the most annoying person I've met, but there's no one more loyal than he is…"

He massaged his temples as he walked cursing and took a large breath when he stepped out of the hidden room and into the attendant's hall. He stood in front of the statues smiling. "Times have sure changed, haven't they? This time we'll finish what we've started…"

He turned and walked through the hall into the throne room and sat on his chair watching the sunlight come through the window. He sighed. "They better succeed…"

"Cough… Cough…"

He looked down at his hands and saw small specks of blood. He closed his eyes. "Pity…"

"Supreme… Are you okay? Shall I get some water for you?"

"No, it's fine…" He wiped his hand on the cushion of the throne. "What's on the agenda today?"

"The only preparation needed for today is to discuss the forming of the guards…"

The Supreme smiled. "Yes… Let's talk about that."