Celebrations Interrupted

Drummen looked around the small port they were in and smiled as he leaned against the railing of the Princess. "I feel a lot better brother… Life at sea on the Princess has been great."

He felt Cliffhopper's arm wrapping around his shoulders. "Hahahaha… That's good news brother. We can go have a drink now. I've been looking forward to this time with the ladies and wine."

Drummen nodded and smiled.

"Drummen and your brother wait!"

Drummen turned around and looked at the captain. "Yes, captain? I want to thank you for your help… I feel a lot better now about myself."

"Ahh. That's good to hear, however I've got something to discuss with you both… Follow me to my cabin."

Drummen nodded and followed the captain with Cliffhopper looking at him. He looked back at Cliffhopper shrugging his shoulders and touched his necklace under his linen.

He watched as the captain opened the door to his cabin and sat at a small desk. "Lads… The both of you have the skills to be great sailors, and even captains of your own vessels one day."

Drummen scratched his head and smiled. "Thanks…"

"I have a proposition for you both." Drummen looked on as the captain pulled a parchment and placed it in front of him and Cliffhopper.

"I've just received news that say the Capital port is once again open for trade and transport… It was closed for a while, no one knows why it was closed, but it's open again... My guess why it was closed was because they needed to get ready for the ritual..."

Drummen read the parchment nodding. "Are you planning to do some trade there?"

"That's right. The people in the capital can't get enough of the island chain jewelry and fruits. Also, the ritual for the guard is going to start soon, and I want to go and watch. There'll be coin to made for the both of you if you want to come?"

Drummen looked at Cliffhopper and then the captain. "The last time we were there, they were chasing people away, also hunting people down."

"Yes. I heard about all that… However, as you can see, that's all stopped. I guess they were preparing for the ritual. So, what do you both think?"

"Brother… We've both heard about the wine and women there. It could be fun to watch the ritual while drinking and making coin."

Drummen nodded. "Yes. It would be nice to stay there, and not having to leave as soon as we arrive due to our bad smell."

He smiled widely at the captain. "Sure. We'll be happy to be a part of the crew to go to the capital… As long as the price is good."

"Hahahaha… I like the both of you. If it's about coin, we can talk about price…"

Drummen ran a hand through his short beard smiling. "So, what's the offer?"

"I'll pay for the both of you once we're there and sold all the cargo about three hundred coins."

"For us each?"

"Hahahaha… No. For the both of you together. What do you say?"

Drummen nodded and shook the captain's hand. "You've got a deal. What are your plans after going to the capital?"

"No idea yet… We'll see how the trading goes.However, I think there'll be plenty of coin to be made… Especially with your abilities… Cough… Cough."

Drummen eyed Cliffhopper who nudged him in the arm. "Ahh. Captain, when do we leave? My brother wants to go spend some time with the locals here before we ship out."

We leave tomorrow in the evening at high tide… Have to load the cargo. Be here tomorrow afternoon, and I'll get the both of you working hard. Go have fun."

Drummen smiled at Cliffhopper as they left the captain's cabin. "Let's go have some fun before we go to the capital.

"Which tavern should we go to first brother?"

Drummen smiled and pointed. "Let's go to the one making the most noise… I'm sure we'll be able to fit in quite well."

"Good plan. Let's see." Drummen watched as Cliffhopper pointed at a tavern not far from them. "How about there?"

Drummen nodded. "Let's go… How about we race there?"

"You're on… See ya."

Drummen cursed as Cliffhopper started running down the gangplank into the crowd of the port. He sighed then jumped onto the railing and jumped off landing amongst the crowd. He stood up and started running after Cliffhopper cursing under his breath. "Next time, I'll start running before I talk about a race." He smiled at Cliffhopper's back. "We didn't talk about cheating, did we?"

He raised a finger. "Trip." He smiled. "Pity if the ground is uneven and someone falls." He watched as Cliffhopper's body fell onto the ground. He caught up and stepped onto his back. "See you when you get there." He jumped from Cliffhopper's back over the crowd landing closer to the tavern and kept running with a smile on his face.

He turned back and saw Cliffhopper punching the ground in his direction and cursed. He jumped as the ground started to wobble. Ha landed on the steps of a nearby store. He looked at Cliffhopper angrily. "You need to be careful. What would happen if someone like me got hurt."

"Who cares… It's about who gets there first." He cursed as Cliffhopper started running again through the crowd. Drummen jumped over the warped ground and looked ahead before stopping and cursing. "How do I get past that now?"

He looked at the caravan of traders and their transports blocking the way to the tavern and smiled. He saw Cliffhopper catching up to him and waved at him. "See ya." He stamped the ground with his foot and was pushed high into the sky jumping over the caravan. He waved at the people in the caravan and blew a kiss at one of the women. "I'll be in the tavern. Meet you there later beautiful!"

He rolled onto the ground on the over side of the transport and stood up looking in the direction of the cursing Cliffhopper stuck on the other side. He waved at him and walked to the tavern standing at the door. "Hurry up brother!"

He leaned against the tavern wall yawning until Cliffhopper stood in front of him. "Next time we race, we can't use our abilities… How about that?"

Drummen shrugged. "Fine by me, but what about you? If you don't use abilities does that mean, you'll turn into a bear?"

He smirked at Cliffhopper who smiled and shook his head saying nothing. Drummen pointed at the tavern door. "Let's go in. We have coin to spend and wine to drink."

Drummen nodded. "Yes. Let's… I still haven't forgotten about you teaching me that skill of yours."

"Hahahahaha… Get me a drink and I'll think about it."

They walked into the tavern and found themselves an empty table amongst the noise and singing in the tavern. Drummen looked around in confusion. He turned to Cliffhopper. "What do you think they're celebrating?"

"No idea… I'll ask when we get served."

Drummen watched Cliffhopper shake his hair and scratched his own cursing under his breath.

"Hello misters… How can I serve you today?"

Drummen looked at the server and follower her eyeline smiling and shaking his head a Cliffhopper. "Seems you've already got one for the night."

"Hahaha… Seems so. Hello. What's your name beautiful?"

"Call me Bri… Would you like some ale or wine? Someone has paid free wine and ale for everyone in the tavern."

Drummen nodded and slapped his knee. "Bring on the wine and ale. Also, some roast if you have it."

He looked at Bri who was still staring at Cliffhopper biting her lip. "How about you? Would you like anything… special?"

He smiled as Cliffhopper. "Lucky bear… She's ready to take her clothes off right now for you…"

"Brother… It's all about waiting. You should know me by now. One isn't enough… Beautiful Bri… How about later we find some friends who want to join us tonight before we sail out."

Drummen looked at Bri smile and nod. "I have a few friends who'd also think you're amazing sir… I'll go get your drinks, and food. Don't go anywhere sir, or I'll be saaaad. You should join in the celebration."

Drummen looked up and put his hands behind his back as he stretched while sitting on the stool. "What is the celebration about anyway?"

"We're celebrating two things. Someone found a treasure cove, and the second is the capital port is open and some of the people here are going there to take part in the trial. They're leaving tomorrow on the Princess."

Drummen smiled as he watched Bri walk away from them swinging her hips in the direction of Cliffhopper. "Looks like we'll have some company on the Princess tomorrow. "I wonder if they're good at losing their coin."

"Brother your eyes are twinkling. What are you thinking about?"

"Hahaha… nothing much. Just our time on the Princess will be rather fortuitous for us this time."

"Here you go sirs… Enjoy your food and drink. Don't enjoy it too much handsome or you'll forget about me and my friends over there."

Drummen looked at where Bri was pointing and saw a small group of women staring at Cliffhopper smiling and waving at him. "Don't worry. I'd never enjoy it that much."

Drummen smiled at Cliffhopper. "It seems your night is going to be busy. What about me?"

"Hahaha… I'm sure you can find something to do brother."

Drummen smiled and took a sip of his wine. He looked at the mug smiling. "This's good stuff."


Drummen looked at the door that was swung open. He looked at the panting guard covered in blood. "Help! We're under attack!"

Drummen cursed and stood up as the guard fell at the door. He looked around in the tavern as it had become silent. He turned and finished his mug of wine and looked at Cliffhopper who was standing next to him. "It looks like it's time to go to work… Wonder what we'll get for it?"

"You mean apart from women and wine?"

Drummen smiled and nodded. "Yes… Those shiny coins. Since some hairy bastard is not teaching me his skill yet."

"I'll go and save you all."

Drummen turned and looked at the person who spoke out and sighed. He elbowed Cliffhopper. "He's probably the one who's going to take part in the ritual."

"You're probably right. He looks like some pompous ass. Don't mind him. We'll probably kill more then he will."

Drummen nodded and walked towards the door.

"Wait their monk… How could a monk like you protect these wonderful people here? Are you going to talk them to death?"


Drummen looked around at the people in the tavern laughing at him and smiled. "At least I have the balls to walk to the door… You're still talking about saving the place. Chicken…" He looked at his clothes. "Who said I was a monk anyway? I just find these clothes comfortable. Easy to dress and undress… If you know what I mean?"

"A smart ass I see. Well fine then, let's see who kills the most bandits?"

Drummen walked up to the man and tapped him on his chest plate pushing him backwards. "Who said they were bandits?"

"Ahh… It's a guess… Hmm it seems you have some strength. However, I don't think you've killed anyone before have you?"

Drummen looked up at him and stared at him in the eyes releasing his killing intent. He smiled as the man took a step back. "I see… Still I'm the one chosen to become a guard. I should be out there protecting this town."

Drummen shrugged his shoulders and stepped aside. "The doors there. Go for it, chicken."

He watched the man eye the door and then look around the tavern with a pale face. "I'll go and see those bandits… Drinks on me when I return."

Drummen looked at Cliffhopper and smiled. He followed the armored man out of the tavern and stood outside looking at the ships that've caught fire and cursed. "Brother, I hope that the Princess is still okay."

"The captain is a clever one. I don't think he'll let anyone destroy Princess that easy."

He looked around frowning. "Where's the attackers?"


He turned to Cliffhopper pointing. "In that direction. This time you better leave me some."

Drummen waved his hand at him and walked in the direction of the roar. "Sir druken monk… Aren't you going to come up with a strategy in how to fight them?"

He looked at the armored man following them and frowned. "You can get the tavern fold to put the fires out if there are any." He pointed to himself and Cliffhopper. "We're going to talk to the enemy. How does that sound?"

"Are you mad?"

Drummen shook his head and kept walking forming a staff out of metal. 'No… not yet. I've only had my first mug of wine in a while, but I'm starting to get pissed off, because they attacked when I'm supposed to be relaxing and having fun."

He turned to Cliffhopper and smiled as he patted his chest. "Me too. I was going to spend some time with the women… I'm already pissed."

"Fine the both of you can go and die… I'll keep this town safe." Drummen glanced at the retreating armored man and waved his hand at him. "Weakling."


Drummen looked up as green fireballs flew through the sky and frowned. "That's new…" He looked at Cliffhopper. "Any ideas?"

"No. I haven't seen that before as well."


Drummen felt the ground shake as the fireball exploded against a building. He pushed the staff into the ground to keep himself steady and cursed. "They need to go and fast."

"Kill them quickly… They're dangerous. Don't give them a chance to fight."

Drummen nodded as the voice filled his mind. "I was thinking the same."

"I didn't say anything brother. What are you thinking?"

Drummen smiled and shrugged at him. "Nothing much. Just we need to kill whoever they're quickly to stop this mess." He winked at Cliffhopper. "I might have to wipe them all out before you get a chance to vent."

He smiled and kept walking as he heard Cliffhopper curse behind him. "Brother gets all the fun."


Drummen kept walking towards the roaring and stood at the edge of the port town staring at the hundreds of eyes looking at him. "Brother they're beasts and men it looks like."

"I've never seen people or beasts that look like that."


Drummen watched as the large group started to charge against him. He looked at Cliffhopper. "Sorry…"



Drummen smiled as the ground they beasts and men were walking on shot them high into the sky. He looked up into the night sky frowning. "They should be dead when they land…"

"I hope not brother. I'm still pissed."

"Next time. I won't do this. Okay?"

"Okay… You better let me have a chance, or I won't teach you anything."

"Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!"

Drummen listened to the bodies as they fell to the ground exploding into bright green balls of blood. He took a step back frowning. "It's a good thing you didn't. See their blood is eating everything it's touching."

"Yes, brother I see."

He took a step back as a body landed and exploded near him causing some small drops of the green blood to land on his robes.


Drummen looked at his robes and cursed as the green blood made a large hole in it. "These were my only robes… I'll have to buy new ones again."

"Well they aren't surviving the fall. What can we do about all this green blood?"

Drummen frowned as he looked at his robes. "We can't touch it at the moment…" He sighed. "Whoever they were have really pissed me off. I should be back in the tavern spending my time in women and wine."

He felt Cliffhopper's arm around his shoulder. "At least this way, you'll be swimming in both of them for saving the town... The best part is it will probably be free."

Drummen nodded and turned around walking back into the town with his arm around Cliffhopper. "Let's go get our reward and make some fun of the chicken going for the ritual."

"Good… You killed them all quickly. Thank you for listening."

Drummen nodded. "Not needed. They disrupted my free time."

"What's that brother?"

Drummen smiled. "Hahaha… Nothing. Let's go. I'm thirsty."