Journey begins

Mouse looked at the group, he signed the firewarrior, and jumped off the balcony. "And there he..." Mouse couldn't hear the last of what Drummen had said. He smiled and slid down the walls of the keep until he was back in the Capital. He looked around at the masses of people and made his way towards the docks. He looked on in silence at all the vessels sitting there waiting, and soldiers standing around waiting for something to happen.

"They must be waiting for the others." Mouse nodded at Tofana's words. "Its the only thing that makes sense... They all know... the mission." He jumped onto a roof and sat on its peak staring at them below. "We're here on stand by until they come."

"They have their mission, and this is the only way for them to get there."

"Do you think they'll take us with them?"

"They should... They'll need soldiers to defeat the island chains."

"I hope they take us... I can't wait to see the firewarrior fight... I've heard a lot of rumors about them."

"Yes... They're strong on the field of battle... I hope that I prove my worth, and he takes me in his support unit." Mouse shook his head and sighed. "What's wrong with their dreams Mouse?" He sat in thought for a moment and nodded. "You're right Tofana... There's nothing wrong with them dreaming that... Just Stannir won't take anyone."

"How are you going to get there without others knowing you're there?" Mouse smiled. "I'll take one of the vessels as well... Just hide myself."

"Which one will you take Mouse?" Mouse looked around at the vessels and frowned. He jumped down and walked around the docks listening to the people around him. He stopped when he saw an old drunk sailor staring at him.

"You look like someone who wants to go somewhere?" Mouse walked up to him and nodded. "Ahh... Mute. But I can smell him all over you... It seems you know the one called Drummen and his brother Cliffhopper." Mouse nodded. "I'm guessing lad you want to go to the island chains, since that's all these soldiers are talking about... Are you going to kill the people are the island chain?" Mouse shook his head. "So you're going to kill the other things there?" Mouse nodded. "Good... It seems you listened to him... I can see why he likes you... Than you're in luck... There happens to be a vessel heading towards the direction you seek... They're fast and quiet... I guess that's the type of vessel you want?" Mouse nodded. "Come follow me... I'll point you in their direction... The rest will be up to you."

Mouse nodded and followed the drunk old man through the docks until they stopped at the end of a pier. He frowned as the drunk man pointed to a small vessel lifting their anchor. "That's the one you want... If you can catch them, you'll get there before anyone else does." Mouse nodded at the drunk old man and jumped onto a nearby vessel before jumping again from the crows nest to another vessel. He smiled as he landed on the side of the vessel heading to the island chains.

"Lets go lads... We got to get there before the others do, and sell as much as we can... Can't let them arrive, without them being warned." Mouse climbed around the side of the vessel until he sat under the bow mast in its shadow. He closed his eyes with a smile.

"About time... I was starting to get bored while you were jumping ships." He hugged her nodding. "I have to keep an ear out, and make sure they don't find me..." He kissed her forehead frowning. "I don't even know how long it will take to get there... I've never been there before."

"I've been there many times. Come sit and let me tell you about the island chains... What the monk said is true... They're a group of innocent people living in different free cities... Just the Capital makes them sound like a bunch of evil people."

Mouse sat in thought. "What else can you tell me? What about the land... What does it look like?"

"So serious... Fine. Its hundreds of islands close together, lots of people sail around the islands to trade on other islands." Mouse nodded. "Animals not so much, a lot of sea life, and the people are traders and sailors... Not many of them are fighters." Mouse looked at her while playing with her hair. "What about the pirates?"

"They call themselves pirates, but they aren't really pirates at all." He looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" He stared into her eyes. "They are more like a militia, that protect the people of the island chains, and the secrets on the islands" Mouse nodded. "Things are starting to make sense now."

"What does?" Mouse held her hand. "It seems like there is something on these island chains the the Supreme really wants, and he's willing to do anything to get it done... Even sending us to clear it out for him, and the trolaiths as well." He looked at her as they walked through the forest. "Do you know whats there?"

"The only thing I can guess why the Supreme would do anything to get those lands, is that there is a door there..." Mouse nodded. "I agree... That's the only conclusion. There has to be a door on one of those islands, and he wants us to find it or open it... The question we should ask, is which door is on the island chains?"

"You'll know when you get there, and look around." Mouse smiled and nodded. "I'll look around after finding what places the trolaiths have attacked."

"That's a good Mouse... Keep the people safe. The one who you should be watching out for is the Supreme and his attendants." Mouse looked at her as she leaned against a tree trunk. "What's so special about that gem of his anyway?"

He watched as she shrugged. "I can't remember, but I know its of great importance, and my very spark cries out for its destruction." Mouse nodded. "Don't worry, he'll be dying soon, and when he does I'll destroy that gem."

"I saw he looked sick... Do you think that was an act so others would take notice, and start playing the game of politics to take his place?" Mouse nodded. "I think so... He wants us busy to clear the island chains, and miss out on what's happening at the Capital..." Mouse cursed. "He's a very clever person... Its as if he can see a lot more steps ahead than we can even imagine."

"What are you going to do about it Mouse?" He smiled as he kissed her on her lips. "I'm going to do what no one else has been able to do... I'm going to beat him at his own game."

"Mouse. I love you."

"I love you too Tofana..." He opened his eyes, and looked around him as the boat was being knocked up and down from the waves. "Captain... The swell seems like there's a storm approaching, but I don't see any clouds. What is going on?"

"Get the Shooter ready for battle..."


"Yes. Sailor you heard me... Get the Shooter ready for battle."

"Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. All up... Go to battle stations. We're about to be attacked. All hands to battle stations!"

Mouse frowned as the bell started ringing, and moved so if the bow hatch was opened they wouldn't see him. He looked around in silence. "Can you feel them?" Mouse nodded. "Trolaiths... How are they here?"

"It seems some have evolved to swim..." Mouse looked down in the water drawing his new short swords. He looked over the brothers smiling. "He did a good job... They'll be covered in trolaith blood soon." Mouse nodded and sat in the shadows waiting for them to start climbing the ship.

"Crack! Crack!"

"Men to the keel... Whatever is attacking is aiming for the keel... Trying to make us sink without showing your faces... Bunch of cowards."

"Splash... Splash..." Mouse watched as strange looking Trolaiths landed on the deck above him. He smiled and jumped moving and cutting them down before they could do anything.

"What happened to them?"

"What are they? They just landed, and than died..."

"Men doesn't matter about them... Just if you see them, you kill them."

"Yes captain!"

Mouse climbed the rigging and hid amongst the sails frowning.

"Captain... We're surrounded. They're all around the Shooter..." Mouse heard the captain curse. "Its going to be a tough fight, but we need to make it to the shore, so we can warn them of whats coming."

"I don't think I should be hiding anymore." He jumped down and looked at the surprised captain. He threw a knife and killed a trolaith as it landed on the deck. He looked at the captain and pointed at them. "Agree... Talk later, first we got to kill them, and get out of this alive." Mouse nodded and jumped into the ocean landing on a trolaith stabbing it with his sword and jumping to the next one.

"Throw the lad a rope!" Mouse looked up and caught the rope with one hand and started to jump from trolaith to trolaith, killing it before it jumped on the deck.

"Crack... Creak..."

"They're going for the rudder... We can't let this one kill them all. Protect the Shooter with all you got!" Mouse frowned and watched as those on the deck started to throw harpoons and speaks towards the rudder. He jumped onto the deck, ran and jumped off landing on top of the troliaths attacking the rudder. He sent his blade through the skull of one, and the other he cut off their head. He climbed back up and listened to the wood on the inside.

"Lads... the keel is damaged... Patch it, and lets get out of these waters."

Mouse frowned and stood on the deck looking as the sailors ran around the deck finishing them off. He turned and saw the captain staring at him. He put the short swords away and looked at the captain. "Captain, should we put the stowaway in the brig or something?"

"No... This one isn't a stowaway... He's heading to the island chains for the same reason we are... He's here to warn them of whats coming." Mouse nodded, and pointed at his scar on his throat. He mimed writing on his hand. "Get some parchment... He's a mute."

Mouse sighed and waited for the parchment to arrive, and started writing as fast as he could. He handed it to the captain. "Lad, follow me to the captain's quarters. First mate, your on watch... Call out if more of those beats come to attack us, and make sure the repairs on the keel will let us reach the free city at top speed."

"Yes captain. Consider it done."

Mouse followed the captain into his room, and stood while he sat at his desk. "Lad... I understand why you were hiding, and thanks for saving us from those beasts, but why are you going to the free city? With your skills I wouldn't be surprised if you're one of the new guard." Mouse wrote down on a piece of paper and handed it to him. "Ahh so you're a guard after all, but you say you're just after the beasts and nothing else." Mouse nodded, and wrote down more, before handing it to the captain.

"You have a mission to identify the cities that have been attacked by those beasts and to free them."

"Why are you telling me this? Shouldn't you keep all of this secret, so others don't hear what you're doing?" Mouse shook his head, and wrote down on the parchment, handing it to him. He watched as the captain's face lift and smiled at him. "You can see through me quite easily... Well lad. What city do you want to see first? There are half a dozen that contact has been lost over the past year." Mouse frowned and pointed at the closest one. "We'll drop you off near there, we won't be going into port... You'll be on your own, understand?"

Mouse nodded and bowed at the captain. He put a handful of coins on the desk and walked out of the captain's quarters. "Lad, that's too much." He waved his hand and shook his head.

"We're going to need more allies Tofana..."