Old Friends

Mouse smiled as he laid back against the tree trunk he was in and let out a long sigh. He picked an apple from a nearby branch and took a bite from it with a smile on his face. He looked up and smiled.

"It seems I can't surprise you anymore Mouse… It's good to see you at peace and relaxed after everything you've been through so far."

Mouse took a bit and smiled at her.

"You're right after all the recent activity that's happened over the year. A little rest is needed."

"Just remember that if you take too much rest, you'll be complacent, and forget everything… Remember I told you that. You've got a mission you still need to finish."

Mouse's face darkened and nodded.

"I haven't forgot about that. It's still in my mind and heart… It's just me waiting for a chance to get back in there and to find out what happened to them."

"That's good to hear Mouse, but I can see you've been getting stronger… I'm sure soon you'll be able to sneak in and see what's happened and find the truth."

Mouse felt his heart skip a beat. He touched his chest and took a deep breath letting it out. He looked at where the woman was standing and stood up looking around for her. He shook his head and jumped down from the branch. He looked around the small village in the trees and headed towards the old shadows house.

"Ahh. My apprentice returns from spending the day in the trees training… Come and sit with me and drink some tea."

Mouse nodded and sat down in the chair next to eh old shadow and watched as the old shadow poured a cup of tea for him. He looked at the cup and smelled its contents.

"That smells amazing."

"Nice to see even after all this time in the village you still enjoy my tea."

"It's a different flavor every day. No chance for me to become bored or not like it at all. Also, the whole idea of making the tea is calming."

"Hohohohoho… You've become quite observant these days… It seems you're almost ready for the mission you've been wanting to do for a long time."

Mouse put the teacup down and looked at the old shadow.

"I'm more than ready… Let me do this mission."

"Yes… I'll allow it… Go clean up and bathe yourself, then we'll talk about your next mission."

Mouse stood up and bowed at the old shadow before running away from the house and jumped down landing on the ground. He looked around and walked towards the stream.

"Stop right there. I'm in the middle of my bath… Please wait."

Mouse put his head in his hands and shook his head. He sat against a large tree and waited silently.

"Mouse… Is that you?"

Mouse turned at the sound of the voice and stared at the speaker with his mouth wide open.

"It's really you… Oh I'm glad to finally see you… I'm sorry we haven't gone to see you sooner. We've been on a mission, and I'm on my way back to report in."

"Garrn? Is that really you?"

"Yes it's me… There's no one else that it could be. I guess you've been looking for us for a while."

Mouse nodded. "Where's Sai?"

"He's still on a mission. I haven't seen him for a while."

Mouse walked up to him and punched him in the arm. He heard Garrn curse and then sat down and pointed to his legs and the scar on his throat.

"What in all blasted hells happened to you?"

"Do you remember the attendant in the meeting place?" He watched as Garrn sat next to him and touched his legs. "Well, I found the attendant when I was searching for you and the others. He attacked me with some poison and the village saved me."

"Ahh that's why you're signing… You know this might be better… I don't have to hear your cold jokes anymore."

Mouse punched him in the arm again. "Are you going to tell me what happened to you and Sai? I've been looking for the both of you for a long time."

"Well… When the lights went out, I pushed you through the cover, and when I was about to jump in I blacked out… When I woke up I was being treated by the black shadows with Sai next to me. We've been on missions since then."

"Where did they find you?"

"We were outside some cave in the cliff face near the city. We've also been looking for you as well… When we had time. I had no idea you also made it here."

Mouse hugged Garrn. "Let me go you oaf… You seem stronger, but also different. I'm sorry that we didn't meet sooner."

"Stronger yes… Don't worry about not meeting sooner. I'm happy to see you. We've got lots to discuss about."

Mouse turned his head to the side as he heard footsteps coming from the stream and stood up. He looked at Garrn and watched him take a step back.

"We'll talk later. I need to report to the shadow. I'll see you here tomorrow."

Mouse nodded and watched as Garrn jumped into the tree branches towards the village. He turned and stood waiting as another walked out from behind the tree and stood near him. He turned and looked at her.

"About time."

"I'm a girl… Of course, it takes me time to bath… Where you spying on me? I bet you were sitting out here all sneaky and quiet."

Mouse shook his head and raised his hands in front of him.

"I wouldn't dare to do something as silly as that."

He looked at her playful smile in confusion. "That's a pity… Fine then, I won't peek at you when you bathe again."

He took a step towards the river and stopped for a moment. He ignored her and took his clothes off before jumping into the cold water. He sat against the riverbank and shook his head.

"I know you can't talk so I'm going to talk and you'll have no choice but to listen. I'll wait for you to finish and then we can go back together. You know me being a girl and needing protection and all."


Mouse put his head under the water. His eyes closing, and feeling his body relax. He opened his eyes and sat up again.

"You know… Out of all the people here you're the most interesting… Yes, I know how you sit in the trees all day staring at nothing. Also, the rumors about you practicing your signing in the trees as well… I think you just need someone like me in your life… If you…"

He put his head under the water again with an annoyed look on his face. He kept his head under the water until his lungs started to strain. He gasped for air.

"know what I mean… Are you finished yet? You know you shouldn't keep a girl waiting. They might get some ideas and come and peek at what you're doing there."

He stood up and got dressed with an annoyed look on his face. "You know I'll keep talking until you finish. My master said I'm a master when it comes to talking… She also says, if I practiced my poisoning skills as much as I talk than I would be the best in the village."

Mouse walked around the trees and stood in front of her.

"Happy now? I've finished my bathing. Let's go back to the village. I bet your master is enjoying the quiet. I should get you back to her."

"Hmmph… Don't say something like that. Did you listen to anything I said when you were bathing?"

Mouse shook his head and started to jump up the branches. He turned and saw her catching up to him.

"You really need to learn some manners. I think you've been around the old man for too long. I'll talk to my master and get you to spend some time with her. Then maybe you'll learn some manners."

Mouse shook his head and ignored her as he jumped from the branch and landed in the village. He turned and looked at her.

"We're back. I think you can go to your master from here. I must go see my master for a mission. Farewell."

He ran as fast as he could towards the old shadows house. Once it was in view he stopped and walked up to the old shadow and bowed.

"Before you give me my mission, I have a question to ask."

"By any chance would it be about a cave and a rescue?"

Mouse looked at the old shadow in confusion.

"How did you know I would ask about that?"

"Hohohoho… I'm an old guy with lots of time on my hands… I also know about a noisy student who wouldn't let you bathe."

"So, about the rescue and the mission?"

"There was a rescue, some of our scouts reported slaves moving into the caves under the capital. When we got there some were already gone, and we were able to get a few survivors… Does that answer your question?"

Mouse looked at the old shadow and shook his head.

"Why didn't you tell more beforehand? Was it because I was too weak and not ready?"

"Apprentice… You answered your own question. Now let's talk about your mission."

Mouse bowed and put his mask on.

"Leaf… Your mission is to contact our sources in the city, as they've stopped communicating with us. Also, there have been reports of something big around the ports and docks. Our last report is that it attacked and destroyed a pirate vessel. We need to find out what it is."

Leaf stood up and saluted the old shadow.

"Consider this mission complete. I'll find the contacts and see what happened at the port."

"Good Leaf… Now go, there'll be a fresh pot of apple and mango tea for when you return."

Leaf looked at the old shadow and jumped into the nearby tree branches. He looked around to see if anyone was watching him and then increased his speed jumping through the forest towards the capital.