
Drummen looked at Raven and felt his heart fall for a moment. "Don't worry husband... I'll be up here with my family, and Cliffhopper... The five of you, will be able to sneak in there better, since we like to make noise."

"Yeah brother... I'm on planning to kill many as a distraction for you all... I better get something nice of it in return." Drummen smiled at him. "How about a child? She would be almost due now... Or at least a few more months... Hard to tell in this place." He cursed and looked at the others waiting for him. "Hurry up monk... You'll seem them both soon." He turned as he touched fists with Cliffhopper. "You better be in one piece when I get back... If not, I'll be taking all the pieces and stuffing them, than hitting you with them for the rest of your crippled life." He quickly looked at Mouse. "No offence."

"Come on Drummen... We need to prepare to enter... And as the old shadow said... We need your skills to get in." He nodded at Stannir. "I'm on my way..." He stood with the others and waved at Raven. "Go kill them all for me wife."

"Daughter... He seems to have become very attached to you... Has anything happened that your father and I should be aware of?" He smiled at her parents. "Don't worry... I'm taking good care of her."

"Actually... I'm the one taking care of him." Drummen cursed and watched them disappear from view as they went underground. He turned and looked at them. "All we have to do now is head into the place and beat up whoever is in there."

"I think you're missing out a lot of the plan monk." He smiled at Harnio. "I remember the most important parts... That old shadow talks too much... I wonder if Mouse could speak, would he be as long winded as he is?" He felt a dagger at his throat. "Mouse relax... Don't worry about me... Just jokes." He saw Mouse's smiling face and cursed at him. "You have a very poor sense of humor... Tree shadow..." He touched his throat and looked at the others looking at him with a smile. "At least my humor makes people laugh."

"Drummen... The only people that laugh at your jokes is your brother... Sometimes Raven as well... Come on we need to focus." He looked at Stannir, nodding. "I'm ready... Don't need to worry about me... We have to get rid of this person as fast as possible, while they're busy directing the battle outside."

He saw Mouse signing at them. "He said, the old shadow told him that it won't be that easy... It seems the master has made precautions, and his creations have become smarter and stronger from our previous fights with them."

"If that's the case do we still have a chance?" He looked at the priestess with a smile. "With me and Mouse around... I'm sure we'll be fine... Isn't that right Mouse?" He saw Mouse nod, signing. He looked at Stannir. "What did he say this time?"

"He said, the master is his... Whatever else we face is up to us."

Drummen nodded and stretched his arms, and smiled as he formed his earthen staff. "As long as I get to beat a few beasts and drones into dust, that's fine by me..." He looked around in the tunnel. "Do we have to wait until they start?"

"Ouch... What was that for priestess? I asked a normal question... Its all in our minds." He turned to Harnio. "If you know please enlighten us."

"Monk... If you heard the old shadow, than you know why..." Drummen looked at the others. "I was listening, but forgot some parts I think..."

"Hmph... Too much muscle, not enough brains... We should of let Raven come with us instead... At least she knows how to use her brain." Drummen smiled sourly at the priestess. "Thanks for your vote of confidence in me..."

"You're welcome... Harnio... Please let our drunk monk know what he missed out on?"

"You could also say it priestess, since you were also listening..." He saw the priestess's red face and smiled. "It seemed another person also wasn't listening to the old shadow... Blaming me for keeping my eyes on my wife, while you're off staring in the distance."

"If you wanted to know. I was looking for the one they called the water watcher... I couldn't see them at all, but they said they're up there somewhere..."

"Fine... I'll just say it... The old shadow mentioned those tunneling troliaths can sense tremors in the earth. If we made a tunnel before they started, than they would be able to sense us, causing our infiltration to fail." Drummen nodded. "So, we just wait for a whole lot of noise, and than we make the tunnel into the building." He sat against the wall and put his arms around his head. "This is quite relaxing down here... No sun, not too much heat, and a nice cool breeze..." He looked down the tunnel, cursing. "We have a problem." He stood up and started walking in the direction of the breeze. "What's the problem with a bree..."

Drummen raised a finger to quiet the group. He turned back to them, and lowered his voice. "This whole place is a maze of tunnels... Its all been dug out." He looked at them whispering. "When they attack the top will cave in and this whole maze will be revealed..."

He heard Stannir curse, and looked in his direction. "The tunnels are already made... If there's a breeze, that means there's a way out of it."

"Do you know where it leads?" Drummen shook his head, "not yet... But I'll know in a moment." He put his hand on the wall and closed his eyes. "Where do you go?" He felt a pulse of energy leave him, and flow through the walls, returning back to him. He opened his eyes, looking at the others with a serious smile on his face. "I found the exit, a bonus... The exit is leading into the building we need to get to built on the volcano."

"That's good news... Why do you look serious with that smile of yours?" He nodded at Stannir and the priestess. "We have a few units of troliaths in the tunnels, between us and the exit." He looked at them with a smile. "If we could take them out, when the surface is attacked, than we should be fine..."

"That's if, they don't destroy the ground beneath them... You know what your mother in law is like... Do you think she'll leave the ground in tact?" Drummen spun the staff in his hand. "No... I don't think she will. I guess all of them will make a mess of the place... Its the firelands after all." He stood at the tunnel and watched as Mouse walked forward spinning his short swords around. He eyed him as he walked past. "It seems Mouse wants to make short work of them in the tunnel..."

"Mouse, make sure you time your attack with what's happening above ground." He looked at Stannir. "Also... Don't kill them all. I also want to play." He saw Mouse wave his blade at him and ran disappearing into the shadows. Drummen cursed and looked at the others. "I can't even feel his steps... He's very quiet... What happened to him at his trial?"

"No idea, but whatever the result he's become even stronger..." He smiled in the darkness of the tunnel in front of him. "I may not able to sense him, but his targets, I can feel very clearly..." He cursed and shook his head in amazement. "Lets go... Mouse cleared it already."

"What... Are you serious? They haven't even started above us yet." He nodded at Stannir and walked down the tunnel. "We better hurry, or he'll take on the whole place before we even have a chance to show the others we can infiltrate... They're probably watching us as we speak..."

He cursed as he imagined Daikish's gaze upon him. "Are you okay?" Drummen nodded at Harnio. "I'm fine... Just remembering something scary... And dangerous."

He looked up and saw Mouse's smiling face at them walking back through the tunnel with his swords sheathed. "Good work Mouse... Lets get ready to move."


Drummen looked above him, smiling and started to run. "It seems like they've begun... We must also hurry." He lead them through the maze of tunnels until they stopped at a broken stone wall. He turned and stared at them all. He bowed and pointed. "Ladies and gentlemen... We've arrive. I hope you enjoyed your tunneling experience with me... Now let the infiltration begin..." He stood straight, looking at Stannir. "Kill on sight?"

"Yes... Kill on sight. No games... No counting or race, just kill... We need to find the location of where their master is." He cracked his neck and stepped through the stone wall, turning the four legged trolaiths into dust. "Sounds good for me... As long as we can leave this place after... I prefer the inside of a tavern for a while."

"With the attention of all the women in the tavern?" Drummen shook his head as he ducked letting the priestess fire over him. "Not at all... That's all out of my system... I have Raven now... She fulfills everything I need..."

"Even the wine?" Drummen nodded as he threw his staff at one trolaith pinning it against the wall, letting Stannir finish it off, turning it into dust. "She can drink... And she knows how to make the best win."

"Its because of no more need spending coin isn't it?" He frowned at Harnio. "Not at all... I truly care and love her... She's my lady luck after all." He turned to Mouse watching as he took care of a small group of them. "Aren't you going to say something about this as well?" He saw Mouse shaking his head, and formed another staff shoving it in the open jaw of the trolaith pushing it through the other side. "At least Mouse has manners... Do we know where we're going yet?"

"We go up, and keep going up until we meet their master." Drummen smiled and started walking and attacking through the unit of trolaiths in front of them. "Lets hurry... We can't keep them waiting."

"After him... Anything you see as you pass, you kill it... Not a scenic tour Harnio..." He turned and looked at Stannir and Harnio. He waved his arm at them. "Lets look for stairs and take them all down?"

"I have a better idea." He looked at Harnio as he started writing in the air. He turned, looking at the nearby stair case as a cloud started to form. "There's the long way, which is not suitable, or we have our express... Choose?" He smiled and jumped on the cloud as it finished forming. "Clever Harnio, lets go... I feel my blood starting to heat up... There's some strong people in this place, and I want to fight against them."

"You heard the monk... On the cloud... Harnio take us up." He watched as the others stepped on the cloud, and cursed as the cloud started moving up the floors. He looked at the stairs around him, smiling. "I'm glad we chose the cloud and not the stairs... They look too tiring for me."

"Not only is he a drunk monk, he's also a lazy one." He smiled at the priestess as she fired her bow at the trolaiths on the steps. "Its who I am... To get the best results in the quickest way, with the smallest amount of effort... To tiring if I had to work hard for it."

He looked as the cloud stopped at the top floor and he jumped off the cloud staring at a door in front of him. He smiled and opened it. "Aren't you going to check what's behind this door before you open it." He shook his head. "I already know... I can feel them... I'm ready to fight." He opened it and stared at the lone trolaith staring back at him with a grin on its face.

"Come fight... Weakling."

He looked at the others with a smile spinning his staff around him. "This one is mine... It called me a weakling... I'm going to show him what true strength is." He looked at the others behind him. "Don't worry about me, I'll join up with you all once I turned this one into dust."

"Fight well Drummen... We'll be seeing you soon." He nodded at Stannir as the group walked past them. He watched as the beast in front of him started to spin a staff around. "Ohh, you know how to use a staff I see... Lets see how good you really are."

He ran at the beast with a smile, feeling his blood start to boil. "Try and keep me here with you... You ugly beast."