Day of the Ritual

"Stannir, are you awake?" He nodded and turned around, looking at Salina staring at him in bed. "Morning... Do you feel excited about today?" He smiled at her. "Today is the start of when you become a guard..." He nodded and stroked her long hair. "It is... I better see if the others are up yet."

He stood up and washed his face. He looked out the small window in his room and watched as the sun light hit his body. "The air is filled with excitement..."

"I don't think it is the air... More like Cliffhopper running around with his new armor, and the monk with his robes." He smiled and looked at her. "Hahaha... You are probably right... Those two are very strong, but they can also be very childlike. I pity whoever they fall in love with." He saw her sit up and put her hands on her hips looking at him. "Why is that? Shouldn't you be dealing with your own issue?"

Stannir sighed and nodded. "They will be a handful, that's all I wanted to say... Maybe they would need someone who can train them well..."

"Hahahaha... They are a bit wild, but I am sure their hearts are in the right place..." He nodded and put on his clothing, and stood in front of Salina. What do you think?"

"No... That is just some normal boring stuff... You need something you created, something special, as today you will stand in front of the Supreme, since he is the one who opens the ritual." Stannir nodded and frowned. "This is all I have..." He saw her finger waving at him. "No it isn't... How many times have you seen me make clothes out of the energy around?" He smiled. "I see what you are getting at... Let me give it a try."

"Try and look somewhat formal and also something that you could fight battles in." He nodded and closed his eyes, "Something formal, yet also armor and comfortable to fight in." He smiled as an image came to mind and he poured his energy into it causing it to come to life. "That is much better... I like it firewarrior."

He looked down at his new armor and smiled as the sunlight created flames dancing across his armor. He looked at her with worry on his face. "Don't you think this is over the top?"

"Not at all... You now look like a general and a leader of warriors... It is perfect..." He saw her face redden. "It also makes you look handsome and yummy... Cough... Cough... Let's go downstairs, and you can show off your clothing." Stannir nodded and opened the door and walked down the hallway and stood in the room waiting for the others to arrive.

"Not bad... firewarrior, you look the part of a leader now." Stannir turned and saw Harnio and Mouse looking at him. He smiled. "Thanks... I hope it isn't over the top, since we are meeting the Supreme and all." He saw Harnio look down at his dirty clothes and watched as he started writing in the air. A bright light appeared around Harnio, and when the light faded Harnio's clothes were no longer dirty and torn, but a clean, fresh, robe that seemed to move around like wind was moving it. He smiled at Harnio. "Excellent choice... Now what about the others."

"We're here... That is some interesting armor... Hey Harnio can I get something like that too?" He saw Harnio shake his head. "I didn't make it... He did it himself... If you want that you need to ask him... But I thought you enjoy your robe there that was made just for you?"

"Hahaha... Yes, I like it very much it goes with my staff very well..." He looked at Drummen. "What staff is that? I don't see one."

"This one... Prepared to be excited and amazed." Stannir watched as Drummen lifted his hand and watched as an earthern staff formed in his hand. He smiled as Drummen twirled it around and put his hand down holding the staff. "That's nice Drummen, It is like what I can do with my weapons..."

"We aren't here to see who has the biggest sword or staff in the room... We need to go out and join in the ritual." He turned and watched as Star walked into the room wearing brown clothing, with feathers all over it. "Priestess, I hope you didn't kill any birds of prey for those feathers."

"No Cliffhopper... They were given to me, I didn't take any animals lives for these feathers... It is the clothing I wore when I was in the circus..."

"You were in the circus?" Stannir nodded in thought. "It makes sense how she is so good with that bow, she would have had excellent training there."

He looked at Mouse signing and cocked his head. "Are you sure Mouse?" He saw his nod and started signing at him. He turned to the group standing in front of him. "Mouse has information about the ritual... It would be wise if we hear what he has."

"How did he? What has he been doing? He really is a shadow... Don't make him angry brother." Mouse started signing to him, and as he signed he could hear Salina's amazement in her voice as she told him. "He says, the ritual is all about ability. The tests are not about fighting, but about our special skills... The real test is about opening something in the future for the Supreme. We have to show that we can lead armies, and complete missions... That is all."

"How can the Supreme test that?" Stannir shrugged his shoulders. "Not sure how he will do that, but I am sure they have a plan for it..."

"Maybe war or a battle?" Stannir nodded, scratching his chin. "It makes sense, but also seems to much trouble and also difficult to handle in such a small space."

"Does it matter how our abilities are tested? If we just stand here and guess, than we will not make it in time. Now move your asses, before I shove one of my arrows up there!" Stannir smiled. "As the lady says, lets go and become guards." They walked out of the tavern and towards the Capital center where he could see many people crowding around the square. "Harnio..." He turned and saw him smoking staying close to Mouse and breathed a sigh of relief. "With Mouse around I don't have to worry to much about Harnio around others... I just hope he can bring what is needed to the team."

"Firewarrior Stannir?" He nodded at the attendant who was standing in front of him with a yawn. "You and your group come with me... The ritual will start soon. There is a space for you... Follow me." Stannir nodded and followed the attendant, he waved his hand behind him. "Lets go..." He walked ahead with Salina by his side. "How do you know that they're behind you?" He smiled. "They want to be a guard... So they will be behind."

"So positive of a leader... Seems like you are starting to learn what it means." He smiled and walked passed people ignoring the comments of those around him. "Here you are... This is your team's position... When the Supreme arrives remember to bow and stay standing until he tells you to sit... He will go over the rules, and than the ritual will begin... I wish you and your team luck," Stannir nodded and watched as the attendant left him here. He turned and looked around him, and smiled at his group. "The ritual is about to start... Are you all ready to win and become the guard of the Supreme?"

"As long as there is coin and women, my brother and I are in.." Stannir sighed. "I am ready... an Armsguard always needs to be ready no matter what the task is." He smiled at Harnio and looked at Mouse seeing his hand signals he nodded. "Good... Glad you are on the team." He finally turned to Star. "What about you?"

"I am ready. I'm doing this for my people, as there is need of me being in the guard." Stannir nodded. "I hope that we will all see the stormy mountains one day and meet your people." He saw her shrug her shoulders and look up at the wall. "Only if I allow you on the lands... If not, than there will be dancing..."

"She can be a pain, but her skill is very useful..." He turned to Salina. "You are right... She has as many secrets as Mouse does... Mouse... A strange name for an assassin don't you think?."

"Yes, but the important thing is, he is on our side, and not against us, so we don't have to worry about his secrets... If he wants to tell us someday he will, until than we have to focus on ourselves." He clenched Salina's hand. "You're right... We also need to become stronger, and go back to that place you said we will one day after teaching me the language."

"Hahaha... Fine, I did agree to that... Step by step my general." Stannir nodded and looked up at the wall. He could see the Supreme walking along it. He felt his heart starting to race. He took a long breath, and looked around him and shook his head, his heart rate returning to normal. "These people... They need to control their emotions... Just sight of him is enough for their killing intent and blood lust to show."

He turned and looked at his own team and shook his head sighing. "They aren't affected by the Supreme's presence at all. He cursed. "Drummen stop doing that... What would women think, if they see you picking your teeth?"

He turned around smiling as he heard Drummen curse. "Where? I don't see any attractive talent here. Men don't make our hearts race... Only women can make that happen."

"Brother... What about the priestess? She's a woman?"

"Idiot... She is above women everywhere. Sacred and untouchable by the likes of us."

Stannir rubbed his temples. "Shut it brothers... The Supreme is about to speak and tell us the rules of the ritual..." He glanced at Salina laughing at him. "They need a strong woman to train them both well I think..." He nodded, and looked up.

"Hello warriors... It is that time. The year has passed, and those gathered here are all strong warriors aiming to be by my side and among the guard to lead my soldiers into glorious battle and be victorious for all those in Athlos."


Stannir blinked from the loud noise coming from around the square, and the other warriors around him. He turned around and saw his group just standing their silently ignoring those around them, with Harnio smoking his pipe shaking his head. He looked at Mouse, and pointed at Harnio. "He doesn't like the people and the noise... Keep an eye on him."

He saw the hand signals from Mouse and nodded, turning around and staring back up at the Supreme again.

"The ritual will start with an easy test... All you have to do is get through this wall... Those that can will be able to take part in the second test... Those that pass the second will be led to the location of the third and final test outside the Capital... You have one mark to get through the wall... Good luck warriors."

Stannir stared at the wall and looked at his group, ignoring the sound of others hitting the wall with their swords. "Ideas?"

"The Supreme said through the wall... This is an easy test for me... Let me have a look." He nodded and let Drummen to the front and touch the wall with his hands smiling. "As I said easy... Come closer, so others don't see what we do..." Stannir nodded. "Lets get closer... Everyone here... Drummen we are ready."

He watched as Drummen moved his hand over the stones. "See... Rocks, stones and earth have a strange friendship with me... It is just a matter of asking to move, and we shall be through the wall... I will close it as soon as we walk through." Stannir nodded. "I will be the last through, so you can close it after me?" He saw Drummen shook his head. "Cliffhopper is last... His role is to watch the rear... The firewarrior is first always... Just like you told me, the firewarrior's job is to take the most dangerous roles head on. The head of the group..."

Stannir smiled. "I can't remember all the things we talked about when we were drinking." He walked to the front of the group and nodded. "We're ready... Lets go." He watched as the wall in front of them warped. "Its open... Lets get through this simple trial. Stannir took a step into the wall, with a fiery sword in his hand ready for what was on the other side.