Chapter Seven

Liv's POV

I wanna do something fun. But I'm not exactly in the best position to pick something fun.

I really need to let this anger out. Ya know?

But, I could always go to the park. It is my happy place

But I bet Winnie and the girls would have a better idea. So I grab my phone and reply to all the texts

To Drew: Oh it's nothing serious. You don't have to worry bout me

To Josh: Hola to you too

As I was typing I received a notification.

You have been added to a group "b's and g's"

As I read the notification I chuckle. Its either Winnie or Cece that created the group.

I go to the group and type

Me: Hey girls. Y'all shud meet me at the oak tree in 5. It's urgent

After sending that, I make my way to the oak tree. On my way I receive a few texts

Winnie: Hola babes. It's the boss over here 😋. See y'all at the oak tree

Blair: what's up b's and Liv what's the emergency??

Me: Just get here. HURRY!!

South: Omy

Cece: I'm coming, just getting my emergency kit.

I settle down on the ground and rest my back in the tree. And I close my eyes and before I can drift off to wonderland I am stopped by the notification alert of my phone

Blair: Here

Winnie: Here

South: Here

Cece: Here

Then I look up. To see all of then with worried faces.

"Cece to the rescue" Cece says as she settles on the ground beside me with her 'emergency kit'

All of them sit down. And look at Cece as she brings out the content if her 'emergency kit'

"Okay, I've got some tissue, some apples and some ice cream" Cece says as she brings then out

"Did she go through a breakup? Is that what this is about??" Blair says still confused

"Nope" I say

"THEN WHATS GOIN ON??? " they all say in unison

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask if you girls were up to a fun day, on me" I say as u shrug

"Wait what? Is this our Liv?? " South says

"Yeah, what happened to studying for 'fun'??"

"Yeah, it is. Angry Liv and I'd just like to let off a little steam and I was wondering if you girls were interested. Apparently your not so see ya later"

As I try to stand up I am pulled back by South

"Waaaait We might never get to see this Liv anymore" Cece says

"Yeah" South agrees

"Okay so who's in? " I say already getting excited.

Winnie, Blair, South and Cece don't really know each other. So it'll be great for bonding.

I face palm myself "Oh, stupid me. Blair, Winnie, Cece, South, South, Cece, Winnie, Blair"

"We know each others names we just don't know each other" Blair says as she shrugs and the rest nod.

"Okay, let's get going already. My car? "

Blair says

"Cool" I say and everyone gets up and follows Blair to her reserved parking spot.

And when we get there we meet a sleek porsche. Blair's Porsche.

"Whoa" I whisper-gasp

And then she gets in and then Winnie yells " I call shot gun" and the rest of us are still oogling at the car.

"Well, hop in" Then we all get in

"I've never been in a Porsche before" I say out loud

"But you've been in a Ferrari before" Winnie teases

Then all of them giggle while I turn tomato red. "Shut up"

And then they laugh even more

"So where did ya have in mind" Blair says

"I was actually counting on you guys for that" I say

"Oh, I know where we can go" Blair says as she reverses and zooms outta school.


About twenty minutes later, Blair pulls over at the mall. Of course she does.

And then all of a sudden all the girls look at me and them yell-scream "YAASS" and then they all giggle as we get down.

"So where too first. And who's paying?" Blair says

"Well, I do need more clothes" Cece says

"Me too, I need more JB tops" South says

"Well, I need some makeup" Winnie says

"Me too" Me and Blair say in unison

"Okay so here's the deal, me and Cece head to Forever 21 and then y'all can go to Zara. Deal? " South says

"Deal" Me, Blair and Winnie say in unison

"Yeah, you were always the idea person"

"And then we'll meet up at the food court" Winnie says

We're all about to part ways until Cece says "Wait, Cash? "

"Yeah, Liv you said it was on you" South says

And then I reach into my bag and get out two credit cards

And they all look at me "You sure there's money in there?" Cece says and South nudges here in the elbow

I roll my eyes "Yes, there is now go the mall will soon close"

And then South collects the card and we head out ways.


"So, what shade do you think goes better with my skin tone? " Winnie says as she holds up two shades of pink lipstick

"Second" Blair and I say at the same time

"Fourth time today" Blair says and we both smile.

"Okay then" Winnie says

"So are we all done here? " I say



"Okay, Winnie, go pay for the stuff and Blair help her with the bags while I call South and Cece"


"Can do"

And with that the girls get to the counter and I call South

"Hey, you guys done there? "

"Yeah, just that Cece is stuck in some really skinny jeans" South says as she laughs and then I hear Cece yell "It's not funny. And I'm not stuck okay? "

I laugh "Well, we're done so meet us at the food court? "

"Kay, she has gotten the jeans off so we'll see y'all in five" South says

"k" I say and cut the phone.

The girls are ready but are having problems carrying the bags. So I go help them.

By the time we walk out. I'm carrying three bags, Winnie: five, Blair: Three.


"Okay we're here" South says

"Finally" Winnie says.

We all order French fries and a milkshake.

"So where to next?" Winnie says

"What?? I'm so tired" I say. Turns out shopping is alotta work.

And the other girls look at me with disbelief on their faces.

"No way in hell I'm going home now" Cece says and the rest of the girls nod


"But where too next then girls?" I say hoping they would give up

"Oh, we know a place" Blair and Winnie say in unison

"Well then let's go"


"Hey Liv, where did you get all this money from?" Cece says after examining all our bags.

"Uh, birthday money? "

"Okay" Cece says with a suspicious look on her face.

The truth is I was spending my dad's bribe money over the years. Apparently he thought money could fix everything. I never used it because I didn't want him to think I needed him, but today I just needed to squander it so they won't freeze my account. Besides I'm not ready to tell them my back story just yet. Not now.


I slept off. And then when I woke up, we had already reached our destination.

"Isn't this a club!!! " I say

"Yup" Blair says.

"It's our hang spot" Winnie says

"Cool" South and Cece say

"Well, let's go clubbing!!!"

And then we all get down from the car and we get to the entrance and the bouncer stops us

"Hold it, where do you think your going? "

"Relax Johnny, their with us" Winnie says

"Oh, Winnie, Blair, sorry I didn't see you there"

"That's what I thought" Blair said

"Whoa, how did you guys do that" South said

"Our dads know the owner of the club" Winnie says as she shrugs

"Deep breaths Olivia, Deep breaths" I keep muttering

And then they roll their eyes

"Would you just let go? You said you wanted a good time so, loosen up" Blair says


And we head to the bar


"Okay so, what do y'all want?" Winnie asks

"Uh, I have no idea" I say

Then Blair whispers something in Winnie's ear

"Okay Randy, five of the usuals with that Lil twist you always add" Winnie says as she winks

"You got it b" The barman, apparently Randy says

"So what do y'all wanna do now? " Blair asks

"Go home perhaps" I say


"Okay girls have your drinks" Randy says

I grab mine and take a sip.

And I spit it right back out.

"What the hell is that??"

"A martini with a Lil twist" Blair says as she shrugs

"Whoa, that's good" South says

"Now this is my happy place" Cece says

Then I try again but this time I chug it down "Another"


"Whooooo, Paaaartaaaay" I yell.

What the hell is happening to me. I feel so alive. I've never felt this way before

"Whoa, who knew drunk Liv was a party animal" Cece says

"yeah, but this isn't Liv anymore. This is a new being, and she shall be called: Selena"

And then the girls laugh

Right now I'm on the dance floor, grinding some dude. Whoa, I'm actually grinding a dude!!

"I love Selena" Blair says while Cece takes pics of me

And then Currently Winnie is doing a live stream on snap chat and she brings the camera to my face

"Hey guys, meet Selena. You might know her as Liv but when she is drunk she is known as Selena. Say hi Selena"

And then she brings the phone to my face.

"What's up party people!!!! " and then I climb a table and tell the DJ

"DJ, turn down the music I have a few words to say"

Then the music stops, a random dude hands me a microphone and then everyone looks my way

"Alright party people. I have been given a special assignment to make sure everyone has a kickass time here" And then everyone starts whooping

"Y'all can call me SELENA aka Party Goddess aka Girl on fire(pronounced as Faya)"


and then the real cheering starts "Yo Randy, make sure everyone gets what they want"

Then I put on some glasses that I got from who knows where and then I yell

"DJ, you know what to do" then I drop the mic on the floor

And then the DJ plays an all time favorite

"Oh Das ma jaam" And then I start twerking

Then I dive into the crowd and I'm suprisely caught and passed onto my friends

And all of them stare at me like I lost my mind

"OH EM GEEE" Cece screams

"I got it all on video" Winnie squeals

"That was dope!! Blair squealed

"Who the heck are you?!?" South says

"How much do ya even have"

"Trust me, it'll be enough"

"Well girls are you just gonna stand here looking pretty or are y'all gonna allow the Party Goddess buy y'all some drinks"

"Drinks please" They all yell

And we all order what we want and then I head back to the dance floor, drink in my hand. And then when I get to the centre I start dancing and busting moves I didn't know I could then everyone yells "PARTY G, PARTY G, PARTY G"

And then I go sit down to have another drink. Whoa, who knew I would end up like this. I just feel so energetic and Alive. I think I have a new happy place.

And then Winnie says "Hey, since we're free, let's create that account for ya"

"K" I say as I hand her my phone and sit close to her

"Okay so I've installed Instagram, twitter and snap chat" Winnie said

"Okay well then let's sign me up" I say.

While me and Winnie are creating an account for me, Blair and Cece are on the dance floor amidst guys while South is busy shoving her tongue down a dude's throat.

"Okay so, username? "Winnie says

"Uhhh, What's your username?" I say

"Polka_dotted_diva" Winnie says

"Cool, what do you think I should use?"

"Something like...Selena?" Winnie says

"Nah," I say

"I got it," Winnie says

"Liv_luv_laf" Winnie says

"That's perfect" I say

Then she sets everything up and she uses the same username for all accounts.

"Okay we're all done. You know how to use them right?"

"Yeah" I say then she hands me my phone

I checked my profile and saw that Winnie used one of the selfies we took when I was dancing. It's a cute one. And then I also noticed I had a new follower and I checked it was Winnie and I looked up and she smiled at me.

And then I checked her own profile. She has 1k+ followers. Wow. And she posted something just now. It's the video that she took of me and she wrote @ Liv_luv_laf this bitch is as crazy as hell when she is drunk 😂😂😂

#Selena #Drunkliv #PartyG

And then I smiled and commented @ Polka_dotted_diva 😂😂😂 Ikr

And then people started liking and commenting. I'm getting popular

The rest of the girls come back

"Man, I'm tired" Blair says

"Yeah, let's call it a night" Winnie says

"Are you kidding me. This was the best night of my life. Do you think I'd want it to end??" I say

"yeah, I had fun with y'all but let's call it a night Selena" Cece says

"Okay, let's go" South says

"Fine but lemme pay for the drinks first" I huff

I really had fun. This was one heck of a night to remember. And I bet the girls had fun and I bet they bonded so, Mission accomplished.
