Priestess Deals her hand

Star looked at the mountain tribe facing her tribe as she stood next to the queen with a serious look. She listened as the queen spoke in the whistling language. She watched the eyes behind the mask of the Stone dogs tribe in silence.

"Good news sister… They follow... live mountain."

Star smiled and watched as the entire tribe knelt on the ground. She looked at the queen who let out a sigh.

"That was easy… What next?"

"We need to do this with several other tribes… I'm not looking forward to the Cloud Roc tribe."

Star looked into Iyane's eyes. "Why? What's the matter with that tribe?"

"Hasn't your teacher covered all the tribes yet?"

Star shook her head as she followed the queen back into the city.

"Out of all the tribes, they are the strangest and call on the powers of the holy mountain differently. They're able to call the power of beasts into their body…"

Star looked confused. "What does that mean?"

"Their bodies are able to change their form into beasts… Sometimes they prefer to stay in the beast form."

"They sound interesting… What makes them so difficult?"

"They've turned their back on the human race. They see themselves as above everyone and show no care for what happens to them. Hopefully with you here, they'll change their minds."

Star frowned. "We need all tribes here in the city, to protect the mountain and keep the people safe. I'm sure they already know what's happening in Athlos."

"That's the thing. Their shamans know, and they send their tribes-people to the plains often. But they still don't care…"

"So how do we get them to the city?"

Star looked at Iyane with hope in her eyes. "I'm sorry priestess… I don't know how to do it."

Star looked down and put her arm around her. "If I'm the priestess I can go there and talk with them myself."

"Hahahahaha… You just want to see them, don't you?"

Star felt her face heat up and little and nodded. "I am interested in them, as I wonder if Agnia was from their tribe, but I do want to help."

"You don't have to go anywhere… They'll be coming here. If you look in the sky and the tops of the mountains, you'll see them."

Star stopped walking and looked up in the sky and concentrated looking at the mountain tops around her. "There's nothing here. I just see cliffs and more cliffs."

"Hahahaha… You're funny sometimes. You really do know how to make me laugh. The shamans are always watching. If they want to see you, they will let you see them."

Star cursed. "They sound like trouble… Anything I should do to get their attention?"

"Just go climb a mountain and stay there for a few days, and if they want to talk with you, they'll be there waiting, and not only will they be waiting, they will give their answers in questions to make you more confused than you started. It is better for them to come to us... However, you don't seem to be the person who likes sitting around waiting."

"Will I be able to communicate with them?"

"Didn't you hear me? They send their tribe to the plains to observe humans. They're able to speak your language, probably even better than me."

Star sighed and shook her head. "Yes, I did hear you. Fine. I'll go climb some mountains and spend my time up there."

"Stubborn… I like this side of you. Then if that's what you want to do I won't stop you. I wish you luck… Come here and give me a hug before you leave."

Star nodded and walked up to Iyane embracing her with a smile. "Don't go agreeing to anything without thinking. They're annoying that way."

Star nodded as she felt Iyane's kiss on her head and smiled.

"I'll be careful. Just hope that they'll want to see me."

She reluctantly let go of Iyane and took a step back. She bowed to her, turned and left the group as they started to climb the stairs to the higher parts of the city.

Star gripped the bow on her back and stared at the cliff tops above her. "They're up there somewhere. I'll find them and ask them to come to the city."

She jumped down the steps and pulled her bow out shooting an arrow into the opposite cliff face and swung on its energy wire to the cliff. She grabbed hold of the cliff and started climbing up.

She stood up on an outcrop and looked at the city below her. She smiled as she put the bow back on her back. "This city is going to be safe from whatever or whoever comes."

She turned from the outcrop and stood looking at the mountain in front of her. She sighed. "I'll start at the top of this mountain and see if they want to talk."

She started climbing up the mountain with a smile on her face. She hung with one hand as she watched the sun set on the horizon. "That's beautiful…" She looked at the clouds around and frowned in thought. "It's going to storm tonight. I better find a place to rest before it hits."

Star increased her speed as she climbed up the mountain. As she neared the top, she stopped to catch her breath and frowned. "The winds picking up… It's not far away now."

She climbed up on a ledge on the top of the mountain and stood staring at the evening sky around her smiling. "This is beautiful as always…"

She turned and looked around for a safe place to rest for the night and smiled when she saw a cave. She walked to the entrance of the cave before walking into it.

"Drip… Drip."

She set up a fire and watched as it's light filled the cave and sat against the wall watching the cave entrance as the rain started to fall outside. She stood up and walked to the cave entrance and watched as lightning filled the clouds.

"The lightning is dancing in the clouds with the rain… How peaceful."

She smelt the rain as it fell over the mountain and smiled. "The sound, the smell. This is beautiful and peaceful at the same time. I can't ask for anything else."


She frowned. "I forgot how loud the thunder is here on the mountains."


She frowned at the sound grabbing her bow. "What was that?"



Star looked around the top of the mountain and saw a small crevice where a bird of prey was hiding from the storm.

She looked at the bird. "It's probably afraid of the loud sounds of the thunder." She stood near the crevice and pulled out a piece of uncooked meat she had in her pack and threw it towards the bird of prey. She watched as the bird of prey eyed the meat and looked at her.

Star took a step back slowly as she pulled another piece of meat out of her bag and dangled it in front of the bird of prey. "You'll get wet if you stay in there. You'll be safe in the cave. I have more meat in there too…"


She looked at the bird as it flew towards her and she ducked cursing. She turned around and watched as the bird flew into the cave. She stood cursing and walked back into the cave. She looked around the cave for the bird and saw it standing near the fire with its wings extended.

"You're a strange bird you know that?"

She stared at the bird as it cocked it's head at her. She frowned and then looked at her hand. "Ohh the meat… Here you go… You'll be safe in here. It might be noisy, but you'll be fine."

Star put the meat on the ground and took several steps away from the bird and sat on the ground looking out of the cave entrance staring at the lightning in the storm.

"Could you cook the meat for me? I've never been fond of raw meat."

Star turned and looked at the bird staring at her with her mouth hanging open. She closed her mouth and stood up walking over to the fire and started to cook the meat.

"You're from the cloud Roc tribe?"

"I'm returning from my time in the plains… The storm caused me to stop here."

Star looked at the bird. "I'm looking for a shaman. I need to talk with them and request their aid in defending the holy mountain from the danger that's coming. Are you able to help me?"

"I'm sorry… I can't help…"

"Yes. That's right. She can't help you, but maybe I can."

Star turned around and saw a cloaked figure standing at the entrance to the cave. "Are you a shaman?"

"That is correct. Also, I'm the person who was sent to communicate with you about this issue. Our patriarch saw your desire, and hence I was sent to make a deal with you… May I enter? The wind and rain out here is not very comfortable."

"Yes… Please come in… How do I address you master shaman?"

"Ahh names… I had a name long ago, but it's been a while. You may call me Wind Climber… Also, shaman is fine."

Star nodded and looked at the bird which was now eating the cooked meat to the side of the cave. "Shaman how did your patriarch know I would be in this cave and also seeking an audience?"

"They have certain skills that allow them to know certain things. First, for feeding and giving a space for my little friend there, I'll give you some advice. Learn more about your blood, and where it draws its power from. Also if you see Cliffhopper around, can you tell him that the patriarch is not impressed. He should know better."

Star looked at the cloaked person in confusion and nodded. "I've never heard of Cliffhopper before, but if I do I'll mention it to them." She looked at the shaman's hands and took a step back. "Shaman your hands, they're green and have scales. Are you sick?"

"Hahahahaha… People outside our tribe are quite funny. I'm sure you're aware of our ways. This is just the result of following my tribe's ways."

Star nodded again in confusion. "I'm sorry… You said the patriarch knew about this, and they know what I'm here to ask for. So, what is their answer?"

"Ahh start to the point. This is something I like about humans. The patriarch has said yes and will be sending the tribe to gather around the mountains. However, that depends on your answer to our request."

Star nodded. "Yes… Thank you shaman. I'd do anything for the protection of the mountain in the coming trouble. What does the patriarch request?"

"You agree so fast without wanting to know what the request is, but I'm sure you'll agree with this request."

Star stood in confusion. "To be honest this is one of the most confusing conversations I've ever had."

"Yes. A lot of people have the same issue when they talk with us, but the queen will find our advice in the coming future useful. It all depends on you and your famous skills…"

"What do you need from me?"

"There'll be time when you're asked to leave the mountain and join the guard of the Supreme… You must leave the mountain at this time and become a guard. If you don't then we shall leave the mountain. If you become one of the guard, we'll take our ancient place as advisors to the holy mountain."

Star sat on the ground in confusion. "I've never heard of the guard, all my life has been in the circus."

"Yes. We're aware of your life up to now as well as what happened up on the top of the holy mountain. Do you accept our agreement? This is an agreement that no one apart from us can know of. If others know then the deal is over and we'll go and survive our own way."

Star nodded. "I accept your terms. May I ask why you need me as a guard?"

"That's because we need you to rescue someone…"

Star looked up at the cloaked figure. "I'll need more information about the person you need me to rescue. Also, I have a question. Is there someone from your tribe that has the form of what I saw up on the mountain top?"

"Ahh. You saw what took you through the rain?"

Star nodded and felt her heart rate increase. "I'm sorry… There hasn't been anyone who took that path for many years. The form you saw is clearly a descendent from the past. Sorry I don't have any further knowledge that'll help you now. But if you become a guard, you'll find out yourself... But what I can tell you is that they are strong... and dangerous."

Star nodded. "I'll fulfill my side of the agreement. When will your tribe arrive?"

"We're already here…"