
Leaf stared at the Capital city gate to enter the city and frowned. He watched as soldiers at the gate shone a battery over people as they walked through the gate.

He turned around and looked from the direction he came from and shook his head frowning again. He watched as a shadow appeared on the forest floor before jumping up and landing on the same branch he was on.

"Good… I finally caught up to you Leaf."

"Why were you following me?"

"The old man thought you needed some assistance with your mission, so he sent me to tag along with you."

Leaf shook his head and tapped the branch with his finger in annoyance.

"He gave me this mission, knowing I could do it. But maybe you can help after all. Have a look at the gate to the city and tell me what you think."

Leaf moved out of the way letting poison see the city gate. He ignored her touch as she walked past him. She heard her cursing and smiled under his mask.

"There scanning people with a battery when they walk through the gate. If we go through the gate it'll register… We need to find another way into the city."

Leaf nodded. "You're from that city Leaf. Do you know of other ways into the city?"

Leaf nodded.

"I have a way, but I don't think you're going to like it. We'll move in the night. Until then, we should rest up for our trip."

"Trip? What trip? How far do we have to go to get there?"

Leaf looked at her with a smile on his face.

"We don't have to go anywhere for our trip. We just need for it to be dark. We're going over the walls with the help of the trees."

"Going over the walls… Ahh I understand. That way they won't be able to detect us entering the city. What about exiting the city once the mission is over?"

"We'll use the ports. That way we can hire a spot on a ferry and then jump off and swim out without any trouble." Leaf turned and looked at the city gate. "Why do you think they're doing that now? Do you think it's because of what we did before?"

"No idea. I don't think it's because of us. I think there is something going on in the city. Maybe a festival or something, or they could just be looking for someone."

Leaf nodded and sat on the branch, leaning against the trunk of the tree. "Now we wait. If you don't mind, I'm going to have a nap." Leaf closed his eyes smiling at the annoyed black shadow standing in front of him.

"Sapling… You've been growing well it seems."

Mouse smiled and sat in front of the pulsating object. "Yes. With your help. I've been growing stronger daily." He looked at his feet. "What shall we discuss about today?"

"I'm sorry today is not about a chance to talk about the outside world of Athlos. I'm here to warn you."

Mouse looked up with a serious look on his face. "What's the problem? Is Borgis on the move again?"

"No. But there is a possibility the person with the name Borgis is involved. It's about those beasts that you fought before… There are many in the north. They are stronger than the ones you were against here. When you fight them, be careful and take them out quickly. They seem to communicate with each other and learn as well."

Mouse nodded. "Thanks for the warning. I'll head in that direction after I've completed my mission here."

"That's the other thing I wanted to mention about sapling. Inside the city walls things have changed."

Mouse cursed and smiled. He cursed again looking serious. "What has changed?"

"The garden where you were sleeping in is no longer there. It was destroyed."

Mouse's mouth dropped in shock. "Why would they do that? What is there instead?"

"No idea. I no longer have any communication with the inside of the city. It's strange. Please be careful when you're in there."

Mouse nodded. "Don't worry I'll be careful and get out before they even know I was in there."

"That's good. You should wake up… That person you're with has been talking nonstop."

Mouse cursed and shook his head. "Let her talk… She is quite annoying, and she never stops talking. She also follows me around. It's quite frustrating."

"Yet. You still should wake up. It's time for you to get into the city."

"Fine… It was nice talking with you as always… I'll keep your warnings in mind."

Leaf opened his eyes and looked at Poison sitting next to him. He stood up and looked at her.

"Ahh. You finally woke up. I was wondering when you would."

Leaf looked around. "The sun is setting. It's almost time for us to enter the city. I hope you're ready."

"I'm ready for whatever you throw at me or in me."

Leaf looked at her in confusion.

"What does that mean?"

"Ahh nothing… One day you'll understand�� I hope..."

Leaf shook his side at her and pointed to a branch below them.

"We need to be standing on that branch for this to work."

He watched as Poison stood on the branch. "Now what do I do?"

Leaf jumped onto the same branch and stood behind Poison. "Ahh this could be romantic if there were a few more stars in the evening sky… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"Stop screaming. Just focus on landing or you're going to get hurt."

"You should of told me this was how we were getting in you rat…"

Leaf looked down at the ground and watched the city walls pass under them. He smiled and looked ahead.

"Leaf how are we going to land without getting hurt?"

"Aim for the high buildings and do a rolling landing. We're not that high up."

Leaf felt his body start to lose height and looked at the building he was about to land on. He clenched his jaw and brought his hands in and rolled along the roof until he came to a stop. He stood up and looked around for Poison.

"I'm right here… Next time tell me what you're planning to do."

"At least we're in the city now, aren't we? Now we need to find the contacts and check on the ports before we leave. We can split up so we can complete this mission faster."

"No… Not going to happen. We're going to stick together for this one. Also, I can finish a mission I need to do while we're here."

Leaf looked at her. "What mission do you have to do?"

"I need to remove a certain guard from the guard tower. An official… Someone paid a lot of money for them to be removed from their post."

"Fine… But I want some of the credit."

"You can have all the credit if you want. Just as long as you help me kill him."

"As long as it isn't like last time. If it is, then I'm not helping."

"No. nothing like last time. I promise you that. You can see for yourself. All I must do is release some of my trained pets, and then we leave. Okay?"

Leaf nodded his head. "Lead the way."

He looked at Poison and watched her look around. "It's this way follow me."

Leaf nodded and jumped after her jumping from roof to roof until they stopped at a tower looking over the market square. He stopped and looked at the empty market square.

"What is it? Is there a guard there?"

Leaf shook his head. "I used to run around this square and ply my trade here with my brothers."

"Can we talk about those things after we finish my mission?"

Leaf shook his head. "No need to talk about it. It's not important anymore."

He jumped and landed on a building facing the tower. He turned to Poison. "Is this the place?"

"Yes. The mission says that this person stays in the top room and rarely leaves the tower unless he is ordered to."

"Now we're here. I'll wait here while you climb the tower and release your pets. What are they anyway?"

He watched as Poison opened a small pouch that had two small flying insects. "These are biters. However, they won't take blood as they've been trained to inject a substance instead."

"Sounds good. Good luck."

Leaf sat down on the roof and looked at Poison. "Umm. I'm not as good at climbing as you are. Can you climb the tower and release them pleeeeease?"

"I knew there was something you weren't telling me."

"Please… As you can see it isn't like last time at all."

"Yeah. Because you're getting me to do all the work. Fine give them to me, and I'll climb the tower."

"Thank you Leaf."

Leaf stood up and put the pouch on his belt. "All you have to do is get to the window and they'll do the rest."

Leaf nodded and jumped onto the wall of the tower grabbing the bricks with his fingers and feet. He climbed up the wall with ease and stopped halfway to look around at the city as the night lights turned on. He took a breath and kept climbing until he reached the top of the tower. He leaned through the window and looked around the room.

He grabbed the pouch from his belt and opened it letting the biters fly into the room. He started to climb down the tower and jumped rolling onto the roof where Poison was standing.

"It's done. Now can we go look for the contacts?"

"Thank you Leaf… Why did you stop halfway up the tower? Was there a problem?"

Leaf shook his head. "I just wanted to see the city. That's all."

"Okay… Since you've helped me with my mission. Then let's go find those contacts. Where do we start looking?"

Leaf shrugged his shoulders. "Not sure. They could be dead for all we know. I guess we change our clothes and head into the taverns to see if we can hear any news."

"That sounds tiring. How about we look at the port first and see what's happening there? We might get some ideas about contacts then."

Leaf looked at Poison for a moment and nodded. "That's a good idea. I remember when I was in the keep, there were people saying that their contacts went missing in the port area as well. Let's head there first."

"You're better than the old man. At least you listen to reason. I'll follow you, since I'm still learning about the city."

Leaf nodded and started running and jumping from rooftop to rooftop. He stopped as they approached the outskirts of the port. He looked down at the dark streets in confusion and shook his head.

"What's the matter Leaf?"

"This place should be lit up and people walking around. Taverns are quiet and the streets are empty. Something has happened here. We need to find out what."

"Ahh Leaf. I think there is also another thing you might've missed."

Leaf looked up at Poison and looked in the direction in which she was looking. He tilted his head. "Where are the boats? I don't see any sails at all."

"You said this was a port. So, where are the ships?"

Leaf sat down on the roof and stared at the port sea. "The Supreme has something to do with this. He's working on something around here. Or he's finished working on it. I guess that's why there's no one around."

He stood up and turned around pulling out short swords. He looked at Poison who turned and looked at the roof in the distance.

"Ohhh. Look at this boys. We've got a shadow snooping around. It's time for you to return to the shadows. Kill em." Leaf looked at them and smiled beneath his mask.