First Wave

Drummen closed his eyes and felt the pulses on the ground from each step the drones made outside. "These walls are also sound proof. They absorb light and also sound... I'll have to take some of this rock with me..." He looked at Raven and Cliffhopper... "Come lets go and play with these drones... The others can stay inside for a while..."

"Coming husband... He's so cute when he decides to do something, and take charge to do it."

Drummen felt his face turn red... "Its not that... I just want to see this new blood of mine, and what my body can do... Its dark after all."

"No husband... Not yet... Just use your brute strength for now... You'll get a chance later." He nodded and cracked his knuckles, looking at his brother. "Lets have some fun... Hopefully they wont die on us too easily..."

"My husband can be an idiot at times... Don't forget that the queen can see through a drones eyes, and also hear what they hear?" Drummen looked at Raven and frowned. "Yes... You're right... We can't let them see ourselves brother."

"Does that mean you're going to do what you usually do?"


Drummen nodded. "Sorry brother... Next time when we don't have to hide from them, than we'll see who can kill the most."

"Thud... Thud... Thud... Thud..."

"You promised that last time brother... Sister in law... He can be tricky with his words... Make sure he keeps his promises... We've been wanting to see who can kill the most." Drummen smiled and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "Don't worry brother... We'll have a good race... One that we don't have to deal with rules like this." Drummen looked up at the others. "They're gone... I wouldn't go outside for a while... They're probably sniffing around, to find out who killed the ones outside."

"Can you at least move them away from this house... Unless they decide to have a look inside." Drummen nodded at the priestess, waving his hand. He looked at the wall, turned and looked at her again. "Happy now... They're outside the house that had the people with a particular taste." He glanced at Harnio. "Don't worry..."

"Don't worry about me monk... You have enough on your shoulders..." Drummen looked around the room taking a long drink from his wine skin. He saw Raven staring at him smiling, he quickly swallowed the wine in his mouth and looked back at her. "Sweet husband..." He heard her cracking her knuckles. "Yes, my beautiful wife."

"What did you tell him? I thought you knew about not opening your mouth." He shook his head and waved his hands at her taking a step back. "I haven't said anything... Isn't that right Harnio?"

"He hasn't said anything to me... I just can see he is someone who is carrying a large burden on his shoulders..."

"We all can see it Raven... So you don't have to beat him... Yet." He looked at the priestess with a sour face. "Thanks priestess... I thought a priestess would be more kind to her people."

"I am kind to my people... You're not one of my people... monk." He looked at Raven. "See my dear... I haven't said anything at all..." He stopped and looked at the wall cursing. "What is it?"

"Why are they here in the firelands?" He looked at Raven who was now also looking at the wall."

"It seems, this is the reason why people hide at night... We found out why, these buildings do what they do."

"What's out there now?"

Drummen turned and looked at the others. He grabbed Raven's hand and held it tightly. "Those cursed beasts are out there, as well as more drones... It seems they're on a march passing through."

"Could they be heading towards the same place we're going?" Drummen looked at the priestess. "Show me the map..." He walked up to the map and closed his eyes. He drew a line where he could feel them walking. "That's the direction they're going... It seems those first drones, were just checking to see if there were anyone still around... and to bring them to wherever they're going."

He looked up as the rest of the group looked at the line he drew with his finger. "Firewarrior... If this drunk monk is correct, than they're also going to the same place we are... I suggest, some fun hit and run." Drummen looked at the priestess and stuck his tongue out at her.

"Ouch... Fine... Like she said Stannir."

He leaned on the table with one arm, while he rubbed his ribs with the other. He smiled weakly at Raven. "What should we do? Should we take them out, before they can reach the place where we're going?"

"That's a good idea... That way we can cause some trouble for them, its also dark that we can't see them, which means they can't see who's taking them out... We have the advantage here." He smiled at the firewarrior.

"I have a question..." He looked at Harnio. "What is the question?"

"How can they see where they're going? You've drawn a straight line so they can clearly see." Drummen frowned and looked at the line he drew. "He has a point." He nodded at the priestess spoke. "I suggest we wait... If we attack now, they'll know there's someone out here hunting them down..."

Drummen nodded. "Harnio's right... If we're going for surprise, if we attack now, they'll know we're here, and prepare."

"So, we're just going to let them go on their way?" Drummen looked at Cliffhopper. "It seems that way brother."

"Even I agree... I hate those troliaths with a passion, and what they do... Even I must hold my tongue for a while."

"Than we stay and camp here for the night... Once the sun rises, we leave and keep an eye on them that are passing us at the moment." Drummen cursed and stood at the door, he pulled Raven with him. "Can we leave them like that wife? I know you can hear them like I can."

"For the act of surprise we have to... Unless you just want to go storming in?" He looked at her sweet smile frowning. He looked at the others. "Why would there be forces amassing here in the firelands?"

"If they're building an army to attack Athlos, than this is the place for it..." Drummen frowned. "We fought against the queen before... It doesn't make sense for her to use trolaiths. We fought against mainly drones when she was around."

"I fought off some trolaiths with Mouse and my unit when we were holding the beach..." He looked up at the firewarrior. "But did she use them when we she fought against us?"

"No... She didn't. Monk what are you trying to say?"

"He's saying that it isn't the queen that's in that building."


"He turned and looked at the priestess who slammed the table with her fist. "If it isn't her, who would be in the firelands." Drummen looked at Raven. "The only one I can think of, is the one we all really want to meet... There are countless numbers of trolaiths marching past us, in the dark, but they know where they're going... There is only one possible idea of who is in that building."

"The creator of the trolaiths..."

Drummen nodded at Harnio. "It has to be the creator... Think about it. We saw the queen. She wouldn't like this place at all. She seems more interested in the finer things of life..."

"If that's the case... Our plan still doesn't change... Instead of the queens head, we're going to be taking the creator's head... The master as the drones call him."

Drummen nodded and took a drink from his wine skin. "I'm impressed husband... That's some good thinking you did just now... I'm so proud of you." He felt his face heat up as she winked at him. "When we have some time, I'll show how proud I'm of you later."

"Cough... Cough."

He cursed and looked at the others. "If the master is here, than we're going to be facing countless beasts as well as drones... My guess, the drones are just food for the trolaiths... Future trolaiths." He looked at Harnio... "There'll be a lot of things that you'll be able to see, and send home if we remove their creator... No more trolaiths."

"Yes... If we remove him, than we'll only have the queen to deal with, and we'll get answers as to why they were made in the first place, and what they're for."

Drummen let go of Raven's hand and walked to the table. "We need to remove this person... We can't allow the trolaiths to continue spreading all over Athlos... There's no one who can protect all the people from their jaws."

"Yes... We all agree with you on that Drummen, but right now we can't attack them, until we get to their base of operations..." He looked up and stared at the firewarrior with fire in his eyes. "If we do nothing, than Athlos burns... Are you willing to sit here and wait for their army to amass, when we could do something now?"

"Drummen... You know I also detest these blasted beasts... If we attack now, they'll know we're here." Drummen smiled and looked at Raven who nodded at him. "What if we did something in a way, that they'll think it was the firelands that killed them, and nothing else?"

"If that was possible, than sure. We could go out there right now and do it." Drummen shook his head. "If we went outside we'd be dead from it as well, as long as we stay in this place, we'll be safe from what I'm planning."

"What's this amazing plan of yours that'll wipe the unit of trolaiths out, without them thinking it was anything else?" He looked at the priestess with a smile. "I do have my ways, and with Raven's help we can make it work..."

"Monk, do you think you and Raven have the ability to set it off?" He looked at Harnio with a mischievous smile. "I didn't even say what I was going to do, yet you figured it out... Smart one you are Harnio... I like that about you."

"Tttthanksss monk... Still you didn't answer my question... Can you do it?" Drummen looked at Raven, grabbing her hand. "On my own I can't but with Raven here assisting me, we both can do it."

"Let them do it... I'll need to work out some points, but they can do it without them knowing we're coming."

He looked at the firewarrior and priestess. "Are you going to tell me what your planning?" Drummen smiled and looked at Harnio. "I'll let Harnio do the preparations. Raven and I need to start preparing..."


"Don't disturb them... Its not an easy thing to set off a volcano... Let alone two or three of them."

"Your what? Monk... Are you serious? Is he serious?"

"Don't worry... These houses are safe from volcano eruptions... The materials and shape of them... Like he said, as long as we stay inside no harm will come to us? Also... If there was any trouble, we can go underground, or even into the sky."

"Hahaha... Fine with me... Harnio you do what you need to do." Drummen looked up and looked at the group of them staring at the map. "Don't worry... We won't bring any harm to anyone in this place... Troliaths coming massing together for a war, need to be stopped and removed before they get there." He looked back at Raven and held her hands.

"Lets start my beautiful wife."

"Wait for the wind walker to finish first... We need his guidance to make sure that we get them all..." He nodded and kissed her hand. He looked at the priestess with a smile. "Don't worry, once we're done here, we'll join you in your hunt for the queen... The master is also dangerous."

"I know... They all need to be removed from this place... Especially if we're protecting Athlos."

"She seems to understand our feelings husband." Drummen nodded. "I think so..." He looked at Harnio. "Are you ready yet?"

"Yes... You need to set off three of them, the eruption can't go up, it needs to go sideways at an angle... That way the magma will destroy the entire unit... It also has to kill them quickly, before they learn how to evolve and deal with volcanoes... I'll help with the ash clouds, making it impossible for any flyers as well."

Drummen smiled. "Than lets begin... We have a unit to remove."