What keep?


Drummen smiled as the large figure fell to the ground and crashed destroying part of the keep. He looked at his robe and used his hand to remove the dust that had landed on it. He looked up at the large shadow and sighed. "You're a big boy, but big boys fall too you know and when they do they fall hard, and end up hurting themselves, or even worse dying."

He looked up as the shadow covered him and craned his neck staring into their eyes. "What are you by the way? You're huge, and your friend over there has a huge belly."

"WE'RE the Guardian Brothers... No One PASSES US! You can throw me in the air all day long... I won't feel it at all. HAHAHA..." Drummen waved his hand at him. "You see that person over there? He is my brother... He may be different, and even though he really likes to fight dirty, we are also guardian brothers... You both are just some sort of weak imitators... RIGHT BROTHER!"

"Brother you're right... Stop talking to that idiot and just finish the fight, so we can go home and drink to celebrate." Drummen cursed and nodded. "Fine than." He grabbed his staff and lowered his body holding his staff like a sword smiling... "I haven't used this in a while... Hopefully I'm not to rusty." He cocked his neck making loud cracking noises.

He started running towards the large muscular man ducking and rolling out of the way of their punches and kicks, before slamming his staff into the legs and wrists of his opponent. He jumped back and looked at his cracked staff and than his opponent cursing.

"Hahaha... You're weak, your staff just breaks, after hitting me... I just felt a tap..." He watched as they lifted their wrist to him showing a red mark. "It looks like a love bite... Do you want to date me or something?" Drummen cursed. "Brother... any ideas?"

"I'm sort of busy now... This idiot is trying to eat me... Apparently he hasn't eaten bear before." Drumm cursed and looked at his opponent. "Very muscular... Do you work out a lot?"

He watched as they started to pose showing off their muscles... I practice a technique where I can move my muscles at will to protect my body... Any attack you do on me will be blocked by my muscles moving on their own... Hahahaha"

Drummen smiled at him. "You do know that you're an idiot... A big, idiot who has muscles for brains?" He cocked his head and turned to look at the small mountain in the distance. "Is that how she sees us?" He shook his head and looked at the large man. "What is your name by the way?" Drummen grabbed his pouch, and started to drink. "Don't mind me... I just feel a little thirsty... All this running around makes me thirsty all the time."

"My names Briunm... My brother's name is Feran the hungry... What about you and your brother?"

Drummen smiled and put the pouch on his belt, wiping his mouth. "I'm Drummen the monk, and that there is Cliffhopper... He jumps of cliffs for a living."

"Hey... I heard that idiot... What are you doing over there?" Drummen turned to Cliffhopper. "I'M DRINKING... GEEZE. MIND YOUR OWN BLASTED BUSINESS!"


Drummen nodded and picked up his staff hitting the butt of it into the ground. "YES, I BLOODY HEARD IT!"


"What did you hear?" Drummen looked at Briunm with a smile. "I heaaarrd ladyyy lucck... Sheee's talllkinnngg to meeee."

"Hahaha you're drunk... How can you fight me now?"

Drummen took a step forward before wobbling and falling to the ground. "BROTHER... I FOUND IT!"

"DO IT!" Drummen stood up and lifted his staff. He walked over to where he fell and aimed his staff for it. "Meee thinksss, you'vee gottt somee golddd anddd otherr stufff heeree. I can smellll it.." He threw the butt of the staff into the ground as hard as he could. He smiled as he heard Briunm cursed and started to charge him.


Drummen rolled backwards and started to attack him with his staff. He smiled. "Drrrunkkk fighttting... That'ss funn."

"What happened? Why can't I defend against you anymore?" Drummen leaned on his staff and waved his hand at him. "Whyyy wouldd you wantt tooo hittt a drunkkk mannn? Shammee onn you... I'm a monkkk, so I cann pray too the Creatorrr for you..."

Drummen closed his eyes, while leaning on the staff. "HEY BROTHER... WHAT IN ALL BLASTED HELLS ARE YOU DOING?" He opened his eyes and looked at Cliffhopper. "I'M PRAYING YOU IDIOTTTT..."


"BECAUSEEE THE BIG MAN. HEsss..." Drummen looked at his hands and smiled.


"HAhahahahahaha..." Drummen touched the ground with his palms. "Hee's going bye bye."


Drummen stood up and wiped his face with his robe as he watched Briunm once again fly into the sky. He looked at the ground and watched as a pool of liquid metal started to rise. "YOUR LUCKY GIANT MAN, THERE WAS ALL THIS METAL AND GOOLLDDD HERE... I HOPE YOU CAN SWIMMMM... BYE BYE!" Drummen walked to a wall that was standing and pushed it with his hands gently. "This will be fine.." His hand formed a fist, and he punched.


He took a step back as the wall started to fall off the keep. He looked at the ground. "Lets get a better view," and smiled as he felt the earth push him to the top of the now broken wall. He sat and watched as the large man fell into the liquid metal screaming.


Drummen waved at him. "Do you and your brother give up yet?"

"No! We don't give up at all." Drummen shook his head and grabbed the flag before using it to wipe his face and sat back down looking at the large man trying to stay afloat in the liquid metal.

"Let me know when you give up... I'll just be sitting up here with the flag, watching and all."


"FINE! WAIT... DON'T DRINK IT ALL!" Drummen looked at the pouch, and then at Cliffhopper punching the fat brother into the liquid metal pool as well. Drummen waved his hand at Cliffhopper and waited for the earth to bring him up to him. He watched as Cliffhopper sat next to him and took the pouch out of his hands. "So you really do hear her voice." He nodded. "Sometimes, she is kind, and other times, she is just a pain... I think we should just keep calling her lady luck..."

"I agree." Drummen took the pouch from Cliffhopper and drank from it. "Ahhh... After I fight, a drink makes it much more enjoyable."

"Hey! Do you both give up yet? We might get bored and go back, you know? We have the flag, and your keep is now a complete mess. I don't think you have much of a chance anymore of being guards."

"We still have to take the flag back to our keep... Were we supposed to do that?" Drummen shrugged. "I can't remember if Stannir asked us to do that, or just to take the flag and make a mess only." He turned to Cliffhopper. "When we see him, we should ask..."

"What are we asking? He also likes to drink with us too. We should invite him to drink again." Drummen nodded. "Yes, he's fun when he drinks."

"Brothers? We give up... We surrender."

Drummen looked at Cliffhopper in thought. "Where should we go next time with Stannir to drink? We've won all that coin at the marketplace gambling hall... Ahh yes, that place." Drummen smiled at Cliffhopper's sour face. "Just because the owner punched you in the face, doesn't mean its a bad place..." Drummen tapped Cliffhopper with his shoulder. "You have to admit, she was very cute."

"She is very cute... I'm going to go back there and spend more time with her."

"Brothers? Are you listening to us?"

He saw Cliffhopper smile. He turned to Briunm and Feran trying to swim in the liquid metal. "SHUT UP! I'M TALKING TO MY BROTHER ABOUT WHERE TO DRINK NEXT. STOP BEING ANNOYING, OR WE'LL COME DOWN THERE AND BEAT YOU SENSELESS!"

He looked at Cliffhopper. "Now where were we?"

"We were talking about all the coin you have won, and how we're going to spend it with Stannir."

"Oh, yeah... I don't think he enjoys the company of women, so we can get all the ladies to ourselves... He'll just sit and drink, while we drink and relax." Drummen rubbed his hands together.

"WE SURRENDER! PLEASE SAVE US!" Drummen cursed and lowered the keep wall he was sitting on until he was next to the liquid metal. He frowned at them. "You know, my brother and I were having a very important conversation, but you two idiots keep interrupting us."

"We give up... You got the flag... You win... Now please... Let us out of here." Drummen nodded. "Since you surrendered, than sure."

"Tap... Tap..." Drummen lifted his staff and watched as the liquid metal came towards him, and formed a tiny bar that he added to his necklace. "Brother that necklace is starting to look heavy and shiny..." Drummen touched it nodding. "Yes, it's starting to become a pain."

"Thank you brothers... Would you mind if we share some of our food and wine with you?" Drummen's eyes lit up. he looked at Cliffhopper who took a step forward. "Bring it on... Lets celebrate with wine and food... Do you both like drinking and eating too?"

"Eating... My brother here was able to eat a whole roast by himself..." Drummen waved his hand at him. "That's nothing..."

"What if i said the roast was a tuskwalker roast?" Drummen stopped waving and looked at the fat brother. "Are you serious? You ate a whole tuskwalker by yourself?" Drummen cursed as he looked at Feran nod his head, and walked around him. "How did you do that? I mean, where does all the meat go?"

"I just like food..."

"Brother... That is crazy..." He looked at Cliffhopper. "I don't think we could eat a whole tuskwalker like he did."

"But there is one thing we can do..." Drummen turned towards Cliffhopper and put his arm around his shoulders. "Would that be by any chance drinking?"

"Exactly... See here, this is how we are brothers... We both love the comfort of wine and women."

"Women... Wow. We also find them interesting, especially the cute ones." He heard Cliffhopper curse happily. "Did you see the one that is in the gambling den?"

"If you mean the one near the market square, than yes... We know exactly the one you are talking about." Drummen nodded. "My brother got real close with her."

"NO WAY!" Drummen nodded drinking from his pouch and offering it to the other brothers. He started laughing, "the funny thing was that the owner of that place, is the girl's father."

"What happened?" Drummen turned to Cliffhopper who was smiling and laughing at him. "You tell them brother... Since it happened to you."

"Well. I was talking to her, and than the guy comes over asking me, what am I doing talking to her? I explained in a nice way, that I thought she was beautiful, and wanted to know her more..."

"What happened next?" Drummen started smiling. "Brother... You're able to tell stories so well."

"Thanks brother... Well, than he said. Would you like to know my fist first, and than he punched me in the face."


Drummen looked around at the walls, and waved his hands.


He wiped the dust off his robes, and sat with Cliffhopper and the brothers drinking wine, and eating a roast. He looked down at the roast. "How did you met a tuskwalker anyway, and how did you learn how to cook one?"

"We came from the outskirts of the firelands... Near the prisons where they are all thrown... The weather down there makes us strong and tough." Drummen watched as the taller brother started posing showing off his muscles. "Stop that, and just tell how you found a tuskwalker."

"The thing in the firelands, there are plently... That's where they live. They seem to enjoy the environment there." Drummen nodded while smiling. "Continue... We want to hear more."