WebNovelThe Throne100.00%

The search begins

Harnio smiled at Eiken. "Come professor... We're going on a ride in the Unifier again."

"Not me this time... I'm going to stay here, and protect this place... You'll be able to find the trolaith and stop its movements." Harnio frowned and looked at his feet as they walked towards the Unifier. "I understand that you want to be here... Professor I'll do a good job, and find the trolaith, so we can destroy it before it moves on."

"That's a good student, I know you'll do well... I want to have a bit of a rest, especially after all that fighting on the beach against them... So I'll keep this place safe." Harnio nodded and walked up the plank of the Unifier. "I'll do what I can..." He walked into the Unifier and sat inside watching the crew move around the vessel.

"Lets get the Unifier moving... Cast off, enter the tunnel and lets go fishing..." Harnio looked down at his hands. "They'll let me be since they have to work." He walked off the bridge and sat in his room quietly enjoying the sound of the water around him. "I don't usually get to hear this a lot... I should remember this moment as much as possible." He stood up and put his hand on the wall. He smiled as he felt the energy from the water around the Unifier. "What if I used that energy to push the Unifier further?" Harnio took his hand off the wall and walked to the battery room. "Professor... What are you doing down here?"

Harnio looked down at his feet. "I'm just looking around at the batterys, and how to improve the design... Also, just making sure things are working well."

"That's fine... You made this, so do what you need to do." Harnio nodded, keeping his head down, and walked down the rows of batterys. "There're a lot of batterys here... I have to find a way to keep them charged... If I don't than we'll have to keep replacing them." He shook his head. "I shouldn't wait to do this to the Unifier is out of the water... I can do it here now... I can feel the energy passing us by." He walked up to the wall and started to write on it. "This should help..." He blinked his eyes, and felt the world slow down. He looked down at his hand, watching it move twice as fast.

He turned and looked at the woman who was observing him. "She's moving very slowly..." He frowned and shook his head. "No... Its me that's moving fast... I should get this done as fast as possible, so I can see the effects of it." He took a step back, and looked at the wall of writing he had made,. "What's that for professor?" He looked at the ground. "Just for the batterys... So we don't have to keep replacing them."

"Good thinking professor... What about the second floor of batterys? Will you do that as well? Also, what about the weapon batterys?" Harnio nodded. "I'll get to them as well... Just need to make sure that this works."

"Professor... I do have a question... How are we going to find the troliath... The sea is large, and there're many places that they can hide, especially in the battery sea." Harnio nodded, "I've thought about that, and came up with an idea that can help..."

"What 's this idea of yours?" Harnio smiled. "Its all to do with sound... There're sound batterys... I replaced the old ones that were on the Nebi, and improved how they work."

"Very impressive professor... I can't wait to see what you do next to the Unifier." Harnio nodded and took a step, standing in front of the wall near the next row of batterys, and started writing again. He blinked and watched the world around him slow down again, and smiled as his writing speed increased. He took a step back, watching the writing start to shine. "This should work..." He turned and looked at the batterys as they started to glow in tune with the glowing words. "Perfect... That looks fine."

"Battery room report... What's happening in the battery room? We're reading high output readings from there..." Harnio felt his face turn red. "Battery room here... The professor did something here... He has created the increase of output."

"That's good... We'll be able to increase the speed of the Unifier, and get there faster... But it seems we're making to much noise... We'll have to slow down when we get closer... Professor... Report to the bridge... We need your help." Harnio nodded and took a step, appearing in the bridge. He looked around at the women on the bridge, and walked to the battery sensor. "Professor... We haven't had much chance to practice using this... Can you show us how it works?"

Harnio nodded, and pointed to the transparent, empty batterys in front of them. "Tttheese showw immage affftterr youuuu acctivvateeee theee sounddd batterry... Likeee thtisss." Harnio activated the battery, and watched as an image of the tunnel formed in front of them, with different colors. "This is better than what we did before... Thank you professor... We'll be able to find the thing that took the Nebi from us." Harnio nodded and took a step away from them, standing at the read of the bridge.

"Professor you can go rest if you want... We'll call you once we find the troliath on the scanner you made." Harnio nodded and walked off the bridge, and didn't stop until he was back in his cabin. He looked at the roof of the small cabin, and closed his eyes. "Hello mind palace... What shall we read today?"

He walked through his mind palace admiring the books, scrolls and parchments he found inside. "There's just so much information... I want to read it all, and learn all that's in here." He chose a random book, staring at its cover. "Echolocation of Nightwings..." He smiled. "This shall do me for now." He walked over to the comfortable chair in his mind palace, and started to read in silence.


"Professor... Professor... We've found something... All systems are quiet... Tap... Tap... Professor?" Harnio opened his eyes, and opened the cabin door to his room. "What's happened?"

"We're in the battery sea, and have identified something on the sea floor that shouldn't be there... You're requested on the bridge to identify, and to lead us." Harnio nodded and took a step arriving in the bridge. He walked over to the scanner, staring at the image in front of him of the object on the sea floor. "Professor... We wouldn't of been able to find this any other way... This scanner was able to find it after one scan." Harnio nooded, looking at the large creature's tentacles, and strange body shape. "Its like a trolaith, and also looks like its part of something man made."

"Could this be the transport that the trolaiths used to get to the lands of the dome?" Harnio looked at the image, closely. "Give me a moment..." He closed his eyes and floated in his mind palace. "A creature, that has these traits... Marcule needed to have something to have as the base... What are you?" He looked at the images of scrolls until he came across something that made him smile. "This is what he used as his base... Its the only thing that fits..." He opened his eyes, and looked at the image as it stayed motionless. "That's it... I can see the organic parts, and the parts he added, so that the smaller trolaiths were able to move under the sea..."

"What are we going to do about it?" Harnio looked at it with a smile. "I want to study it..."

"You want to study it? How can you do that? It will detect us if we get closer... Even if we attack from this position, its size won't feel any damage from our weapons." Harnio nodded in thought. "We can't attack it while its down there on the sea bed... We need to wait until it starts to rise to the surface... That's when we can attack, and I can go out there to study it."

"You're mad professor... How can you go out there to study it? The pressure from the depths we're at will kill you." Harnio smiled as he looked at his feet. "My body is special... Pressure isn't a problem for me... I think... I'll have to test it out, but if my theory is correct. I'll be fine."

"So all we do is sit here and wait silently, until it starts to move?" Harnio shook his head. "If it moves, it'll see us, or find us... We need to move and land somewhere where it isn't too deep, and that we can keep an eye on that thing."

"Good idea professor... Lets find a place for us to put this down... I want shifts watching the beast at all times... Once we get to the surface, we'll send signals to the land... She'll will be able to see our signal, and know we found it." Harnio nodded. "I'll join in on the watching shift... There's lots I can learn from this troliath, just by watching it, in how it moves, swims and even breaths under the sea... I'm also curious how it is able to handle the pressure at that deep."

"How far are we from the coastline of the dome?"

"We're about a three mark surface travel to the dome coastline. Harnio frowned. "That's strange... We're still that far away... Why did it decide to just stay here on the sea floor? Also, how do they communicate with each other?" Harnio leaned on the scanner to try and get a better understanding of the creature. "I want to learn how Marcule did that, so I can undo his work..."

"Professor the only way that I can see to undo that work is to destroy it with everything that we've got." Harnio nodded. "Yes... I don't disagree with you at all... I'm just amazed that this troliath we're looking at is able to survive at very cold temperatures, and huge pressure upon it... If I knew these things I can make the Unifier even stronger."

"Captain would always tell us, that we need to take steps before we learn how to run... The Unifier is ours, and I know that you'll keep making this into something special, so that one day we'll be able to be on the sea floor like that trolaith beast we're looking at now."

Harnio nodded in thought. "You're right, but that doesn't mean I can't learn something from it now..."

"As long as you don't do anything stupid like the captain's wife is well known for." He smiled. "I'm not as impulsive or lazy as he is... I just care about my work and to learn something new is very exciting to me..."

"Professor... I have a question... Will you ever look at us? Or will you just stare at your feet or our feet while we talk?" Harnio nodded. "What's wrong with that? What rule is there, that I have to look at someone in the face? If I see that, than I may see other things... Which is why I want to see this thing with my own eyes... I can predict its covered in soul batterys, and other terrible devices..."

"That's fine... We'll keep calling you professor, since you teach us a lot about our own ship." He smiled. "I'll keep working on it... I'll keep teaching you how to use it well."

"We're landing on the top of a cliff face... We have a good view of the target, and we're hidden against being discovered..."

Harnio smiled. "The first part of the plan is complete... Now all we can do is wait and learn." Harnio started to write in the air, as he floated in a better position of the scanner, looking at the image it was displaying and the small bubbles it would release. "Very interesting... What are your secrets? I'll learn them all."